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1、【答案】答案 C解析:句意:许多中国人尽管在国外居住了许多年,仍奉行传统的习俗。observe“遵守;奉行”,符合句意。( 4) People in other parts of the world have been _ Christmas for many centuries. A. observing B. attending C. spending D. enjoying【答案】答案 A解析:奉行;庆祝”。题意:许多世纪以来,世界其他地区的人也过圣诞节。attend“出席,参加”;spend“度过”;enjoy“享受”。2. occasionn. 时刻,时节( 1) Occasions

2、 are quite rare _I have the time to spend a day with my kids.【答案】when( 2) I saw Bob play the piano at Johns party and on that _ he was simply brilliant. A. scene B. circumstance C. occasion D. situation【答案】答案C解析:on that occasion“在那个时候”,为固定短语。( 3) I sometimes have _ to visit Birmingham on business. A

3、. opportunity B. occasion C. chance D. possibility【答案】答案 B解析:occasion“时机;机会”,含有原因的意思,符合题意。opportunity“良机,机会”,指某一特定时机,有利于做某事以实现某种抱负与愿望等;chance“机会,运气”,指无法解释的天意或命运所安排的时机,强调偶然性;possibility“可能性”。3. occupy v. 使用,占用;使忙于;忙着( 1) One of my childhood _(occupy) was collecting stamps. ( 2) She is fully occupied

4、_ looking after three small children.她忙于照料三个小孩儿。(1) occupations (2)in( 3) _ herself with routine office tasks, she had no time to attend to her children. A. Occupying B. Occupied C. Being occupied D. To be occupiedoccupy oneself with / in doing sth.“忙于(做)某事”,在句中occupy与主语she之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。( 4) M

5、ary cant afford the film as she is _ a translation of an English novel. A. busy in B. absorbed to C. occupied with D. devoted bybe occupied with “忙于”。be busy with, be absorbed in, be devoted to都可意为“从事于;忙于”,注意正确搭配。4. otherwise ad. 否则;不然;除此以外;在其他方面( 1) We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we

6、_ him. A. would have telephoned B. must have telephoned C. would telephone D. had telephoned该句错综时间条件句,即从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作发生的时间不一致,这时动词的形式应根据表示的时间来调整。( 2) He is a little self-conceited, but he is _ quite suitable for the post.A. especially B. somewhat C. diplomatically D. otherwise【答案】答案D解析:本题考查otherwis

7、e的一词多义。题意为:他虽有点自负,但从其他方面来看这个工作倒是挺合适的。5. oppose v. 反对( 1) His daughter is very athletic as_(oppose) to his son, who is cleverer.【答案】opposed( 2) During the discussion, many members were _ my proposal, which upset me greatly. A. objecting B. objected to C. opposing D. opposed tobe opposed to“反对”,固定短语。(

8、 3) The committee is totally opposed _any changes being made in the plans. A. of B. on C. to D. against委员会一致反对对该计划的任何变动。be opposed to意为“反抗,对抗”。另外,oppose可作及物动词后跟宾语,如:oppose sth.。6. occurv. 出现;发生;被想到( 1) This is a common _(occur).【答案】occurance( 2) Why are you so late? I was halfway when it _ to me tha

9、t I had left my notebook home, so I had to fetch it. A. occurred B. hit C. happened D. reminded【答案】答案A解析:it occurred to sb. that意为“某人突然想起”,为固定句型。 3) It never _ to me that a top student like her should have failed in the exam. A. happened B. appeared C. sounded D. occurred考查固定句型it occurred to sb. tha

10、t“某人想起”。7. operatev. 运转;工作;动手术( 1) When does this new law come into operation (operate)?( 2) The doctor said that the patient had _ at once, which made us all worried. A. to operate B. to be operated C. operated D. to be operated on【答案】答案 D解析:sb. be operated on“某人正在被动手术”,on不能省去。( 3) They have discus

11、sed for two years of drafting a new law to control the pollution but when it will be put _ is still unknown. A. into operation B. in effect C. to use D. to practice他们为指定控制污染的新法规已讨论了两年,但是何时实施却仍是个未知数。put into operation“实施;实行”,为固定短语。8. offer v. 主动提出;提供 n. 出价( 1) They decided to offer the job _Joe.他们决定让

12、乔做这项工作。【答案】to ( 2) She was complaining that the doctor was _ too much for the treatment he was giving her.A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging她在抱怨,医生向她要的医疗费太高了。charge意为“收费,要价”,构成短语charge for“因(向某人)收费”。( 3) She _ her mother do some housework.A. offered helping B. offered help C. offered to

13、 help D. offeroffer to do“主动提出做”,固定短语。9. owev. 欠(债);归因于;归功于( 1) _(owe) to the rain, the match was cancelled.【答案】Owing( 2) He is a successful businessman; he _ his success more to luck than to ability. A. attaches B. adapts C. owes D. fastensowe success to“把成功归功于”。( 3) I owed $20 _ Bob and _ him soon. A. to; paid B. for; paid C. for; repaid D. to; repaidowe some money to sb.“欠某人钱”;repay“偿还”。10. oppositea. 对面的;另一边的;相反的 n. 对立的人(物);反面( 1) He smiled and sat down _(在对面) her.【答案】opposite to( 2) The army put up a strong _ to the enemy. A. oppos

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