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1、价值在2000元以上、使用寿命在一年以上的生产、检验及其他辅助设备。Equipments value more than 2000RMB with 1 year product life cycle and use in manufacturing, inspection or auxiliary purposes.3.0职责 Responsibilities3.1 技术部 TD3.1.1 负责新增设备的需求评估。In charge of equipment demand evaluation of new project。3.1.2 技术方面需求与供应商进行交流。 In charge of

2、communicating to supplier for technical information.3.1.3 协助设备的安装、调试和验收。 Assist for equipment installation and acceptance etc。3.2 设备部ED3.2.1负责公司所有的生产、检验及其他辅助设备固定资产申购、协助制造商安装调试、验收等。 In charge of procurement of fixed assets like equipment for manufacturing, inspection and other auxiliary equipment, as

3、sisting supplier for equipment installation and acceptance etc。3.2.2协助其他部门提供设备采购的技术支持,负责技术方案评审和提供设备技术协议。 Assist other departments with technical support. Evaluating technical proposal and imply with equipment technical agreement.3.2.3 负责所有部门的设备验收工作及后续的设备管理工作。 In charge of equipment check & acceptanc

4、e of all departments and equipments management afterwards。3.2.4 负责公司所有设备的原始资料保管工作。 In charge of keeping and management of all the initial data and documents of equipment。3.3 设备使用部门 Equipment using department3.3.1 负责提供需求设备的工艺控制参数。 Responsible to provide technical requirements of the requested equipme

5、nt。3.3.2参与设备的验收,评价设备性能. Participate in equipment test & acceptance and evaluation of the equipment performance。3.4 供应管理部 SMD3.4.1根据设备技术及性能要求负责甄选设备制造商。 Source the equipment according to the technical and performance requirements.3.4.2 根据技术协议负责与设备制造商进行商务谈判,签订设备采购合同。 Carry out the commercial negotiatio

6、n with equipment manufacturer, sign the purchase contract.3.4.3参与设备初步验收,与供货商协调安装、调试、维修等工作。 Participate in preliminary acceptance、coordinate with supplier during test and maintenance process, installation and modification etc.3.5 计控部PP3.5.1负责因增产、扩能、报废等必需增加生产设备的需求评估。 Responsible for evaluation of prod

7、uction and test equipment demand due to production order increasing, production capacity enlargement and equipment scrap.3.5.2 负责新增生产设备评估结果报送、审批工作。 In charge of reporting manufacturing equipments evaluation result for approval.3.5.3与生产部共同进行因增产、扩能所需的检验检测设备需求评估。 Responsible for evaluation of inspectio

8、n equipment demand due to production order increasing, production capacity enlargement with PD together.3.6 财务部 FD3.6.1负责提供新增设备的固定资产编号。 In charge of numbering fixed assets, for newly increased equipments.3.6.2 负责货款支付。 In charge of payment settlement。3.6.3负责建立设备固定资产台帐。 In charge of establish account

9、for fixed assets (e.g. equipments)。4.0程序 Procedures4.1 需求评估 Evaluation of the demand4.1.1 生产设备 Manufacturing equipments因增产、扩能必需增加的设备,由计控部牵头,与设备部、技术部、使用部门等进行需求评估,再由计控部向公司领导汇报和请示,待批准后送财务部门审核。 Planning dept., initiate and work together with Facility Management dept., TD and requisition dept. to carry o

10、ut the evaluation of the demand of equipment due to production increase, capacity enlargement and report the evaluation result for approval and then report to FD.1)如设备需求在年度计划之内,则由经理下达设备采购需求指令。 If the demand of equipments is within the yearly budget, GM of each PC can process order placement accordin

11、gly.2)设备需求不在年度计划之内,则按照公司正常审批流程进行审批,然后由各利润中心总经理下达设备采购需求指令。 If the demand of equipments is not within the yearly budget, FD checks and approves according to normal approval procedure, then GM of each PC place purchase order for equipments accordingly.4.1.2 检验检测设备 Inspection equipment1)新增项目检验检测设备需求由质量部

12、QD负责评估,待评估结果得到公司审核通过后通知设备部。 QD in charge of evaluating inspection facilities demand due to newly increased tests, inform Facility dept. after the approval by company senior management.2)因增产、扩能所需的检验检测设备需求由各利润中心、计控部牵头,会同设备部、QD 部共同评估。 Inspection facilities demand due to production order increase, capac

13、ities enlargement is evaluated by Planning dept. together with Facility dept. and QD.4.1.3其他辅助设备:公用工程设备由设备部负责评估,生产设备配套的辅助设备由利润中心负责评估。 Other auxiliary facilities: Public project facilities are evaluated by Facility Dept., while auxiliary facilities of manufacturing equipments are evaluated by individ

14、ual PC.4.1.4 专门技术设备需求由TD负责评估,得到公司审核通过后通知设备部。 Specialized technical equipment demand is evaluated by TD, inform Facility dept. after the evaluation result approval by company senior management.4.1.5设备使用寿命到期或其他原因造成设备报废而需要增加的设备,按照设备报废流程另行处理。 Facility demand due to usage life expired or scraped because

15、of other reasons, will be handled according to related scrap procedure.4.2 申购 Purchase Requisition4.2.1 设备部接到各利润中心总经理或营运总监通知后,填写新增设备固定资产申请表,经部门经理和公司主管领导或总经理批准后,送财务部门备案。 After getting notice from GM of individual PC, Facility dept., fill out application form for newly increasing fixed assets (equipment), and send to

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