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新东方 考研英语作文笔记Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、(2) 小型微观话题 如:WTO、中国足球、克隆现象、安乐死、海归派、考研热等 训练方法:(1) 例证法 如:沉溺于上网(web addiction)、青少年犯罪、TV ads (win-win deal 双赢)、It pays to be honest等 (2) 平时的思维拓展练习 长文章的五要素:利与弊、不同的观点、寻找原因及后果、解决措施、未来趋势 3、真情流露没必要 写作的三个角度:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位 要求:结构简单,而语言卓越,但在内容上只要相关即可 4、思维跳跃断层多 英语中启、承、转、合的设置 启:启动观点,开篇点题 Nowadays, there is grow

2、ing concern over ;When it comes to , people hold different opinions. It is generally believed that 承:涉及文章第二段(拓展段),原因一、二、三,方面一、二、三要有层次感 In the first place; above all; To begin with; For one thing; On the one hand;In the second place; In addition; Further more; More over; Whats more;For another ; On t

3、he other hand;Last but not least; More importantly; Even worse;转:表示转折的方法如下:However; On the contrary; Conversely; Whereas; Instead; Nevertheless;合:表示合并总结:As a result; As a consequence; consequently; Accordingly; Therefore; Thus; Hence;In conclusion; To sum up; In brief; In sort; On the whole; By and

4、large; Generally speaking; As somebody put(puts) it; As the saying goes;句与句之间要衔接,段与段之间要过渡 5、英语表达憋得慌 解决的方法:要靠日常的积累,大量的积累。积累优秀的写作语言,积累各类主题相关词。Non-government-run school 民办私立学校;entry 加入(中国加入世贸);protect intellectual property rights 保护知识产权;pirated software 盗版软件;pirated video products/materials 盗版音像制品;adva

5、nce with times与时俱进;sustainable developments 可持续发展;to get online 上网;forward an email发邮件 to get offline 下网;mobile phone 手机;bring sth. into full play 充分发挥;6、盲目动笔凑字数 考研写作要求字数大约200字左右,评分有五个档次:1、1720分:思维丰富,语言非常漂亮,运用了相当多得好词语等;2、1316分:语言比较通畅,有些闪光点,但也有一些小错误等;3、912分 :没什么闪光点,语言简单乏味,数字够了;4、58分 :语言错误太明显,且比较多;5、0

6、4分 :跑题,不符合题目的要求,语言太差;在考试中不要盲目动笔凑字数,而是要集中火力写好前三句,写好第一段和第二段。7、低级错误常出现 要去检查自己的作文,语言方面可以从以下七个角度去检查:1、主谓一致 2、检查时态 (议论文的事态尽量统一成现在时。包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、一般将来时、现在完成进行时等等。)3、检查冠词的用法(原则是:特指的名词加the,泛指的单词不加the) 4、名词的单复数 5、检查介词搭配 6、检查拼写错误 7、检查中文思维 a. 用词不当 acquire /gain knowledge; eliminate illiteracy 扫除文盲;be enti

7、tled to/have access to free medical care享受公费医疗;b. 句法差异 according to sb. It is impossible. c. 冗赘现象 d. 逻辑错误 e. 常见的语法错误 8、处于被动危害大 9、语言单调没变化 写作要求40分钟写200字的文章 一、表明indicate; reveal; reflect; demonstrate; convey; suggest; illustrate;二、认为 believe; suppose; argue; convince; reckon; assume; insist; maintain;

8、in my opinion; I am of the opinion that; I hold the view that; as far as I am concerned;as far as I can see; in my eyes; increasely;10、龙飞凤舞笔迹乱 第二部分:图画作文 写作的训练:1、寻找参照物 2、两种训练方法:(1) 英汉互译 (2) 模仿法-imitation 20XX年写作真题 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled Cultures-National and

9、 International. In the essay you should 1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and 2) give your comment on the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 关于comment 的三个写作角度:1、提建议 your suggestions, your solutions;2、考虑背景及原因 background and reasons;3、描述

10、未来、预测未来;三个经典跑题现象 (审题构思时应注意:以小见大、把握象征寓意) 描述图画的单词:发带 ribbon;耳环 earrings;项链 necklace;少数民族 minority group;妇女服饰 accessories 范文再现:This picture vividly depicts a lovely American girl in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face. She wears ribbons, earrings, necklaces and other accessories,

11、 that are characteristic of the clothes of a certain Chinese minority group. Undoubtedly, this costume has added oriental charm to her beautiful look. What the picture conveys goes far beyond only a fashion trend. Instead it carries cultural meanings. The fact that people from different countries ar

12、e attracted to the mysterious Chinese culture, indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated, and shared internationally. In other words, a nations unique culture can become international(走向世界) through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of gl

13、obalization seems increasingly irresistible(不可抵挡), cultural communications will effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship. In my opinion, national culture as a priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. Yet there are good reasons to advocate international culture.

14、For those ideas from the other cultures, controversial(有争议的、格格不入的)or even absurd at first sight, can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world. However, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side(取其精华、去其糟粕). Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively, and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous. 写作题型总结:1、提纲式作文(91年-96年) 2、图表作文(97年、99年) 3、图画作文(98年、00年、01年、02年、03年) 4、情景式作文(新增加,尚未考过) 5、简单应用文(新增加,尚未考过) 着重研究事务信函(分为建议信、求职信、

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