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1、4简答 56 论述 110 案例分析 115第一章 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing一、名词解释1、international marketing 国际市场International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a companys goods and service to Consumer or users in more than on

2、e nation for a profit.2、uncontrollable elements 不可控因素The elements of business environment which beyond the control of companies.3、SRC Self-Reference Criterion 自我参展标准An unconscious reference to ones own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decision.4、Global Awareness 全球意识Toleran

3、ce of cultural difference and knowledge of cultures, history, world marketpotential, and global economic, social, and political trends.二、简答2、“. . . the marketer s task is the same whether appliedin Dime Box, Texas, or Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. ”Discuss.The only difference between domestic marketing a

4、nd international marketing is that the activities take place in more than one country. Therefore, the marketing taskis the same throughout the world.As the business s goal is same in different place, which is to make profit bypromoting, pricing, and distributing products for which there is a market.

5、 In the other word, the task never change, which are deal with controllable elements and uncontrollable elements.4 、 Discuss the four phases of international marketinginvolvement. 国际市场营销的四个阶段 The first phase is domestic firms which have no foreign business activityexcept those sales made to foreign

6、customers who come directly to the firm.The second is domestic firms which have temporarysurpluses which are sold abroad on an availability basis with no intention for continuing market representation.The third is the domestic firms that have permanent productive capacity which is used toproduce goo

7、ds which are sold on a continuing basis in foreign markets.The fourth is the international company that produces aproduct for the world market.5、Discuss the conditions that have led to the development of global markets. 讨论导致全球市场发展的条件。According to the Professor Levitt and others who suggest that ther

8、e is a global market for goods, this phenomenon has resulted from new communications technology, travel and other factors which have led to the markets of the world being more aware of different products and processes. As a result of this awareness, there are segments in each market who have had sim

9、ilar experiences and thus have commonneeds. T hese commonneeds are described as a demand for high quality, reasonably priced, standardized products.T here is a strong feeling that within eachcountry s market there is a growing segment that has beenexposed to ideas from around the world and thus have

10、 had their tastes and perceived needs affected. There is a strong feeling that world markets are being driven toward a converging commonality of taste and needs leading toward global markets.总结:1)new communications technology, travel and other factors led the world markets being aware of different p

11、roductsand processes.2)Because of this awareness, each market thus had common needs for high quality, reasonably priced, standardized products.3)There is a strong feeling that within ideas from the world affected the tastes and perceived needs of every country market4)There is a strong feeling that

12、world markets are beingdriven toward a converging commonality of taste and needs leading toward global markets.7 、 Differentiate among the three international marketingconcepts. 区分三个国际营销的概念。 Domestic Market Ex tansion Concept Multi Domestic Market ConceptGlobal Marketing ConceptIt is expected that d

13、ifferences in the complexity andsophistication of a companys marketing activity depend on which of these orientations guides its operations.The Domestic Market Extension Concept 国内市场扩展. The domestic company that seeks sales extension of itsdomestic products into foreign markets illustrates this orie

14、ntation to international marketing. It views itsinternational operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations.Multi-domestic Market Concept 多国市场观念. Oncea companyrecognizes the importance of differences in overseas markets and the importance of offshore business to their organi

15、zation, its orientation toward international business may shift to a Multi-Domestic Market Strategy.Global Marketing Concept 全球营销导向. A company guided bythis new orientation or philosophy is generally referred to as a global company, its marketing activity is global marketing, and its market coverage is the world.9、Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve globalawareness.讨论实现全球意识的三个必要因素(1)Objectivity 客观性:objective in assessing opportunities, evaluating potential, and respondi

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