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1、ACI Advance Commercial Information(加拿大海关)装船前舱单申报规定ACOPS Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea海洋油污咨询委员会ACTILI Accordo Tirreno-Libia (Italian-Tirreno-Libya Agreement) 意大利蒂雷诺-利比亚协议(运价公会)Adm Co; Adm Ct Admiralty Court(UK) (英) 海事法庭Admin. Cd. Administrative Code 行政法典,行政规则ADR European Agreement co

2、ncerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 欧洲国际公路危险货物运输协定ADX Automatic Data Exchange System 自动数据交换系统AEB American Express Bank 美国运通银行AETR European Agreement concerning the work of vehicles engaged in crews of international road transport 从事国际公路运输车辆从业人员工作的欧洲协定AFC Association France

3、 Containers 法国集装箱协会AFO Atlantic Fleet Organization 大西洋船队组织AFRAS Association for Rescue at Sea 海上救助协会AHCC Asian Highway Coordinating Committee 亚洲公路运输协调委员会A.I.D. Agency for International Development.(美)国际开发局AIDA International Association for Insurance Law (AssociationInternationaledu Droit de IAssuran

4、ce) 国际保险法协会 AIDE International Association of European General Average Adjusters 国际欧洲共同海损理算师协会AIEC Association of Ironore Exporting Countries(AIOEC) 国际铁矿砂出口协会AIMS American Institute of Merchant Shipping 美国商船航运学会AIMU American Institute of Marine Underwriters 美国海上保险商协会AIPCN Association Internationale

5、Permanente des Congres de Navigation (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses) 国际航运会议常设理事会(1885年成立于布鲁塞尔)AIR Association International des Registers 国际船级社AITA Association Internationale des Transports Aeriens 国际航运协会AJCL Australian Japan Container line 澳大利亚日本集装箱班轮公司AM American Ste

6、amship Owners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association,Inc 美国船东互保协会AMA American Maritime Association 美国海事协会AMETILE Accordo Merci Tirreno-Levante (Italian-Tirreno-Levant Freight Agreement) 意大利蒂雷诺-累温特运价协议AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System自动互助船舶搜救系统AND European Provisions concernin

7、g the International Carriageof Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway 内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则ANERA Asia North American Eastbound Rate Association 亚洲北美东行运价协ANM Admiralty Notices to Marines 英版航海通告APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织APEF Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries 铁矿出口国协会APHIS Animal and

8、Plant Health Inspection Service 动植物卫生检验局(美国)ARCMAC Arbitration Rules of China Maritime Arbitration Commission 中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则ASAPHA Association of Sea and Air Port Health Authorities 港口和机场卫生检疫协会ASBA American Shipbrokers Association (美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协会 ASC x12 American Standards Committee X12 responsible f

9、or developing EDI standards for the United States 负责发展12数字信息交换标准的美国标准委员会ASCII American Standard Code for Information Inerchange 美国信息交换标准代码ATA American Trucking Association 美国卡车运输协会ATOSCON Australia/Thailand Outward Shipping Conference 澳大利亚/泰国出口航运公会 ATP Agreement for the international Carriage of abl

10、e FoodstuffsPerish 易腐食品国际运输公约ATOSCON Australia/Thailand Outward Shipping Conference 澳大利亚/泰国出口航运公会AUT CP American Union Transportation Charter Party 美国工会运输租约AUSREP Australian Ship Reporting System 澳大利亚船舶动态报告制度AWIA American Wood Inspection Agency 美国木材检验局 BBaltic Exchange Baltic Mercantile and Shipping

11、 Exchange Ltd., London 伦敦波罗的海商业航运交易所BAR Beijing Adjustment Rules 北京(共同海损)理算规则B.C British Corporation Register (Classification Society) 英国船级社BC Sub-committee on Container and Cargoes 集装箱和货物分委会 (国际贸易组织)BCA Boarder Crossing Agreement 过境协定BC CODE Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes 固体散装货物安全操作规则/定(BC 规定)BCH Sub-Committee on Bulk Chemicals 散装化学品分委会 (国际贸易组织)BCH CODE International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk 国际载运散装危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则BFI BALTIC FREIGHT INDEX 波罗的海运价指数 BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Conference (also: BIMC)

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