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高中英语 Book 5 Unit 2 Reading reading puzzles in geography教学设计 新人教版必修5Word文件下载.docx

1、本单元教学内容贴近现代生活,富有较强的时代气息,教材涉及社会和自然科学,文化知识面很广:科技、媒体、建筑、诗歌、地理、环保等,在教学活动的设计上对学生提出了更高的要求,特别是在听力和阅读方面。涉及的是地理知识,中心话题是“不列颠群岛”,整个单元的热身、阅读等语言知识和语言技能项目都是围绕该话题展开的。单元的第一篇课文标题是The British Isles,与本单元的话题相同,是单元教学中的重点,一般分两节课进行,我要说的是阅读训练课。作为一篇说明文,课文从总体上介绍了不列颠群岛的地理位置(location)、气候(climate)、文化(culture)、历史(history)、语言(lan

2、guage)等概况。2.学生情况分析作为高二学生,他们已掌握了阅读的基本技能,但不能很好的将之付诸实践。他们可以从简单的文章中获取主要信息,但是很少触及外国资料。本节内容的学习,将会使学生逐渐形成一种跨文化交际意识,同时也将提高他们的阅读技能。3.教学目标分析1. 让学生在阅读的过程中抓住主要信息和相关信息;2. 培养和训练学生的阅读技能,如略读,跳读;3.培养学生的团队精神;4. 学习西方国家知识,拓宽学生视野。5. 尊重别国文化。4.教学重、难点分析 本节内容的重点是:使学生从总体和细节上掌握英国信息;学生使用阅读技能有效的进行阅读并获取有用信息。本节的教学难点是:如何提高学生的快速阅读能

3、力;学生如何很好的根据上下文猜测新单词的意思。5教法分析 在本节内容教学中,我将使用PPT把课程主要内容、英国的地图、英国主要河流的地图、英国国旗图片展示出来,以激发学生的学习兴趣,在教与学的过程中吸引学生用英语来学习。根据交际教学法和任务教学法,在课堂中,我会给学生布置一定的任务,并分成小组鼓励他们用英语进行讨论。6学法分析III. 本节课的设计思路本节课以新课标理论为指导,设计成为一节学生在主题资源网站平台上的个体学习与小组学习相结合的英语综合课。 1. 注重学习方式的改进:学生学习活动不应只限于接受、记忆、模仿和练习,高中英语课程倡导学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和小组合

4、作等方式学习,实现学习任务的目标,在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。基于以上思想,本节课采用浏览感受式、引导发现式和活动参与式相结合的学习方式,通过学生的主动参与,调动学生学习的积极性,充分体现学生的主体地位。2. 注重教学方法的创新:新课标倡导任务型的教学模式。由教师帮助、引导学生完成一系列由浅入深,由感性到理性的学习任务,是学生在教师指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨练意志、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心志和拓宽视野的过程。引导和帮助而不是代替学生学习,一方面鼓励学生独立自主学习,另一方面应该组织和鼓励学生采取小组合作学习。根据本节课的特点,教师组织学

5、生独立学习与小组合作学习相结合的教学方法,同时给予学生及时有效的帮助。3. 重视多媒体信息资源的应用:新课标力求合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的丰富的课程资源。本节课的主题是发明,看似抽象,实则与生活密切相关,教师通过利用音像,网络等教学资源,拉近发明与学生之间的距离,拓展了学生了解发明的渠道,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。4. 注重对学生学习的评价:在英语教学中,应建立多元化的评价目标,在以形成性评价为主的前提下,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。针对这节课,采取教师评价与学生自评相结合的方法,使学生积极参与到表演及竞赛活动中。IV. 教学过程设计:I

6、 ) 教学流程图aII) 教学过程(教案)教学过程分四个环节:阅读前;阅读中;阅读后;布置作业。VI. Teaching procedure (教学过程):1. Pre-reading (阅读前)Lead-in(导入)a. revision : Last time, we did the quiz in the “Warming up” ,I found that some of you really know a lot of the UK, while others didnt. Today, we are going to learn the “Reading”.b. Look at t

7、he title “Puzzles in Geography”, and try to guess what the content of this passage might be and share it with your partner. Then ask some Ss to speak it out.c. Teacher reads the following questions and reminds them to remember them: What do you want to know about the UK? What does the writer mainly

8、talked about in this passage?d. Fast reading T gives the Ss 3 minis to skim the text and try to guess the meaning of the new vocabularies. T encourages the Ss to tell what theyve got in class.2. While-reading (阅读过程) T leads the Ss to learn the passage one Para. by one Para.T: Ask the Ss to read para

9、.1 and find the puzzle. After Ss read it,the teacher broadcast a PPT: show the map of the UK with the PPT In the first Para. the writer gives us a puzzle and the answer (the British history). Then its easy to guess what will be talked about nest, ask some to speak their guesses. Now read Para. 2 and

10、 fill the following blanks:On the PPT:Then ask the Ss to write the answer on the Bb. show the picture of the Union Jack to Ss with PPT. Let them think whats left out in the flag. Why? (Wales is left out. Its usually assumed to be part of England. ) In the second Para. , the writer explains the joini

11、ng of England and Wales and how Great Britain and the UK formed. Now the puzzle becomes clear. Then lets move on to Para.3 . Scan it quickly with the following questions: show the picture of their currency Well, now fill out the table while you are reading Para.4Para. 4 England Locations FeaturesAsk

12、 the Ss to predict what will be descried after the talking of England?S1: Scotland? Wales?S2: Northern Island?S3: cities in England? Read it by yourself and find out what it is.One minute laterS: London. ok .listen to me and answer these two questions. Fill out the tablePara. 5Four invaders when lef

13、t1 1st C AD 4The Anglo-Saxons 1060S 52 Vocabulary, place-names3 1066 63. post-reading (阅读后)a. division Encourage the Ss to divide the passage in group and try to summary the main idea of each part. Then choose some group leaders to write it on the Bb.There may be several divisions: part1 (para.1-2)

14、part2(para.3) part3(para.4-5) part4(para.6) part1 (para.1) part2(para.2-5) part3(para.6) part1 (para.1) part2(para.2-4) part3(para.5-6)b. Summary ask the Ss to try to summary, and T give comments. In this class, our aim is to read more about the United Kingdom. We have learnt about the British history four countries and their similarities and differences. At the same time, we have a detail study of Englan

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