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1、一、单词拼写单词拼写1I need to_(加长)my skirt.2The_(村民们)helped the little girl find her parents.3He_ (检查)his passport and stamped it.4The_ (进攻)from the enemy was so strong that we were required to fall back.5It was a terrible accident and she was the only girl to have _(幸存)the accident.6The little boy doesnt ha

2、ve the_ (力气)to lift that heavy box.7In the interview, he had finally_(使相信)several customers of the advantages of his product.8Do you have to _(预订)tickets in advance?二、选用适当得单词或短语补全句子选词填空9There are still _ students studying in the classroom now.10Have you ever _ a political party?11Many young men in o

3、ur company want to _ the beautiful girl.12Theories should _ practice.13The witness told the police what had happened _.14Many strange customs have_ earlier times.15Her views on that matter _mine.16Will you be able to _the airport?三、根据所给汉语意思完成句子补全句子17He came to know that the knowledge from books can

4、be useful only_.他慢慢地知道书上的知识只有与实践相联系的时候才有用。18He _one day the mystery will be solved. 他确信将来有一天谜底会被解开。19Youd better_.你最好把车子开慢点。20The search party _in the storm, _ the missing tourists. 搜索队在风暴中前进, 寻找失踪的游客。21_ the young woman has gone abroad. 据说那位年轻的女士已经出国了。四、阅读选择 For years,the giant squid (大王乌贼) had rem

5、ained a modern mystery.Living in the dark depths of the ocean,the creature is difficult for scientists to observe directly.It had also managed to avoid all attempts to film it.That changed last July:for the first time ever,scientists were able to catch the giant squid on video in its natural habitat

6、.They were amazed by what they saw.The scientists filmed the squid in the North Pacific Ocean,south of Tokyo,Japan.They followed it down to a depth of 2,952 feet.They shot more than 23 minutes of video before the squid swam off into even darker depths.The video footage will be released to the public

7、 later this month on The Discovery Channel.Tsunemi Kubodera,a zoologist at Japans National Museum of Nature and Science,led the team that filmed the squid.The team went into the ocean in a small submarine with lights invisible to both humans and squid.Since giant squid eat smaller squid,the scientis

8、ts released a small squid as bait (诱饵)Then the scientists waited in the pitch black for the giant squid to approach.The color video shows the creature floating vertically,eating the bait squid.The giant squid is 9 to 10 feet long and is missing its two longest tentacles (触须)With those tentacles,it c

9、ould have measured up to 26 feet long.It has huge black eyes,the size of dinner plates,“It was shining and so beautiful,” Kubodera said.Because the deep ocean is so unfriendly to humans,little is known about the giant squid.Scientists say catching the mysterious creature on video is an important ste

10、p toward understanding it.For centuries,sailors had reported seeing a huge,oceandwelling beast,thought to be the giant squid.The creature is also believed to be the subject of the Nordic myth of the kraken,a sea creature that supposedly attacked ships in Scandinavian waters over the past thousands o

11、f years.22Why is it difficult to film the giant squid?ABecause it is illegal to film the giant squid.BBecause it is too expensive to make such a film.CBecause the giant squid lives in the dark deep ocean.DBecause the giant squid is dangerous to humans.23We can learn from the first paragraph that sci

12、entists _Afirst saw the giant squid in the oceanBdiscovered a new sea creature in the oceanChave the ocean bottom secretly recorded on videoDhave first caught the legendary giant squid on video24According to the passage,the giant squids longest tentacles can be _A16 to 17 feet longB9 to 10 feet long

13、Cmore than 26 feet longDabout 36 feet long25The scientists released a small squid in the ocean to _Aincrease the number of the giant squidBtrick the giant squid into coming outCmake an educational film about itDshow concern for the giant squid五、完形填空Its fourteen years since I left the Philippines to

14、live with my family in the USAA month ago, while on summer vacation back in my motherland, I learned a lesson from mosquito (蚊子) bites. Right before 26 Kennedy Airport in New York, my grandma 27 me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the 28 like me. She said, Theres an old sayingthe 29 you stay away from the motherland, the sweeter your blood 30 to the mosquitoes. Not 31 it, I replied, Grandma, thats just an old wives tale!Well, less than a week 32 my arrival in Manila, I was already carpeted with a 33 of mos

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