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1、5.和气生财Harmony Brings Wealth6.心想事成May All Your Wishes Come True7.吉祥如意Everything Goes Well8.国泰平安The Country Flourishes And People Live In Peace9.招财进宝Money And Treasures Will He Plentiful10.一帆风顺Wishing You Every Success11.步步高升Promoting To A Higher Position12.出入平安Safe Trip Wherever You Go13.祝你新的一年快乐幸福Wi

2、sh you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!14.事业成功,家庭美满Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!(任务二英语趣味知识-英语知识竞答思维训练.1.What do you call a girl who has three boy friends named william?三个男朋友都叫威廉的女孩叫什么?2.What is lighter than a feather,but you cant hold itfor even 10 minutes

3、?什么东西比羽毛还轻,但是拿着它你却坚持不了十分钟?3.Mary kissed her aunt good-bye but her aunt didnt kiss her back.Why?玛莉吻了姑姑再见,可是姑姑却没有吻玛莉,为什么?Keys:1.A Bill collector.收帐单的人。2.Your breath.你的呼吸。3.Her aunt kissed her face.她姑姑亲了她的脸。(任务三英语趣味问答1.What part of London is in France?伦敦哪个部分在法国?2.What makes a road broad?什么使马路变宽?3.What

4、letter stands for the ocean?什么字母代表海洋?4.What letter is to be avoided if you want to borrow money?要想借钱,就得避开什么字母?1.The lette5r “N”.字母N。2.The letter“B”.字母B。3.The letter“C”.字母C。4.The letter“A”,because it makes men mean.是字母A,因为它使人变得吝啬。(任务四英语幽默故事连连读Story 39 The Fisherman and His WifeOnce, there was a fishe

5、rman. He had an ugly wife. They were poor . One day, the fisherman caught a goldfish. But the goldfish could t alk, “Please let me go! Ill reward you.”“Ok, my God?” cried the fisherman, “Dont worry. I have no wish to eat a talking fish.” So he puts it into the water.The fisherman went home and told

6、his wife about it. She became ve ry angry. “How foolish you are!” she said, “Look at the hut. Go back to the sea and tell the fish to give me a cottage.”So the fisherman went down to the beach. “Whats the matter?” aske d the fish.“My wife wants to cottage.” said the fisherman. “Dont worry, she will

7、have it.” So the fishermans wife had her cottage.But after a few days, she became tired of it. “Tell the fish to give me a pala ce.” she said. Then the fisherman went back to the beach agai n. And the fishermans wife had her palace.But she soon got tried of it, too. “Ask the fish to be my servant, a

8、nd I want to be a queen.”This time, the fish got angry. It said nothing and swam away.The fisherman waited and waited, but the goldfish didnt come back. When he went home, he found his wife back in their old hut.故事39 渔夫和他的妻子从前,有一位渔夫,他又一个很丑的妻子。他们家里很穷。一天,渔夫捕到一条金鱼。但这条金鱼会说话:“请放我走吧!我会报答你的.”“啊,我的天啊!”渔夫吃惊地

9、叫道,“别担心,我不会吃一条会说话的鱼的。”于是他把金鱼放进了水里。渔夫回家并把这件事告诉了他的妻子。妻子非常愤怒。“你多愚蠢啊!”她说:“看看这个破草屋,到海边去,向金鱼要一间小木屋。”于是渔夫来到海边。“怎么啦?”金鱼问。“我的妻子想要一件小木屋。”渔夫说。“别担心,她会有的。”渔夫的妻子得到了一间小木屋。但过了几天,她对此感到厌倦了:“告诉金鱼,让它给我一座宫殿。”渔夫又返回海边。他的妻子得到了一座宫殿。但她很快又对此感到厌倦:“去叫金鱼做我的仆人,我想当女王。”这次,金鱼变得愤怒了,它一句话也没说就游走了。渔夫等呀等,但金鱼没有回来。当他回家时,他看见他妻子又回到就茅屋。Story 4

10、0 Its UnfairLinda was a good girl, but she was often late for school.One day, she was late again. When she came in, Mr. Clark, her teac her said angrily, “Ill tell you father if you are late again.” Linda didnt want him to do that. Because her father was very strict with her.The next morning, Linda

11、got up early. She hurried to school. At the school gate, she heard the first bell, “What shall I do?” she asked he rself, “Ill turn it in first.” She decided. And so she did.When she hurried into her classroom, Mr. Clack was already beginni ng his class. “Linda!Didnt I tell you to be here on time?”

12、Mr. Clack said as he as her. “Im sorry, sir,” Linda tried to explain, “Im late be cause I had to?“I dont listen to any excuse,” Mr. Clack stopped her. “If you cant ge t here on time, I have to tell your father.”“But Mr. Clack. Itsits unf air!“Unfair! How dare you say that?” Mr. Clack said angrily, “

13、Ill report y ou to the headmaster.“I was only trying to do a good idea,” Linda thought,“and now” She couldnt keep back her tears.When the bell rang for the break, the door opened and Mr. White, the headmaster came in. he was holding a wallet in his hand, “Excuse me, Mr. Clack. Is this your wallet?“O

14、h,yes.Its my wallet. Who found it? I must thank him.”“Linda found it and turned it in before school started.” Mr. Whitesaid.Mr. Clack face slowly turned red. He looked at Linda and said, “Im very sorry. Linda. I take back what I said.”“And Im sorry. Mr. Clack. Ill try not to be late again.” Linda said.故事40 这是不公平琳达是一个好女孩,但她经常迟到。一天,琳达又迟到了。当她进来的时,她的老师克拉克先生生气说:“如果你在迟到,我就通知你爸爸。”琳达不想他那么做,因为她爸爸对她要求很严格。二天,琳达起床很早。她匆匆向学校走去,在学校大门口,她停下来了。因为地上有一个钱夹。当她站在那儿是,她听见了第一遍铃声,“我该怎么办呢?”她自言自语,“我要先把它交上去。”她下定决定,于是她就是这么做了。当她匆匆走进教室的时候,克拉克先生已经开始讲课了。“琳达,我没有告诉你早点来吗?”克拉克先生一看到琳达就说,“对不起,先生。”琳达想解释,“我迟到是因为我不得不

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