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1、 play C playing ; play D playing ; playing6. - Is she good at drawing? - Yes, she can draw _ her teacher. A as better B as well as C as good as D as best as7. His grandfather _ an accident last year.A died of B died for C died in D died from8. There were _ local doctors at that time, were there?A fe

2、w B a few C little D a little9. Tom wasnt _ in the exam. As a result, he got a “C”.A careful enough B enough carefully C carefully enough D enough careful10. Lingling has learnt English for three years, _.A so did Tom B so has Tom C so have tom D so does Tom 11. I havent finished my homework, so I c

3、ant _. A hand it in B hand in it C hand them in D hand in them 12. Mum told me _ good story.A such an B so a C such a D so an 13. Tom was _ when he heard the _ news.A exciting ; excited B excited ;exciting C exciting ; exciting D excited ; excited14. _ Daming tried very hard, he failed the exam.A Th

4、ough B Until C When D How15. Tony got up early _ he could get to school on time.A in order to B such that C so that D such as16. A: When did the Shanghai Expo open? B: _ May 1st, 2010.A In B On C At D By17. A: Do you know _ the soldiers came to Yushu Town? The roads were badly broken. They had to wa

5、lk there.A why B when C how D where18. Yao Ming works hard on his English and _.A so Liu Xiang does B so is Liu Xiang C so does Liu Xiang D so Liu Xiang is19. A: My father has decided to _ smoking. Thats good news for us. A give up B give out C give in D give to20. There are _ people in the supermar

6、ket. Its so crowded. A hundred B hundreds C hundred of D hundreds of21. A: Alice, please tell Eric to call me when he _ back. No problem. A come B comes C came D will come22. A: _ beautiful city!B: Yes. Lots of tourists come to visit it every year.A How B What C How a D What a23. A: Listen! Is it Li

7、nda singing in the next room? No, it _ be her. She is still in Shanghai.A cant B couldnt C may not D might not24. Stop _ so much noise! My father is sleeping.A to make B makingC to hearD hearing25. _ a big party in our school in two weeks.A It is B It will be C There was D There is going to be26. A:

8、 _? Yes, Id like the new dress. Please show me the green one?A Whats the matter B How are you C Whats the date D Can I help you27. A: Could you tell me _ to the post office, please? Yes. Its down Bridge Street on your fight.A how I got B how I can get C how can I get D how did I get28. We felt _ imp

9、ossible to finish the work without help.A it B that C this D them 29. A: Bob, you look so happy today! Well, I got _“A ”on my English testA the B a C an D /30. A: Whose shirt is this? Is it Toms? No, it isnt. _ is white.A Mine B Hers C His D Yours1.【知识点】数词量词【试题解析】考查数词的用法。 句意:井大约有30米深,井里的水尝起来有点甜。30米深

10、的正确表达应该是30 metres deep。故选择C。【答案】C 2.【知识点】现在完成时【试题解析】考查现在完成时态,句意:我们的老师们对我们很友好,我们自从3年前就是朋友。句子的时间状语是since three years ago.意思的自从3年前,强调发生在过去持续到现在的行为,因此应该使用现在完成时。故选择A.【答案】A3.【试题解析】考查现在完成时态。句意:我已经离开我的国家好长时间了。时间状语为for a long time ,因此句子应该使用延续性动词的现在完成时态, 故选择C。4.【知识点】连词连接词【试题解析】直到汤姆打扫完教室,他才回家,因为该他值日。根据句意可知选择。5

11、.【知识点】动词动词短语【试题解析】考查动词搭配。麦克擅长踢足球。我经常看他在公园踢足球。短语be good at 意思为擅长做某事,后加ving, watch sb. do sth .意思为观看某人做某事,故选择C。6.【知识点】副词【试题解析】句意:她擅长画画吗?是的,她能画的和老师一样好。 asas 表示和 一样,中间使用形容词或副词原级,句中表示画的好,用副词well 修饰动词draw .故选择【答案】B7.他的爷爷去年死于一场事故。die of 表示死于自身的原因,比如疾病等,die from 死于外因,例如,车祸,地震等。结合题意选择D。【答案】D8.【试题解析】考查量词的用法。当

12、时没有当地的医生在那里,是吗?根据翻译疑问句的前否后肯的原则,通过他的疑问方式were there 可知前面的陈述句应该是一个否定的,doctors是可数名词复数故选择A。9.【知识点】形容词【试题解析】考查形容词的用法。汤姆在考试中没有足够的仔细,结果得了个C be动词后接形容词作表语,enough修饰形容词要后置。故选择A。10.【知识点】固定句型【试题解析】考查固定句型。句意玲玲已经学了3年英语了,汤姆也是。前面的陈述部分是现在完成时态,后面也应该使用同一时态,故选择C。11.【试题解析】考查动词短语。句意,我还没有完成我的家庭作业,因此我不能上交,hand in 当宾语是个代词时,代词只能放在hand in 这个动副结构的中间,homework是不可数名词,因此应该使用代词it ,故选择A。12.【

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