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1、 基于PHP和MYSQL的网站设计和实现 学 院: 计算机学院 专 业: 网络工程 班 级: 网络1101 学生姓名: 周从军 导师姓名: 朱辉 职称: 讲师 AbstractPHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free and open source. The authors have discussed the environmental issues in development process based on PHP and MYSQL and the implementation proces

2、s of the website . Keywords PHP; MYSQL; Development and Implementation .1. INTRODUCTION With the development of Web technology, it is inevitable choice for all kind of corporate growth to combine traditional marketing with network marketing. The effective method of network marketing is to establish

3、the website which is suitable for their company. At present the website developments mainstream platform includes: LAMP (Linux operating system, Apache network server, MYSQL database, PHP programming language), J2EE and. Net commercial software. Because PHP and MYSQL is free, open source and so on,

4、they are noted for IT professionals. From the perspective of website traffic, more than 70% of website traffic is provided with LAMP, which is most popular platform for developing the website. In this paper, we designed a website based on PHP and MYSQL. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 m

5、ake conclusion In Section 5.2. DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS A. The Choice of Development Language ASP.NET, PHP & JSP are three mainstream languages of the website development, which have their advantages and disadvantages respectively, the comparison between them is shown in Table1. The project

6、takes PHP as the development language, the reason is as follows: Free. The project is small, which is no need to use the payment development platform such as ASP.NET and JSP. Strong supporting. Middle and small scale websites, even some large-scale websites such as baidu, Sina in China take PHP as t

7、he development language, which can contribute to solve the problem during the programming. analyzes development environment. In Section 2, we proposed the development model based on PHP. Then case study in Section 4. weGood portability. Although it is designed to use in the environment of Linux and

8、Apache Web server system at first, now PHP is already transplanted any operating system and compatible standard Web server software. Simple grammar. PHP has many similarities with the C programming language, so it is easy to program using PHP for the C programmers. Rapid development. Because the sou

9、rce code is open, PHP will continue to develop rapidly. When Zeev Suraski added the object-oriented syntax back in the days of PHP 3, it was added as syntactic sugar for accessing collections. The OO model also had support for inheritance and allowed a class (and object) to aggregate both methods an

10、d properties, but not much more. When Zeev and Andi Gutmans rewrote the scripting engine for PHP 4, it was a completely new engine; it ran much faster, was more stable, and boasted more features. However, the OO model first introduced in PHP 3 was barely touched. Although the object model had seriou

11、s limitations, it was used extensively around the world, often in large PHP applications. This impressive use of the OOP paradigm with PHP 4, despite its weaknesses, led to it being the main focus for the PHP 5 release. So, what were some of the limitations in PHP 3 and 4? The biggest limitation (wh

12、ich led to further limitations) was the fact that the copy semantics of objects were the same as for native types. So, how did this actually affect the PHP developer? When assigning a variable (that points to an object) to another variable, a copy of the object would be created. Not only did this im

13、pact performance, but it also usually led to obscure behavior and bugs in PHP 4 applications because many developers thought that both variables would point at the same object, which was not the case. The variables were instead pointing at separate copies of the same object. Changing one would not c

14、hange the other. For example: class Person var $name; function getName() return $this-name; function setName($name) $this-name = $name; function Person($name) $this-setName($name); function changeName($person, $name) $person- $person = new Person(Andi); changeName($person, Stig print $person-getName

15、(); In PHP 4, this code would print out . The reason is that we pass the object $person to the changeName() function by-value, and thus, $person is copied and changeName() works on a copy of $person. This behavior is not intuitive, as many developers would expect the Java-like behavior. In Java, variables actually hold a handle (or pointer) to th

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