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1、 Yes, I am. 是的,我在踢足球。三、动词现在分词的构成1直接在词尾加ing。gogoing; dodoing; cookcooking; looklooking 2以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉e,再加ing。writewriting; drivedriving; skateskating; havehaving; rideriding; dancedancing 3以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing。swimswimming; runrunning; getgetting; putputting; sitsitting; setset

2、ting4以ie结尾的词,变ie为y,再加ing。diedying; lielying; tietying 练习 一单项填空( )1.What _ Jim and Mike doing now?A. am B. is C. are D. /( )2.2016永州What are you doing now? I _ to the music. Ais listening Bam listening Cwas listening ( )3.Whos your friend_? Her mother. Atalk Btalk to with Ctalking Dtalking with( )4.L

3、isten! A girl_ an English song. Asings Bis singing Csing Dto sing( )5.Is he_ a movie on TV? No,hes _ an email.Areading; writing Bseeing; writing Cseeing; watching Dlooking; reading( )6.What_ he_ now? Hes reading. Adoes; do Bis; doing Chas; to do Dwas; do( )7.What is he doing? He _ his MP4. Ais liste

4、ning Bis listening to Clistening Dlistening to( )8.Look at the photo. The boy _. Aswimming Bdoesnt swim Cswims Dis swimming( )9.Its seven oclock. My father is _ a newspaper. Areading Blooking Creads Dlooks( )10. Is David playing computer games? _AYes, he is BNo, he is CYes, he does DNo, he doesnt( )

5、11.What are your parents talking_? Ato Bat Cabout Dwith( )12.Wang Bin is _ a book. Li Tao is _ the blackboard. seeing Breading; looking at Cseeing; seeing Dseeing; looking at( )13.Mike and his classmates_ over there. Ais play Bis playing Care playing Dare play( )14.Look! She is _ a book under the tr

6、ee. Alooking Bwatching Cseeing Dreading( )15.Bill is talking _ the phone now.Aon Bin Cat Dto( )16.I want _ this novel now.Areading Bto reading Cread Dto read( )17.The boy isnt_ the teacher in class.Alisten Blistens Clistening Dlistening to ( )18.Its 8 oclock. Jims family _ TV.Ais watching Bare watch

7、ing Cwatch Dto watch( )19.Let me _ these books into the box.Aputs Bput Cto put Dputting( )20._ you _ the window? Yes, I am. ADo; clean BIs; cleaning CAre; cleaning DDo; cleaning( )21. My grandma isnt here now. She is _ a storybook in her room. A. looking B. reading C. seeing D. watching ( )22.Where

8、is Rose? She _ at the mall. Ashopping Bis shopping Cshops Dare shopping( )23.There is a _ pool near here. I often go there_. Aswim; swim Bswimming; swim Cswimming; to swim Dswimming; swimming( )24.Lets go swimming. _. I like swimming very much. ASounds good BSure, Id love to CSorry DNo( )25.Keep qui

9、et, children. Dad _ in the bedroom. OK, Mom. Asleep Bsleeps Cis sleeping Dis sleeps ( )26. Listen! My sister _ on the phone. A. talks B. to talk C. is talking D. talk ( )27._ the first photo, I _ at the mall.AOn; do shop BOn; shopping CIn; am do shop DIn; am shopping( )28. The girl wishes _ icecream

10、, but her mother doesnt want her _ it. A. eating; to eat B. to eat; eating C. eating; eating D. to eat; to eat ( )29.Danny is living _ his grandmother. Afor Bto Cwith Din ( )30.Mary is playing with her cat and her brother _ at the pool.Ais swimming Bswims Cswim Dto swim( )31.What _ Mary and Sara _?

11、They are playing the guitar. Ado; do Bare; do Care; doing Ddoes;( )32.Here _ two _ of my family. Ais; photo Bare; photos Care; photos Dis; photos( )33.2016昆明Each couple in China can have two _ from January 1st, 2016.Aboy Bgirl Cchildren Dchild( )34.My parents are _ races on TV in the living room.Awa

12、tching Bseeing Creading Dlooking at( )35. Her _ are watching TV now. A. house B. home C. family D. school( )36.2015菏泽Hi, Wang Ning! Hows the weather in Heze now? It is terrible. It _ all the morning. Arains Bis raining Crained ( )37.2015安徽 Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room. Im coming, Mom.Aclean Bcleaned Chave cleaned Dam cleaning( )38.2015威海 Listen! Someone _ the violin in the music room.Aplays Bplayed Cis playing( )93.Mom, someone _. Please pick up the phone.Ahas called Bis calling Cwill call Dwas calling( )40.2015苏州Where is Joan? She _ a novel in her study

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