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1、礼貌地问一下客人有没有什么特殊要求,因为有时一些客人是会有一些奇怪的要求的。一般这样问之后客人会告诉你他想要高楼层的,或是窗口对着山或花园的,或是其他的一些要求。6. We have keys, we can take you to see the apartment now. 我们有钥匙,现在可以带你去看房。7. Which apartment do you like?你喜欢哪间房?看了几套房子之后问客人喜欢哪套,从中知道客人的喜好,才可以推更加合适的盘,或者根据客户的心理推已看的盘。8. How long will you stay?你想要住多久?外国人有些只是因为来办事需要短租,知道他们

2、租多久后,才能问业主是否短租,以及讨价还价。9. prepaid 1 month rent, 2 months deposit2个月的按金,1个月的租金预付10. the decoration / view is very good装修/风景十分好11. fully furnished家电全齐with furniture and appliance带家私家电newly renovated新装修super river view无敌海景12. sign the contract 签合同13. 以下是一些常用单词,大家可以记一记flat 英公寓apartment 公寓deplex 复式 (有部电影也

3、叫duplex,超好笑,推荐大家去找来看看,中文名叫双层公寓)house 有瓦顶的房,但是现在引申意义可以用来形容一般的房子red一般租的那些我们都还是用会apartment这个词比较贴切,客人容易理解/redfurniture 家私appliance 家电lift/elevator 电梯stairs 楼梯房地产英语对话(一)租赁相关对话一、客户上门求租 客户:我想租个房子。 I would like to rent an apartment. Agent:您有什么条件吗?/请问您要什么户型的? What do you need? /What kind of an apartment woul

4、d you like to rent?七十到一百平米,两个卧室,有中央空调,国贸附近的新楼。 A new two bedroom apartment, around 70 to 100 square meters, central heat and air conditioning, in the GuoMao area. 您可以接受什么价格范围的房子?/大约价位多少?And what is your price range? /How much do you want to spend? 五千到八千块钱。 5000-8000 RMB. (1)有合适的房源,能马上带看我们还真有一套这样的房子。

5、您有时间去看一下吗? We do have one available. Do you have time to go look?有时间。我们现在就去吧。 Yes, I do. Shall we go now?好的,走吧。 OK, lets go. (2)查询电脑,找到合适的房源 稍等。我帮您查一下蓝堡里有一套一室一厅,5800,23层中的4层,家电齐全,精装修。您觉得怎么样? Hold on. Ill check for you Theres an apartment in Blue castle: 5800 RMB, on the fourth floor out of 23, all m

6、ajor appliances, with fine decoration. What do you think? 好的。我今天能去看房吗? Good. Can I go see the apartment today? 下午七点,我带您去看房怎么样? Ill take you to check the apartment at 7 p.m. Would that be OK? Sure. (3)没有马上找到合适的好的,我已经把您的要求都登记下来了。您等我们电话吧。 OK, I have taken down your requirements. Please wait for our cal

7、l. 二、客户电话询问你好,是陈先生吗? Hello, is it Mr. Chen?S是的。peaking. 我对您在登在网上的那套公寓很感兴趣。 Im interested in the apartment you advertised on the internet. 哪一套?要买还是要租呢?Which one?To buy or to rent?Its the one in gemdale , 112 square meters . I would like to rent. Could you tell me something about the apartment? 金地那套11

8、2平米的。租。你能告诉我一些公寓的简况吗?There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. 一共有两间卧室,一间浴室,一个厨房。Well. How about the surroundings? 恩。周边环境怎么样啊?The residents there are friendly and the community also has a good security system. 那里的居民很友好,而且小区里也有很好的安全设施。So can I visit the apartment this Friday morning? 那我这个礼拜五

9、早上可以看看公寓吗?Sure. 可以的。三、带看后你觉得这房子怎么样?What do you think of the house?房子装修的不错,不过屋子里太空了,没有书桌,也没有洗衣机。 Its well decorated. But the house seems a little empty without a desk and a washing machine. 书桌和洗衣机我们都可以给你配。 We can have these things purchased for you. 卧室没有空调,夏天太热了。 And theres no air conditioner in the

10、bedroom. It will be hot in the summer. 四、准备签合同 你好,上次看的那个房子,我打算租下来。 Hello, I want to rent the apartment I checked out last time. 那好,您什么时候方便签合同? Good. What time do you think will be OK to come sign the contract? 今天晚上吧。我需要带什么东西? Tonight. What should I bring? 您带上身份证和现金就可以了。 Bring your ID card and the mo

11、ney. 好的,那晚上见吧。 OK, see you tonight. 涉外房产中介常用英文单词房屋内部: single bedroom double bedroom living room kitchen toilet bathroom 单人房 双人房 起居室 厨房 厕所 浴室 房屋外围: courtyard garage balcony corridor fence fountain 院子 车库 阳台 走廊 栅栏 喷泉 家电: fridge washing machine dishwasher water heater microwave oven stereo system 冰箱 洗衣机

12、 洗碗机 热水器 微波炉 音响 radiator toaster dryer air conditioner 电暖炉 烤面包机 干燥机 空调 卧室: single bed double bed bed-linen blanket sheet mattress quilt pillow 单人床 双人床 被单和枕套 毯子 床单 床垫 棉被 枕头 curtain wardrobe armchair 窗帘 衣橱 扶手椅子 浴室: (以下词汇听懂即可) detergent tap towel sponge shampoo soap lotion cream shaver 清洁剂 笼头 手巾,毛巾 洗澡用的海绵 香波 香皂 洗发液 面霜 剔须刀 住宿类

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