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1、adv.above在上方(反义词)belowabroadadv. 在国外,到国外go abroad 出国(对比)on board 在船上Ive never live abroad before. 我以前从未在国外生活过。He often goes abroad on business. 他经常因公出国absent不在的,缺席的accentacceptv.接受,同意accept a challenge接受挑战;accept a gift(invitation, advice) 接受礼物(邀请,建议)accidentby accident (偶然,意外的); I met her quite by

2、accident.have an accident 事故,意外事故ache(持续而隐隐的)疼痛achieve实现,取得across横过Go across the road. Cross the road.act actor actressv. 行为,行动act out 表演actiontake action (to do) 采取行动做某事active爱活动的;积极的,活跃的be active in (doing) sth 积极参加Shes been active in raising money for the new school building. 她积极为兴建学校大楼筹款。activit

3、y活跃,热闹反义词inactivity; leisure activities 娱乐活动addaddto: 把 和 放在一起addressadvantage优势,有利条件advertisement广告 (ad. )advice意见,忠告 There is lots of advice on baby care in the book.这本书中有序婴儿护理的建议。give advice:Could you give me some advice about buying a house?ask sbs advice 征求某人的意见follow/ take sbs advice 听从/采纳某人的意

4、见adviseadvise sb to do sthafford(常接在can, be able to后)买得起,付得起钱afford (to buy) sth: He cant afford the car.afford to do sth: We cant afford to go on vacation this year.今年我们没钱去度假。afraid(不用于名次前)(口)恐怕be afraid of (doing) sth: She is afraid of afraid to do sth 害怕做某事: Dont be afraid to ask for help

5、. 不要怕求人。 Im afraid so. 恐怕是的(如此) Is she ill? Im afraid not. 恐怕不是。 Im afraid so.Im afraid (that) Im afraid that hes not at home at the moment. after反义词 beforeprep.在之后 after work(school, class) day after day 日复一日; soon after 不久; one after another一个接一个;after all 终究;run after 追赶 (口语)After you.你先请。Do you

6、need the copier? After you. 你先用吧。adv. 在后又发生 Summer comes after spring. 春去夏来。conj. I watched TV after I finished my homework.afternoonagain有,再once again 再一次against反对;和交战(比赛)be against sthageat the age of 在多大岁数时 Whats your age?agoan hour ago, a moment ago, agree反义词disagreeagree with sb; agree on the p

7、lan; agree to do sthagreementair新鲜空气fresh (clean) air; by air by planeairline航空公司airplane飞机airport机场alive (不用于名词前)没有死去的not deadIt was a really bad accident they are lucky to be alive.这是一场十分严重的意外他们活着实属幸运。stay alive活下去allpron. 全部all ones life 一生; all the time 老是,总是all kinds of 各种各样的;all year round整年th

8、ey (we, you) all ;not at all 一点也不; all rightallow允许,准许allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事; be allowed to do sth被允许做某事; allow sb sthalmost几乎,差不多,将近(nearly)Weve almost finished the work. We stayed there almost a week. Almost all the children here speak two languages.aloneadj. (不用于名词前)单独的,独自的 alone on ones own

9、by oneselfadv. 单独地 He lives alone in the house. 与 lonely的区别 lonely 带感情色彩,“孤独的,寂寞的”Hes alone at home, but he doesnt feel lonely. 他独自一人在家,但他并不感到孤独。along1adv. 向前 go/ come along 一起去/来;Come along with me. 跟我来。get along/ on 进展,发展 How are you getting along with your work?你工作进展如何?He can get along well with

10、his classmates. 他能与同学相处好。2along with together with 与 一起 prep. 沿着 Were driving along the road.aloud出声地;大声地Read the text aloud. Read the text in a loud voice.alreadyalso也 not only but also 不但 而且also与too, as well, either的区别用法althoughconj.虽然,尽管Although hes old, he still works hard.always总是用在第一个助动词或情态动词或

11、系动词后、主要动词之前America美国,美洲Americanadj. 美国的,美洲的 n. 美国人among在当中,为所围绕The girl quickly disappeared among the crowd. 女孩很快消失在人群中。ancient古代的,古老的the ancient civilizations of Asia 亚洲的古代文明and和,及,与,又nice and 非常 Its nice and cold today.angrybe angry with sb 生的气; make sb angry 惹生气 an angry person/ look angrily adv. “The stupid young fool,” he said angrily. animalanotheradj. & pron. (同类的)另一个Can you pass me another apple?Would you like another cup of tea? I cant find the pencil youve just given me. Dont worry, heres anot

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