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1、“Tie is ne” But in pinin, tie is even re preius than ne h? Beause hen ne is spent, e an earn it ba Hever, hen tie is gne, it ill never return This is the reasn h e ust value tieIt ges ithut saing that the tie fr ur stud and r is unusuall liited Hene, even an hur is extreel preius e shuld ae full use

2、 f ur tie t d useful things As students e ust nt relax ur effrts t engage in ur studies s as t serve ur natin and peple in the futureBut it is a pit that there are a lt f peple h d nt n the iprtane f tie The spend their preius tie sing, drining and gabling The d nt realize that asting tie is equal t

3、 asting their valuable lifeIn a rd, e shuld get int the gd habit f saving tie D nt put ff hat an be dne tda until trr Laziness ill nt nl bring us failure but als lead us t the rad f pvertExpressing taing part in sth1) tae part in sth 2) g in fr sth3) tae up sth4) r n / at sth) be upied in sth/ ding

4、sth6) be bus ding sth / ith sth 2句型: be infred f/abut sth; infr sbf/abut sthThe Iprtane f Extensive Reading hat is extensive reading? Extensive reading is reading a lt hen u are ding extensive reading, u shuld nt be reahing fr a ditinar ever sentene r even ever paragraph beause its ain gal is t read

5、 fr nledge and pleasureThrugh extensive reading, u learn and auulate nledge, and graduall bee ise and intelligent Fr exaple, b reading sientifi bs, e are infred f an fats; b reading histr, e are tld f the grth f the natinsIt is b reading that e an learn an things ithut atuall seeing r hearing the ha

6、t is re, ith a gd b in ur hands e ill never feel lnel and dull Bs intrdue us t great peple The tae us t all the untries in the rld and tell us stries f all ages “Reading aes a full an”, said b Franis Ban Therefre, n atter h high ur eduatin a be r h uh experiene e a have, e annt bee a full an unless

7、e eep extensive readingExpressing telling sb sth1) eep neself ell infred abut2) tell sb sth3) let sb n4) ntif sb f sth / that sth3句型: Its ind faes a bus streetur Dritrur dritr, shared b 8 students, is n the third flr f the Students Dritr Building N Its ind faes a bus street ith a light blue urtainIt

8、 is a sall r abut 12 square eters Against bth the left and right alls stand fur buns hih up uh spae f the r In the iddle f the r, there is a large des that serves as a dinner table hih is vered b a hite lth Near the dr there is a stand fr basins A ap f the rld is n this side f the all Thugh rded, it

9、 is neat and lean e have als ade it beautiful b putting ur favrite draings n the alls hen e e ba after lasses, the r beas ith an atsphere f restful erriness As ur he fr fur ears, it is a dear plae t usExpressing diretin1)The r is faing tards the east2)The r is ling t the nrth3)The shl is lated / sit

10、uated in 4)The building lies ppsite the pst ffie)The superaret stands lse b4句型: It ges ithut saing thatPart-tie bs fr llege StudentsA part-tie b is ppular n apus Se students pi up bs related t their ar t aquire pratial training, hile thers tae an b t supprt theselvesIt ges ithut saing that ring part

11、-tie in shl has se advantages First, a part-tie b brings students re ne and helps the t redue their parents eni burdens Send, it ffers the a hane t denstrate their abilit and t appl hat the have learned in shl Third, it helps the t gain se sial and eni nledge and t pratie their siable abilities, hih

12、 are f great help t their future areers Finall, it enrihes their shl lifeBut this ativit a als bring se disadvantages t the students First, t uh part-tie ring a lse their tie needed fr sleep, rest, stud and rereatin Sendl, it a affet their studies if the e ba ith tiredness And as a result, their stu

13、dies are ging dn Finall, re ne a bring bad effets n se f the students h spend it sing, drining, dressing rather than studingIn pinin, thse students shuld eep a balane beteen stud and the b As a student, aquiring re nledge, espeiall re useful nledge fr bs, is the ain tas Althugh a part-tie b an d u a

14、 rld f gd, u shuld nt spend t uh tie n itSiilar expressin 1) It annt be denied that2) N ne an den that3) It an be easil prved that4) It shuld be aditted that ) It an be said ith ertaint that 句型: eep sth in indThe Best Teaher I Lie Prfessr ang left a deep ipressin n e b his devtin t English teahing B

15、efre lass, he uld ae areful preparatins b studing a ertain text thrughl In reading the text, he uld eep in ind hat his students had learned and here their diffiulties la Then he uld find a a t ae his leture an eas tas fr his studentsIn lass, he uld surel present his leture in the st interesting a Lie a fil diretr, he ften assigned a rle fr eah student t pla At ne tie, he spe seriusl, and at ther tie, he ight e In eah ase, students ere all full invlvedAfter lass, he ften ade friends ith his students A eeend tea strengthened his ties ith the; an n-the-a “Hell” ared students heart I

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