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1、 1. Whats the main idea of this passage? Answer: Working fathers have received little media attention in the US and they have been given little cultural recognition, which is a kind of prejudice against those working dads. 2. Whats the author s attitude toward working dads? She thinks that working f

2、athers are unsung heroes. They deserve our recognition and our thanks for what they do. 3. What evidence does the author use to illustrate that the importance of fathers is being diminished by American media? 1) The absence of the father in the movie Toy Story. 2) A lot of media stories about the st

3、ruggles of working mothers. 3) The negative image of fathers in the media (abusive husbands or deadbeat dads). 4) At-home dads are praised by the media. 5) Our society acts as if career satisfaction is above everything else for a man. 6) At-home wives are regarded as “status symbols” by American med

4、ia. 4. Do you agree with the author in saying that“the absence of fathers from households causes serious problems for children and, consequently, for society at large?” Can you list some of the problems? open 5. Whats the authors purpose in writing this article? 与她相反,露茜却喜欢待在家里看书。(as opposed to) Answ

5、er: Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading. 4. 说得好听一些,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心 (conscience) 且没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst) Answer: At best he s ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5. 我们已尽全力想说服他,但

6、是却毫无进展。(strive, make no headway) Answer: We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.11: Men Are Different from Women in Many Ways Traditionally, men and women were seen as opposite poles of a magnet. Men were strong, women were weak; men were the breadwinners, women wer

7、e the homemakers; men were rational, women were emotional. In accordance with these beliefs, men fi lled the leadership positions in society, as well as the majority of positions that required courage, clear-thinking and intellect. Women took on the nurturing, caring or supportive jobs such as nurse

8、, teacher, assistant. However, modern society has greatly challenged these perceived differences between men and women. These days gender roles are becoming less clear. Women are moving into the male-dominated occupations and proving that they can be equally successful in these fields. Moreover, som

9、e men are taking on the homemaker role and finding that it suits them. In some cultures, for example the Naxi culture of southwestern China, women have always been the head of the household and responsible for both work and finance. So, are men and women really all that different? From the changing

10、perspectives toward this question, it would seem that socialization plays a large role in defining masculinity and femininity in any given time period and in any given culture. In other words, perhaps men and women are not that different after all. 13:1. redefined2. sphere3. accomplishment4. opposit

11、e5. playmates 6. emotionally7. equality8. initiative9. status10. Change14:1. equality2. sustained3. clue4. expansiveness5. sacked 6. defined7. sphere8. sour9. depressing10. Division15:1. in the way2. falling apart3. have ruled out4. at this rate5. took up16: Synonyms Antonyms 1. intellectual; intell

12、igent; bright 1. active; passive 2. feeling; emotion 2. public; private 3. feed; nurture 3. physical; emotional 4. sack; fire; dump 4. expansive; narrow 5. secretly; quietly 5. traditional; modern 6. sick; ill 6. failure; success 7. weak; strong17: 越来越多的证据显示男人和女人的想法不同,这似乎适用于偏见这种令人遗憾的情况。密歇根州立大学进化心理学家

13、新的研究显示,男人的偏见倾向于与侵略行为有关,而女人的偏见则倾向于与恐惧有关。这些研究者提出了一种“男人皆武士的假设”,以便解释群体冲突的历史是如何以独特的方式塑造男人和女人的心理世界的。 本质上,男人更有可能发动战争,以保卫他们的群体,有时他们会以一种非常冒险的和自我牺牲的方式来这样做。攻击其他群体意味着有机会补偿这些损失,并且可以有机会得到配偶、领土、资源和地位的提升。与此同时,女人生活在外来侵略者性胁迫的威胁下,对自己的同伙往往容易表现出 “照顾和结友”的反应,而保持一种对陌生人的恐惧以保护她们自己和后代。18: 1, 2, 4 and 5 are generalizations. To

14、 evaluate their worth or accuracy, we may need some concrete figures or facts obtained through scientifi c analysis or survey which support the generalizations.19: 1. The sales of computers have multiplied six times since 1988. Answer: 1988年以来,计算机的销售量增加了五倍。 2. The number of the students enrolled in evening classes has increased more than twofold. Answer: 注册晚间上课的学生人数增加了一倍多。 3. The population of this small town has increased by a factor of four. Answer: 这个小城镇的人口增长了三倍 4. The price of mobile phones was reduced by 70%. Answer: 移动电话的价格降低了70%。 5. If you trebl

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