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高二英语教案Unit 13 Albert EinsteinWord文档格式.docx

1、怎样表达询问与推测1. Is it ? No , it isnt not him .2 . Is he / she ?3 . Who is he / she ?4 . What did he do ?5 . It must be him / her . 语法重点:学习名词性从句作主语的用法。作主语的名词性从句,因其在复合句中作主语,所以称为主语从句。名词性从句作主语时常被换为 it 作形式主语。【指点迷津】单元重点词汇点拨1. communist 共产主义者,共产主义的Communists feel it a joy and an honour to work under hard condi

2、tions .Are you a member of the Communist Youth League ? 你是共产主义青年团团员吗 ?点拨communism 是名词“共产主义”。2 . scientific 科学的We must pay more attention to scientific farming .点拨science 科学,scientist 科学家3 . content 甘愿的,满意的We are well content to have seen such a wonderful performance .Dont be content with such a smal

3、l success .点拨be content with 对心满意足,be content to do 乐于干4 . discovery 发现They have made wonderful discoveries in science .点拨make a discovery in 在作出发现。discover发现(invent 发明)。discoverer发现者。5 . right 权利(可数名词)We must fight for human rights .点拨have a / the right to do 有权干。6 . peace 和平It was a danger to worl

4、d peace .点拨the peace of society 社会安宁。in peace 平安的。 at peace平静地。make peace 讲和。peaceful和平的。7 . prove 证明,证实How did you prove that he was the thief ?点拨(1) prove 作系动词后跟形容词作表语。试对比:She proved her honesty .She proved honest .She proved herself (to be ) honest .8 . stick (stuck , stuck ) 粘住,钉住,坚持Though he wa

5、s sick , he stuck to his work .点拨stick to + doing 坚持干 。9 . respect 尊敬;尊重Students should respect teachers and teachers love students .点拨have / show + respect for 对尊重。Send ones respects to sb 代向某人问好(注意 respect 用复数)10 . advance 推进,前进,促进。A month has passed and the work has not advanced .点拨advanced 可以作形容

6、词“高级的;先进的”。如:She wants to buy some advanced readers . 她想买一些高级读本。单元词组思维运用1 . compare notes with sb 与某人交换意见Id like to compare notes with you about teaching .2 . do a word puzzle 猜字谜3 . enjoy school 喜欢上学 ( 注意在 school 的前面无冠词)4 . be content to do 对干心满意足All through his life , Einstein was content to spend

7、 most of his time alone .5 . from the age of 从 岁时开始(注意句子的时态可以是现在完成时或者一般过去时)From the age of 24 , he has been working as a teacher .From what age did Einstein study in Switzerland ?6 . go on with + 名词 “继续干”Lets have a rest for lunch and go on with the meeting this afternoon .7 . receive a doctors degr

8、ee 获得博士学位注意该词组中的 receive 可以用 take 或者get 替换。8 . lead to 导致;造成;引起It is sleeping late that leads to being late for school .注意该词组中的 to 为介词。9 . receive praise for 因而受到表扬对比:praise sb for sth 因表扬某人10 . a cheque for + 钱数 “一张的支票”The scientist received a cheque for 50,000 dollars .11 . take American nationali

9、ty 取得美国国籍注意下列有关国籍的表达:Whats your nationality ? 你是哪国国籍 ?/ He has Japanese nationality . / She is of Australia nationality .12 . make music 创作乐曲The music he made sounds beautiful .13 . lead / live + a / an + + life 过着的生活He lives a simple way of life in the USA .14 . in a straight line 沿着一条直线Do you beli

10、eve that light travels through space in a straight line ?15 . work out 计算出,想出,制定Can you work out how much it costs to build the bridge ?16 . stick to 坚持(真理、意见、看法等),遵守One should stick to whatever one has begun .17 . respect sb as 把某人当作来尊重Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist . 爱因斯坦被

11、公认为最杰出的科学家,备受尊重。18 . take sides 和站在一边,偏向一边Switzerland refused to take sides in the two world wars .注意:take the side of 站在的一边19 . an end to 的结束或者终了What he said put an end to the quarrel .20 . provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 供应某人某物This magazine provides us with a lot of useful information .二、

12、学海导航【学法指要】单元句型思路明晰1. By the time he was fourteen years old , he had learned maths all by himself .明晰(1) 有些表示时间的短语可以引导时间状语从句,如:each time , the moment , by the time 等。Be the time “到时为止”,其后主句的时态可以分为:A . 到某一过去时间为止,主句的动作已经完成,主句用过去完成时。By the time I got to the bus stop , the bus had already left .B . 到过去某一

13、时间为止,会存在某种状态,主句可以用一般过去时。By the time we arrived at the small mountain village , it was quite dark .C . 到某一将来时间为止会发生的事情,主句可以用将来完成时,从句用一般时态或者为了强调用现在完成时态。Breakfast will be ready by the time you have dressed .(2) by the time 后的定语从句中省略了 that = when 。I still remember the summer (that) I was in the countryside .2 . He could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved . 他还能把恒星看上去移动了的距离也计算出来。明晰 to have moved 是动词不定式的完成式,表示其动作已经提前完成。She appeared to have forgotten his telephone number .注意该句型结构可以转换为:It appears that He appeared to have finished his work . = It appeared that he had f

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