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1、大学英语作文模板1. My view on(就问题,我的观点 )Model 1 模板一Para 1第一段Differe nt people have differe nt views on .It is held/ believed/ thought/ recog ni zed/ ack no wledged that.But it is also held that .就而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为但也有人认为Those who hold the first opinion feel Incontrast/however/on the contrary, those w

2、ho hold the sec ond view believe/suggest/argue/believe/th in that 持第一个观点的人认为相反地,持第二个观点的人认为依我看/我赞同前者/后者在我看来/ In my opi nion, 斗I am for我的观点1From my sta ndpo int / viewpoi n,,I am in favor of我赞成From my point of view,I am supportive ofPara 2第二段尸 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admitted

3、lyAs far as I am concerned此外What s more Moreover,Furthermore, IBesides,Para 3结尾段厂 In a word, In sumIn brief, In short It s necessary to take a correct attitude toIn conclusion 对持正确的态度是有必要的。只有.,我们才能To sum upV As is mentioned above,.Only ,can weTaking all the above into con siderati on,Model 2 模板二Para

4、 1第一段With the arrival / birth / ,sth is beco ming more and more随着到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中变得越来越Whe n asked about ., differe nt people will offer differe nt our life / society.首先当问及时,不同的人有不同的观点,Some people take it for gran ted that However, others hold that 一些人认为是理所当然的,然而,另一人则认为 As far as I m conce

5、rned, I am in favor of the second view. The reasons are as follows.在我看来,我赞同第二种观点。原因如下Para 2第二段Firstly For example/For in sta ncTo beg in with, Here are a few examples toiustrateFor one thi ng.On one hand.In the first place,其次Second,Secon dlyNext / Besides/ I n additi onFor ano ther,On the other hand

6、,For one thin g,. For ano ther.han d,.o n the other hanc只可on用于例举两个理由(即首先,最后)In the sec ond place, 厂 Last最后 * Lastly, fin allyLast but not the least/ Worst of allPara 3结尾段In con clusi on,2. Advantages and Disadvantages of (评论优缺点)Para 1第一段Nowadays, be very popular around us. Like every thing else, and

7、 unfav orable aspects.如今,.变得十分流行/受欢迎。像其他的事物一样,有利也有弊Para 2第二段Gen erally, the positive aspects can be listed as follows. 一般来说,其积极面如下。have both favorableFirst, people base their opinion on the grounds that besides, as they ofte n point out, -is most importa nt of all. As the say ing goes: 首先,人们的观点建立在.之

8、上。除此,正如他们指出的一样, 是最重要的,正如谚语所说。But every coin has two sides. The n egative aspects are also appare nt/clear.但任何事物都有两面性。其消极面也很明显。First. Secon d.third.Para 3结尾段As far as I am concern ed, whether it does good or harm to huma n society depe nds on how weTherefore,在我看来,它对社会的利弊取决于我们怎样.因此.3. How to (方式方法)Par

9、a 1第一段Much to our delight / distress, the past decades/ these years have see n / wit nessed the of sth. If this current is allowed to take its course, things are bound to turn for better / worse. Therefore, people are show ing grow ing concern on how to 令我们高兴/难过的是,在过去几十年间/这些年间,我们看到了 .如果按现在的 情况发展下去,事

10、情可能会变得更好 /更坏。因此,人们越来越关注怎样处理 .问题Para 2第二段Many ways can con tribute to solvi ng this serious problem. But the followi ng ones may be most effective.First of all, besides, finally, In my opinion, the first step should be focused on ;Then greater efforts should be made to ,有很多方法都能解决这个棘手的问题。但是一下几点最有效。首先

11、其次最后./在我看来,首先应该将重心放在 上;其次,更应在.方面更加努力。Para 3结尾段These are not the best and the only three measures we can take. But it should be no ted that we should take stro ng acti ons to In gen eral, wheEEvtirlertfoe is away.这并不是我们能米取做好的或仅有的三种措施。但请注意,我们应该针对 米取更强有力的措施。总之,有志者事竟成。4 A or B(选择类)Para 1第一段Whe never we

12、it is in evitable for us tomeet the choice betwee n come across the problem of whether we should每当我们,面对的选择是不可避免的or.And it is natural for different opinions to arise. 不同的人有不同的观点Para 2第二段Some peoplethink we should give priority to They say that .Furthermore.有的人认为A比较重要Therefore, we shouldBut other peop

13、le thi nk otherwise. They argue that we shouldot only but also 但有的人持相反观点In my opin io n, we should 在我看来,我们应该Para 3结尾段On ly in this way, can we 只有这样,我们才能To beg in with Besides 5. Why(原因类作文)Para 1第一段With the rapid developme nt of .i n our society, .has bee n discussed a lot. Accord ing to ,people, esp

14、ecially college studentaf., are showing more and more interest in To get a better sense of it, it is necessary for us to find out its causes / reasons. 随着社会.的飞速发展,已成为人们热议的话题。根据 .,人们,尤其是学生,越来越关注.为了更好的了解它,找出它的原因是极有必要的。Para 2第二段C The reasons, in my mind, can be summed up in three aspects:在我看来,原因总结为一下三方

15、面:Three mai n factors /reas ons are well worth our concern /should call for more of ourconcern.三个原因值得我们注意Three main factors in my mind, can acco unt forcon tribute to lead to result inbe resp on sible for 我认为,有三个原因会导致In the first place, it is the product of piaceh et Sseed as an ideal wayof Finally, 首先,它是的产物;其次,它被视为是解决 的理想方法;最后P

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