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1、雅思口语词汇性格类雅思口语词汇之个性描述1. optimistic乐观pessimistic悲观 2. rigid=inflexible,dogmatic教条的adroit, adaptable, original,creative,initiative, funny, humorous, open-minded虚心的,思想开放的versatile多面手3. introvertedextroverted, cooperative, expressive4. daredevil胆大妄为, audacious大胆创新,有冒险精神的cowardly, prudent言语谨慎, conservativ

2、e 保守的5. frugalliberal,wasteful 6. possessive占有欲强的liberal7. temperate,amiable, easygoing, considerate体贴的nervous,moody喜怒无常的, touchy易怒的 bossy专横跋扈 overcritical吹毛求疵 stubborn顽固的quick tempered急脾气易怒,bad-tempered8. idealistic,superficialpractical, realistic9. secretive偷偷摸摸的, discreet说话谨慎prudent big mouth, st

3、raight forward10. weak-willedstrong-willed,persevering坚持不懈的11. indecisive优柔寡断, easily led,easily influencedpurposeful, motivated,assertive武断的, independent有主见,forceful坚强有力12. selfishselfless13. diplomatic, sophisticatedunworldly不谙世故, tactless不机智圆滑, careless粗心的,无忧无虑的14. impolitecourteous 15 .impatient

4、patient16. impulsive, quick tempered性急易怒calm17. strict, disciplined self indulgent放纵任性的18. jealousearnest,sincere19.laid back悠闲懒散的indolent懒惰的lazyindustrious勤奋的,tireless,ambitious, conscientious勤勤恳恳, dutiful, dedicated, devoted20. indifferentactive, aggressive, sentimental多愁善感的, hospitable21. trustwo

5、rthy=reliable=dependable, honest=earnest= sincerecunning狡猾奸诈的22. generousgreedy23. pompous爱炫耀的自负的arrogant傲慢的modest, humble,open-minded虚心的,思想开放的24. responsibleirresponsible25. adventurous, straightforwardprudent谨慎明智conservative保守26. shyconfident 27. matureimmature28. 区分wise,smart,intelligent。同类well-e

6、ducated, learned, knowledgeable, have an inquiring mind29. analytical=reasonable=rational=logical=objective客观的=sensible明白事理的30. apprehensive=understanding31. 区分aspiring和ambitiousambitious有雄心壮志的He is ambitious for money. We should be realistic instead of over-ambitious. That is a low level for you, b

7、ut it is really an ambitious goal for us. His ambition outran his ability,ie He was ambitious to do more than he was able.aspiring有志气的,有抱负的Aspiring musicians must practise many hours a day. We have to be an aspiring and culturally relevant brand so she has to look cool. Help an aspiring young athlet

8、e reach her potential!32. 区分dedicated 和 devoteddedicated有奉献精神的A dedicated bargain hunter must have patience. Competitive salary and advantages of working in a small, yet very dedicated international team. devoted献身的,忠实的Your Willoughby is your devoted attendant.忠实的仆人He is very devoted to his wife. Bu

9、t, lets face it, her most devoted fans tend to be men. Devoted Performer 狂热表演家 She is devoted to her children. He was still devoted to the study of chemistry.33. able=capable, competent=qualified34. 正直,公正,坦率的candid, frank,impartial, uprightcandid正直的,率直的This is really a candid decision. Her candid bl

10、ue gaze never wavers for a moment. Bobby is secretive and Mike is candid. She is very candid, so that so many people love to spend time with her.impartial公正的Judges need to be impartial. Theres no doubt we should hold an impartial view to other cultures. Try to be impartial in judging the students. u

11、pright正直的My words come from upright heart; my lips sincerely speak what I know . In the Old Testament , an upright man whose faith in God survived the test of repeated calamities .35. cooperative, teamwork36. kind-hearted, warm-hearted, friendly, hospitable37. 区分efficient(效率高)和effective(效果好)38. 区分lo

12、yal和faithfulfaithful守信的,忠诚的 By his side sat his faithful dog . Dogs are always faithful to their owners. He is a faithful follower of his home football team . Faithful to a person , an ideal , a custom , a cause , or a duty . loyal忠心耿耿的 Loyal citizens ranged themselves with the king. He ordered that

13、 a temple be built in memory of his most loyal follower . He describes her as benevolent and loyal to her allies , sometimes beyond their expiry date.39. careless precise, punctual, methodical有条理的methodical有方法的,有条理的 He is a precise, methodical , cerebral man who carefully chooses his words . The way

14、 we learned words was very methodical . This officer will need a good eye for detail and a methodical approach to work . Youre dependable, methodical and possessed of stable personality. 40. 区分sensible(明事理)和sentimental(多愁善感)雅思口语性格类话题汇总What are some characteristics of your personality?What makes you

15、happy?What are some things that make you angry?Are you happy with your personality?Would you like to be different?Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?Are you shy ? In which occasions are you shy?Do you consider yourself selfish ? Why?Is your personality suited to your job?In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed?Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)?Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your

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