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1、I want to give you a colorful cake,I wish you happy every day!5、生日快乐!一首心曲,愿你事事如意!Happy birthday!A heart song,wish you all the best!6、每年的今天,都是我最牵挂你的日子。Every year,today is the day I most care about you.7、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好!Branches of brilliant candlelight,happy birthday.Lucky you,tomorrow wil

2、l be better!8、愿每天的太阳带给你光明的同时,也带给你快乐真心祝你生日快乐!May every days sun bring you not only light,but also happiness.Happy birthday to you sincerely!9、愿命运之神让我看到你,听到你,得到你,老婆,生日快乐!May God of Fate let me see you,hear you,get you,wife,happy birthday!10、愿你在自己的花季,永远充满活力。May you always be full of vitality in your ow

3、n flower season.11、愿你开心无限,快乐无边,健康无际,幸福无尽。May you have unlimited happiness,happiness,health and happiness.12、你会是我永远的天使,我会永远的爱着你,直到天荒地老!You will be my angel forever,I will love you forever,until the end of time!13、祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。Happy birthday to a beautiful,charming,intelligent,mat

4、ure,dignified and highly praised wonderful person.14、在这美好的时光,献上我一片痴情:祝你生日快乐!In this wonderful time,I dedicate a piece of infatuation:Happy birthday to you!15、今天是你生日,很想和你一起过水仙花开了,等你回来祝生日快乐,开心永远。Today is your birthday.I really want to spend the Narcissus blossom with you.Happy birthday and happy forev

5、er when you come back.16、愿生日快乐久,幸福永流长。Happy birthday for a long time and happiness for ever.17、生日的烛光中摇曳一季繁花,每一支都是我的祝愿:生日快乐!Birthday candlelight flickers a season of flowers,each of which is my wish:Happy Birthday!18、有你的每一天,人生都是艳阳天!让我们一直携手走下去,永远不分离。Every day with you,life is a sunny day!Lets go on ha

6、nd in hand and never separate.19、祝福我的心上人生日快乐,你总是那么妩媚动人,那么美丽多姿!Happy birthday to my sweetheart.You are always so charming and beautiful!happy.篇二恋人生日祝福语英文版1、在这个特殊的日子里,我带着最真的心,愿你生日快乐,幸福无限。On this special day,with the most sincere heart,I wish you a happy birthday and infinite happiness.2、送上我诚挚的生日祝福,情深意

7、重,祝你在未来的一年里,心想事成!Send my sincere birthday greetings,affectionate,I wish you every success in the coming year!3、亲爱的生日快乐,今天只想对你说:有你真好。Dear Happy Birthday,today I just want to say to you:Its good to have you.4、愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。May all your moments be filled with joy on this special day.5、希望你一辈子都快快乐

8、乐,亲爱的,生日快乐。I hope you will be happy all your life,dear,happy birthday.6、一句问候,一声祝福,一切如愿,一生幸福,一世平安。祝生日快乐!A greeting,a blessing,all the wishes,a lifetime of happiness,a lifetime of peace.Happy birthday!7、请记住有个人永远爱你、需要你。用我全身心的爱祝你生日快乐!Please remember that someone always loves you and needs you.Happy birt

9、hday to you with all my love!8、亲爱的,愿你在生日这天里,快乐幸福!Honey,may you be happy on your birthday!9、愿我有生之年,年年为你点燃生日的烛焰。May I light your birthday candles every year of my life.Happy birthday!10、因为有你,我的世界才美丽,祝爱人生日快乐!Because of you,my world is beautiful.Happy Love Life Day!11、用心送一句爱的问候在甜蜜中,希望你生日快乐,万事顺意。Send a l

10、ove greeting with your heart in sweetness.I hope you have a happy birthday and everything goes well.12、愿这一年中快乐成功、来年生日更美好!Wish you a happy and successful year and a better birthday next year!13、愿我的祝福,如一缕灿烂的阳光,在你的眼里流淌,生日快乐!May my blessings flow in your eyes like a ray of brilliant sunshine.Happy birth

11、day!14、热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄来一件小礼物。宝贝!15、祝你快乐的笑容如同灿烂的阳光,永远散发着幸福光芒。May your happy smile shine like bright sunshine forever.16、一支蜡烛,一颗心愿,一份真情,祝你生日快乐!A candle,a wish,a true feeling,wish you a happy birthday!17、在你生日这一天,也留下我的愿望,愿你快乐每一天!On your birthday,I also leave my wish,wish you happy every day!18、愿我们的

12、真爱永远,无论贫穷还是富有,愿我们的幸福永远,也愿你生日快乐!May our true love be everlasting,rich or poor.May our happiness be everlasting,and may your birthday be happy.19、生命中的每一天都在为你祝福,因为我生活中的时时刻刻都在想你!Blessing you every day of my life,because I miss you every moment of my life!20、值得纪念的日子,世界因为有了你而更加美好,生日快乐!Commemorative day,th

13、e world is better because of you,happy birthday!21、愿你的生活因梦想成真而明媚,愿甜蜜的回忆装满你心间。May your life be bright with dreams come true and sweet memories fill your heart.22、柔柔的微风,悄悄地传送,我对你时时的关怀,宝贝,生日快乐!Soft breeze,quietly transmitted,I always care for you,baby,happy birthday!23、人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。亲爱的,生日快乐!Peop

14、le are not beautiful but beautiful because they are lovely.Happy birthday to my dear!24、你的生日,我送你绿荫,希望能帮你遮风挡雨。On your birthday,I send you shade,hoping to help you shelter from the wind and rain.25、托白云送去我绵绵不尽的思念,托清风送去我轻轻的祝福。Too Baiyun to send my endless thoughts,Too Qingfeng to send my gentle blessing

15、s.Happy birthday to you!26、今天是你生日,祝你微笑常在,健康永驻,亲爱的,生日快乐。Today is your birthday.May your smile be always there and your health last forever.Happy birthday,dear.27、愿你生日焕发光彩,伴随着喜悦和欢笑,从天明到日落。May your birthday shine with joy and laughter from dawn to sunset.28、我把祝福用光芒串上,让太阳的辉煌照亮你的角角落落。I string my blessings with

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