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界门纲目科属种The gate of a class.docx

1、界门纲目科属种The gate of a class界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class) After the Swedish biologist Linnaeus named the creature, the latter biologists used the domain (Kingdom), the gate (Phylum), the class (Class), the target (Order), the family (Family), the genus (Genus), and the speci

2、es (Species) to classify. The top of the world, with the five proposed by Tucker, more and more people accept respectively; prokaryotes Protista fungi, plant and animal kingdoms The definition of the door is the use of bio medica genera appearance, life characteristics, structure, physiological func

3、tion and other characteristics of the difference in dichotomy way, by biological classification to classification. From the upper boundary to the seed, the closer the layer is, the more closely the features of the creature being attributed. If you belong to the creature, its appearance or physiologi

4、cal characteristics are extremely similar, is in the process of evolution, is a source of biological relatives, but there are differences between them in genetic material, which belong to the species, although able to breed, but a new generation does not have reproductive ability. Kingdom Monera in

5、prokaryotes Primary Kingdom Kingdom Protista Protozoa Phylum Protozoa Flagellates Class, Mastigophora Class Class Sarcodina Ciliates Class, Ciliophora Class Class Sporozoa Phylum Euglenophyta Golden brown plant door Phylum Chrysophyta Dinoflagellate Phylum Pyrrophyta Fungal kingdom Kingdom Fungi Kin

6、gdom Plantae in plant kingdom Naked door Euglenophyta Green algae gate Chlorophyta CHAROPHYTES Charophyta Chrysophyta Dinoflagellate Pyrrophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Blue-green algae Cyanophyta Phylum Bacteriophyta Myxomycophyta Fungal portal Eumycophyta Lichen gate Lichens Bryophytes, Br

7、yophyta Ferns, Pteridophyta Gymnosperm Gymnospermae Angiosperm Angiospermae Animal kingdom Kingdom Animalia Sponge door Phylum Polifera Class Calcarea Six put sponge class Class Hexactinellida Class Demospongiae vulgaris Coelenteron animal door Phylum Coelenterata Class Class Hydrozoa Class Class Sc

8、yphzoa Class Class Anthozoa of coral polyps Flat phylum Phylum Platyhelminthes Tubellaria Class Turbellaria Class Class Trematoda Class Class Cestoda Round phylum Phylum Nematoda Phylum Phylum Annelida Class Class Polychaeta Class Oligochaeta Hirudinoidea Class Hirudinea Mollusca Phylum Mollusca Gas

9、tropod Class Gastropoda Class Amphineura Class Pelecypoda Class Scaphopoda Cephalopod Class Cephalopoda Phylum Phylum Arthorpoda Crustacea Class, Crustacea Class Class Diplopoda Class Chilopoda Spider class Class Archnida Six foot class Class Hexapoda Incision class Class, Merostomata Phylum, Echino

10、dermata, M. Class Class Asteroidea starfish Ophiuroidea Class Ophiuroidea Sea urchin class Class Echinoidea The sea spray with water in ones mouth: Class Holothuroidea Class Class Crinoidea Phylum Chordata Subphylum Cephalochordata cable head animal subphylum A subdivision of Subphylum animal Urocho

11、rdata Vertebrate Subphylum Vertebrata Chondrichthyes Class Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Class Osteichthyes Amphibia Class Amphibia Reptile Class Reptilia Aves Class Aves Mammalian class Class Mammalia China The classification of origin of species: modern taxonomic phylum medica was born in eighteenth

12、 Century, its founder is a Swedish scholar plant linnaeus. Linnaeus solved two key problems for taxonomy: first, the double name system was established, each species was given a scientific name, consisting of two Latin nouns. The first one represented the genus name and the second were the generic n

13、ame. Second is the establishment of order system, the Linnean nature is divided into the plant, animal and mineral realms, in animal and plant community, and a class order, genus and species level Four, which established the order element classification system. Biological classification step size fr

14、om large to small: boundary - Gate - - class - - - - - - - - - - - - - species - are classified in detail: Boundary (Kingdom) Door (Phylum) Linzhi (Subphylum) Master (Superclass) Class (Class) Department (Cohort) Head (Superorder) Item (Order) Suborder (Suborder) Superfamily (Superfamily) Department

15、 (Family) Subfamily (Subfamily) Tribe (Tribe) Genus (Genus) Subgenus (Subgenus) Species (Species) Subspecies (Subspecies). According to the classification for all organisms of the genus classification is a compendium of the gate: 1. Biological taxonomy is the branch of biology that deals with the methods and principles of biological classification. Classification is the classification and classification of biological groups according to the principles and methods of taxonomy. There are millions of species on earth that are ever-changing and different from each other. If they are not

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