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1、4Parents hope that their children can be educated in a relaxed and active atmosphere (氛围)5The directors attitude (态度) towards this program will decide what we should do next.6To our disappointment, the hotel has no available (可用的) rooms.7A university is an educational institution which awards (授予) d

2、egrees and carries out research.8The government advocated (提倡) a serious currency policy to prevent the prices rising constantly a few days ago.9There was a(n) awkward (尴尬的) silence, when no one knew what to say.10Id also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation (

3、膳宿) is included.单句语法填空1I was amazed at her ability (able) to deal with the difficult situation.2The abandoned (abandon) disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.3It is important that the application (apply) forms should be sent back as early as possible.4Aimed (aim) at imp

4、roving the level of English, English Corner is held once a week.5Every time I attempted to_persuade (persuade) her, I failed completely.6Mount Tai is attractive (attract) to tourists for its beautiful scenery and historical sites.7The argument (argue) went on for hours because neither side would giv

5、e in.8In this letter, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance (assist)9Assuming (assume) that the proposal is accepted, when are we going to get the money? 10The students are waiting for the result of the final exam with anxiety (anxious)11The computer attacked (att

6、ack) by some unknown virus cant work well now.12People appeal to the local government to take action to stop water pollution.13Your rudeness to him is terrible, for which you should apologise (apology) to him.14We should take advantage of the trade fair to advertise our products.15We young people sh

7、ould be_ambitious (ambition) to succeed in life and make contributions to building our country better.补全句子1Tu Youyou has_made_great_achievements (已取得巨大成就) in the medical field.2Accompanied_by_their_teachers (在他们老师的陪同下), the school children paid a visit to the Science Museum today.3I have_an_appointm

8、ent_with (与有约) Dr.Smith, but I need to change it.4You should adapt_yourself_to (使自己适应) the new environment as soon as possible.5The students who are_addicted_to (沉迷于) Internet games usually dont work hard.6After a long times hard work, he was_admitted_to/into (被接收) Beijing University last year.7The

9、teacher told the news to her students to_increase_their_safety_awareness (以增加他们的安全意识)8In_the_absence_of (由于缺乏) firm evidence, the prisoner was set free.9In_addition (另外), we can gradually develop a closer friendship while enjoying these activities.10Having spent nearly all our money, we couldnt_affo

10、rd_to_stay_at_a_hotel (住不起旅馆).单句改错1On the average, how much time do you spend on sports activities each week? 去掉the2When deeply absorbing in work, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.absorbingabsorbed3I approve your trying to earn some money, but please dont neglect your studies.approve后加of

11、4The job market has changed and our approach to find work must change as well.findfinding 5The shop assistant was dismissed as she was accused for cheating customers.forof6Some students always wish our teachers could stand some cheating at exams, but they are absolute wrong.absoluteabsolutely7To avo

12、id be seen by the teacher, Tom got into the classroom from the back door quietly.bebeing8You should learn more advance experience in management from them.advanceadvanced9I cant go out with you tonight because I have an urgent thing to attend.attend后加to10Accustomed to live in the countryside, Mr.King

13、 found it hard to live in the city.第一个liveliving.单句写作1最令我惊讶的是,甚至面对那么多记者他都没有表现出胆怯。(amaze)What_amazed_me_most_is_that_he_shows_no_fear_even_when_he_faces_so_many_reporters.2我们可以通过屏幕获得我们需要的各种信息。(access)We_can_have_access_to_various_information_we_need_through_the_screen.3众所周知,学好英语对我们大家都大有益处。(acknowledg

14、e)It_is_universally_acknowledged_that_learning_English_well_will_be_of_great_benefit_to_us_all.4可是,有时我们太重视我们的电话,以至于忽略了我们的朋友。(attach)However,_sometimes_we_attach_too_much_importance_to_our_phones_so_that_we_ignore_our_friends.5如果你能告诉我更多活动事宜,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)I_would_appreciate_it_if_you_could_tell_me_more_about_the_activity.语法基础强化练 语法填空短文改错 .语法填空(2017长沙市模拟)Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, about 300 kilometers away from Changsha, capital of Hunan, Zhangjiajie, _1_ covers a total area of 9,563 square kilometers, is a tourist city for its unique natural scener

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