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1、 从每小题 4 个答案中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。 (每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) ( )1. He _ to his parents. A. not often writes B. isnt often write C. dont often write D. doesnt often write ( )2. -Jill: Is Sam ready to go out? . -Carol: Yes, he _ on his coat. A. put B. is put C. is putting D. puts ( )3. Theyre old friends. He

2、 _ her for years. They went to the same school. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. knew ( )4. -Joe: Where is Terry? Hes late. -Bob: Dont worry. I expect _ here soon. A. hes B. hell C. hell be D. he is going ( )5. Your idea is _ mine. A. better than B. as better as C. more good than D. best of (

3、)6. _ very cloudy today. Lets hope it doesnt rain. A. They are B. There are C. Its D. There is ( )7. Sue: _ do you see her? Mark: Twice a week. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ( )8. Jack remembered to post the letter, _? A. doesnt he B. isnt he C. didnt Jack remember D. didnt he ( )

4、9. Where are Sam and Joe? I cant see _ people in the room. A. a. B. any. C. some. D. much. ( )10. Which of these is a sentence? A. Eating lunch B. In the kitchen C. He playing the piano D. The soup is cold. ( )11. Which sentence matches the picture? A. The table is in the kitchen. B. I like turkey s

5、andwiches. C. The man is making a big sandwich. D. The old man checks kids homework. ( )12. Which of the following is a complete (完整的) sentence? A. Smiled every morning when Jeanie gets up. B. Every morning when Jeanie smiling gets up. C. When Jeanie gets up every morning smiling. D. Every morning w

6、hen Jeanie gets up, she smiles. ( )13. -Is there any chicken left from dinner last night? - _ A. No, I ate it for lunch. B. I didnt go out last night. C. No, there is only a little bit left. D. Last night we left the chicken. ( )14. Waiter: Would you like to see a menu? _ A. I see him eating. B. Yes

7、, please. C. No, I dont really like it. D. You have lobster here. ( )15. Which sentence in the following paragraph should be removed because it is not related? 下面一段话中哪个句子与主题无关? Maria really likes the first day of school. She likes to see friends that she hasnt seen all summer. A B Thanksgiving is fu

8、n because there is always a parade at school before that day. She likes to look C through her new books to see what she will be studying that year. D 二、划分音节。 (每小题 1 分,共计 5 分)判断下列单词所含的音节数,并将答案填在答题卡相应位置。 Example: animal 3 1. zebra _ 2. lion _ 3. walrus _ 4. alligator _ 5. butterfly _ 三、选词填空。 请从方框中选出适当

9、的词语充当下列各句的主语。 其中有两个词语是多余的。 请将答案写在答题卡相应的位置。 (每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A big spider, A buzzing bee, Happily, My notebook, A gray dolphin, My mother, Wash, My closet, The houseplant, Minions, The eye doctor, The space alien 1 _ looked for nectar in the flower. 2 _ has lots of clothes in it. 3 _ checked my visi

10、on and told me I needed glasses. 4 _ needs soil, water and sunlight. 5 _ landed the UFO. 6 _ jumped in the sea. 7 _ was upset because I broke her favorite vase. 8 _ is filled with stories that I wrote. 9 _ spun a web in the doorway. 10 _ in the movie Despicable Me made me laugh. 四、动词活用。 请选出下列每组中表示动作

11、的单词,并填在答题卡相应的位置。 (每空 1 分,共计 5 分) 1. kind, flashlight, quickly, hop 2. shake, jam, sorry, out 3. house, sweet, play, chips 4. learn, doctor, little, inside 5. spicy, walk, flower, hungry 请用你选出的动词把下列各句补充完整。 如果需要,可变换动词的形式。 将答案填在答题卡相应的位置。 (每空 1 分,共计 5 分) 6. Baby Joe _ to walk very soon. 7. I like _ with

12、 my best friend Patty. 8. We watch the bunnies _ around the yard. 9. I missed the bus and had to_ to school. 10. They _ hands and saying goodbye to each other at the airport. 五、完形填空。 请从每小题 4 个答案中选择一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入答题卡相应的位置。 (每小题 1 分,共计 15分) The world _1_ is becoming much _2_ by using modern traffic a

13、nd modern communication means (通讯设备). Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new _3_. One of the biggest problems is _4_. To pollute means to make things _5 . Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even _6_ it. Man has been polluting

14、the earth. The more people, _7_ pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the _8_ was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place. But this is _9_ true. Man is now slowly polluting the whole world. Air pollution

15、is still the most _10_. Its bad for all living things in the world but it is not the only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and _11_ our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily. Many countries are making rules to _12_ pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the _13_. Pollution by

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