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最新届高考英语一轮复习 Units 14导学案 译林牛Word文档格式.docx

1、There are two soldiers _ at the gate.2.【原句再现】Within this huge country, there are frozen wastes, There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands (P 2)【知识要点】freezing / freeze /frozen的用法 【诊断练习】用freeze的适当形式填空,每空一词。He was _ with a sudden strange noise.Some people are sti

2、ll working in _ weather. I often buy _ preserved food from the supermarket.Water usually_ at 0.Please close the window. I am _.3.【原句再现】Finally, , which caters to every shopping need. (P 5)【知识要点】cater to的用法 【诊断练习】选择能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。(2018无锡期末)There are varieties of TV programs to _ many different types o

3、f interests and tastes among the public.A. cater to B. appeal to C. apply to D. adjust to(2018扬州三模)Although the necklace is not made of real crystal, it still _ young tourists to this beautiful ancient city.A. appeals to B. caters to C. attracts to D. applies to4.【原句再现】 Owing to the natural environm

4、ent, many people feel that New Zealand is perfect for outdoor activities. (P 9)【知识要点】owe的用法 【诊断练习】用owe / owe sb sth / owe sth to sb / owing to完成句子。我欠房东一百美元。I the landlord one hundred dollars.I one hundred dollars the landlord.他把他的成功归功于他的父母。He _ his success _ his parents.He _ _ _ his parents _ he suc

5、ceeded.由于下雨,比赛取消了。_ _ the rain, the match was cancelled.5.【原句再现】 , then you are bound to be disappointed. (P 9)【知识要点】be bound to的用法 We hope the teammates will catch some fire from Yao Ming, and Rockets will be _ to succeed this year.A. bound B. bounced C. bumped D. blamed You _ meet many difficultie

6、s and failures when you are achieving your goals.A. are content B. are intended to C. are bound to D. are confident to 6.【原句再现】Occupying the heart of New York City, the sidewalks here are full of life and bright lights. (P 11)【知识要点】occupy的用法 【诊断练习】汉译英。敌人很快占领了这个城镇。_浴室现在有人在用。他在政府担任要职。他在忙于照看三个小孩。7.【原句再

7、现】In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, (P 18)【知识要点】particular的用法 -Jane didnt buy any clothes yesterday. -No, she is very about what she wears.A. special B. particular C. especial D. unusual-Coffee is on at Times Supermarket this week. -Really? Ill g

8、o and buy some.Not , the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A. obviously B. surprisingly C. particularly D. normally-What do you think of this matter?-It is a matter of importance, I think.A. special B. fairly C. especial D. ratherShe returned home to see her sick mother

9、.A. special B. especial C. specially D. especially8.【原句再现】In 1458, the Turks defeated the Greeks and seized control of Athens. (P 18)【知识要点】seize的用法 【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。小偷行窃时被一个警察抓获,警察抓住了他的头发。The thief was by a policeman, who him by the hair, when he was stealing.农民抓住四月的好时机插秧。The peasants the Apr

10、il occasion to plant rice seedlings.9.【原句再现】 the Greek government appointed a special committee to undertake the restoration of the Acropolis. (P 21)【知识要点】appoint的用法 【诊断练习】用appoint的适当形式填空。Lets _ a day to have dinner together.They _ him to catch all the mice in the house.Hell only see you by _.必须事先约定

11、,他才会见你。Our visitors arrived at the _ time.10.【原句再现】, King Henry VIII showed no mercy as he accused her of being unfaithful to his and (P 27)【知识要点】mercy的用法 【诊断练习】根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 他们对仇敌毫无怜悯之意。 They little the enemies. They treated the enemies _ _. 船在浪涛中随波逐流。 The ship the waves.(二)句型部分1.【原句再现】Located in t

12、he heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower. (P2)【知识要点】表语提前引起的倒装_ on the ground are various kinds of leaves.A. Falling B. Fallen C. To fall D. Fell_ all the salesmen and saleswomen. A. Were present at the meeting B. Present were at the meeting C. Be present at the meeting D. Present at the meeting wereOn the wall _ two large portraits. A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. adv. 似乎;表面上看 _

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