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最新推荐thesedays造句优秀word范文 26页Word格式文档下载.docx

1、我陷入到大屠杀悲剧的痛苦之中,一个体面的人所代表的善与恶的猛烈冲击之中。3. I was astonished by the the great power a novel could contain. I lacked the vocabulary to translate my feelings into words.我被这部小说所包含的巨大能量感到震惊。我无法用语言来表达我的感情(心情)。4, make sth. long to short 长话短说5. I learned that summer that reading was not the innocent(简单的) pastim

2、e(消遣) I have assumed it to be., not a breezy, instantly forgettable escape in the hammock(吊床),( though I ve enjoyed many of those too ). I discovered that a book, if it arrives at the right moment, in the proper season, will change the course of all that follows. 那年夏天,我懂得了读书不是我认为的简单的娱乐消遣,也不只是躺在吊床上,一

3、阵风吹过就忘记的消遣。我发现如果在适宜的时间、合适的季节读一本书的话,他将能改变一个人以后的人生道路。 二、词组造句1. on purpose特意,故意This is especially true here, and it was .(这一点在这里尤其准确,并且他是故意的)2. think up 虚构,编造,想出She has thought up a good idea. 她想出了一个好的主意。His story was thought up. 他的故事是编出来的。3. in the meantime与此同时助记:in advance 事前 in the meantime 与此同时 in

4、place 适当地 .In the meantime, what can you do?在这期间您能做什么呢?In the meantime, we may not know how it works, but we know that it works. 在此期间,我们不知道它是如何工作的,但我们知道,它的确在发挥作用。4. as though 好像,仿佛It sounds as though you enjoyed Great wall. 这听起来好像你喜欢长城。 5. plunge into 使陷入He plunged the room into darkness by switchin

5、g off the light. 他把灯一关,房1. My mother was brought up in the Victorian belief that emotions were private. 我母亲生长在维多利亚信仰的时代:认为情感是隐藏的。2. But still I kept trying to draw from her what she could not give, a sharing of the deep places of her heart.我仍然禁不住去尝试发现她内心深处所不能给我们的情感分享。3. Eagerness turned to disappoin

6、tment, then resignation and, finally, peace. 焦急变成了一种失望,又很无奈,最终将归于平静。4. I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.我禁不住去想母亲不是这样的关系该多好啊。5. Send me a reply, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.我曾经在信中请求,以您选择的任何一种方式给我回封信。你总是选

7、择比言辞更响亮的行动来表达您的爱意。6. Those days people throughout the world were looking forward to the day of victory with great eagerness.这些天来全世界的人们焦急的等待着胜利的到来。二、短语1、fold down 把翻下Eg: Dont fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book.别把书页角折起来,这要把书弄坏了。2、bring up 抚养、教育 My parents brought me up to respect o

8、thers.我父母教育我要尊重他人。3、yearn for渴望、向往(=long for) We long for (yearn for) a parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, to save us from childish mistakes.我们渴望一位家长能关怀我们,原谅我们的过失,帮助我们避免犯下幼稚的错误。4、convert into 把 改建成 (过程复杂) That gives it the opportunity to absorb, and thus convert into electricity,most o

9、f red light falling on it, as well as the blue.这使得它有机会将大部分照在他上面的红光光线以及蓝光光线吸收并转化成电能。It is known that solar power can be converted into electric energy.众所周知,太阳能能转化成电能。1. constant noise batters the senses: 无休止的噪音感官伤害2. The majority of the population live in massive tower blocks.大多数的人们居住在高楼大厦里。(massive:

10、高大的,一层一层的)3. in opposition to 与相反,反对例句:Not all stuffs are in opposition to these plan.head out:出发,启程He headed out to London.I have to head out now, or I cannot catch the last train.5. belong to属于Taiwan is a part of China, Taiwan belongs to China.It belongs to you.6. in that因为,在于He didnt attend the n

11、egotiation in that he was ill.他因为有病,没有参加谈判。7. cut off from 使从(分离,使从) 隔绝One cannot live cut off from society. 一个人脱离了社会就不能生活下去。8. out of the ordinary不寻常的,特殊的He had noticed nothing out of the ordinary. 他没有发现异乎寻常的事。9. leave behind丢下,把丢在后面He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.他给后世留下了不朽的典范。1

12、0. be keen on热衷于,对着迷Lily used to be keen on stamps collecting.Lily曾经热衷于集邮。11. take to:喜欢上,从事He hasnt taken to his new school. 他对这所新学校还不感兴趣。1. Any improvement is welcome, no matter how slight it is.任何微小的进步都是值得肯定的。2. It is frightening to consider the possible consequence of releasing dangerous chemica

13、ls into the environment.把有毒的化学物质投放到空气中,想起来都令人可怕。3. In a sense, no one lives totally alone, isolated from the society around him or her.从某种角度来讲,没有一个人是完全脱离于他周围的世界。4. After a heated argument we were finally convinced that the state should develop a market economy.经过激烈的争辩,我们认为这个国家要发展市场经济。5. I think ther

14、e is considerable room for improvement in state facilities(公共设施) for treating the mentally handicapped.我认为还是有一个很可观的空间来为智力障碍的人们建立公共设施来治疗。6. A country may be isolated if its own policies cut it off from friendship or close relations with other countries.如果一个国家指定的政策割断了邻里有好的关系的话,这个国家就会可能面临孤立无援的境况。Unit 3, Text A一、翻译:If I was asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would to be this: Expect trouble was an inevitable par

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