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1、7.make great contributions to对做出巨大贡献 honored as被誉为9.make efforts to do sth.努力做某事10.devote oneself to献身于,专心于话题佳作中国历史上有很多伟大的女性,孟子的母亲就是其中的一位。请你根据下面表格所提供的信息,用英语给你所在的学校的英语校报写一篇100词左右的文章,介绍这位伟大的女性。孟子(Mencius)的母亲时期战国时期邹国人成就她含辛茹苦把3岁丧父的孟子抚养成人,将其培养成中国圣人之一。事迹为了孟子有好的学习环境,孟母不惜三次搬家;为了让逃学的孟子一心向学,孟母剪断已织好的布,来教育孟

2、子只有持之以恒才能获得渊博的知识。佳作欣赏Almost every Chinese knows Mencius mother,one of the greatest women in the history of China.She lived in Zou in the Warring States Period.When Mencius was only three years old,his father died.His mother endured a lot of hardship bringing him up.The great woman educated Mencius s

3、o well that he became one of the wisest men in China.In order to offer him a good environment,Mencius mother moved their home three times.For a time little Mencius often played truant.His mother cut the cloth which she had weaved for several days to tell him how important perseverance is when a pers

4、on is doing a thing.The great mothers behavior made Mencius realize he was wrong and promise not to let his mother down any more.And at last,as Mencius mother expected,Mencius became one of the great men in history.名师点睛本文先开门见山指出文章主题介绍孟子母亲,然后围绕要点信息进行介绍,最后进行综合性总结评价。文章运用了时间状语从句、结果状语从句、限制性定语从句、宾语从句和非限制性

5、定语从句等高级句式,同时使用了诸如:bring up,offer sb. sth.,let sb.down等高级词汇,使得文章内容充实,层次分明,表达流畅。1.neat adj.整洁的,整齐的,有条理的2.underline vt.强调;突出;加下划线3.burden n.负担,重担,重负;v.(使)担负4.delicate adj.易碎的,脆弱的;纤细的,精致的5.vague adj.模糊的,隐晦的;不详细的,粗略的6.deliver vt.& vi.递送,运送;发表(演讲),宣布7.strike vt.击打;撞击;攻击;罢工;敲(钟);划(火柴)8.straightforward adj.

6、简单的,易懂的;坦诚的,率直的9.agricultural adj.农业的agriculture n.农业10.pray vi.& vt.祷告,祈祷prayer n.祷告,祷辞11.shorten vt.& vi.(使)缩短short adj.缺少的;短的12.ripen vt.& vi.(使)成熟ripe adj.成熟的;适宜的,时机成熟的13.thorough adj.彻底的,完全的;深入的,细致的thoroughly adv.完全地,彻底地 use在使用着 reduced to沦为3.count on依靠,依赖4.catch on受欢迎,流行 and by不久,过

7、一会儿6.hire oneself out打工,受雇于人7.translate.into.将译成 centred around/centre around围绕,以为中心1.There are monks studying Buddhist classics here,and many Buddhists come here for prayer every year.有和尚在这里研习佛经,而且每年有很多佛教徒来这里祈祷。2.The White Horse Temple has seen a lot of history.白马寺历史悠久。3.The White Horse Temple

8、is important to Chinese people and history,and as such,it is one of the first historic buildings that the government listed to receive special state protection.对于中国人民和中国历史来说,白马寺具有重要意义,正因如此,它被政府列为首批受国家重点保护的历史建筑。 strike vt.& vi.打;(时钟等)敲响(报时);擦(火柴);侵袭;给(某人以)印象;突然想起n.罢工;打击(1)A snowball struck him on the

9、 back of the head.一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。(朗文词典)(2)It strikes me that you are not serious about it.我觉得你并未把这事当真。be struck with/by为所袭击(感动)It strikes me that.我觉得;我的印象是sth.strike sb.(sb.strike on sth.)某人想到be on strike在罢工go on strike举行罢工基础知识训练写出下列句子中strike的汉语意思(1)The clock has just struck 10.(钟)敲(2)He hit me,so I s

10、truck him back.打(3)The girl struck a match and lit a candle.擦(火柴)(4)She was struck by his kindness.打动(5)They have been on strike for several days.罢工(6)A big earthquake struck the area last week.侵袭写作能力提升一句多译(7)我突然想起我把书忘在教室里了。It struck me that I left my book in the classroom.(stike)It hit me that I le

11、ft my book in the classroom.(hit)It occurred to me that I left my book in the classroom.(occur to) burden vt.装载;使负担n.负担,重担,重负(1)In order to earn some extra money and reduce my familys burden,Id like to go to a foreign capital company to find a parttime job.为了多挣一些钱,减轻家人的负担,我想去一家外资企业找到一份兼职工作。(2016全国I)

12、(2)I dont want to burden you with my problems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。burden sb./oneself with sth.加负担于某人或自己lay a burden on sb.给某人增加负担be burdened with sth.负重基础知识训练单句语法填空(1)Too much homework is a burden to students.(2)Dont burden yourself with unnecessary problems.(3)I dont want to lay a burden on you.写作能力提升句式

13、升级(4)She was burdened with five children,so she had to work day and night.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Burdened with five children,she had to work day and night. catch on学会;思想、服饰等受欢迎,流行起来;被接受;理解,了解(1)The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.眼镜也是一种时尚的概念慢慢开始流行起来。(朗文高阶)(2)He didnt catch up w

14、ith the first bus to work,so he had to take a taxi.他没有赶上第一班公共汽车去上班,只好坐出租车。catch up with sb./sth.赶上catch sight of看见catch ones attention/eye吸引某人的注意catch sb.doing.发现某人正在做写出下列句子中catch on的汉语意思(1)The new dance quickly caught on among the students.流行起来(2)Please repeat what you said,I didnt quite catch on.理解(3)Just keep trying.Youll catch on soon.学会完成句子(4)但是我不肯定是否写得够好能引起他们的注意。But Im not sure if they are written well enough to catch their attention/eye.(5)卡尔是个外国人,不了解这个笑话的含义。Being a foreigner,Carl did not catch on to the joke.(6)继续观察下去,说不定你可以看到意想不到的动物。Keep looking up,and you

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