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1、解决学习中的困难典例展示My Approach to Difficulties in LearningAs high school students,we run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning.Everyone has their own way to deal with them.Here I would like to share mine.When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning

2、 materials or Web pages.In_this_way,I_can_not_only_work_it_out_but_also_improve_my_ability_to_overcome_problems_all_by_myself.1However,when it is something beyond my competence,I_turn_to_my_classmates_or_teachers_for_help.Sometimes_I_also_ask_my_parents_for_advice.As_a_result,I_have_made_steady_prog

3、ress_in_my_studies.2 (2017安徽卷)佳句变式范文中的划线句子可改为如下句式:1.In this way,not only can I work it out,but also I can overcome problems more easily on my own.2.I turn to my classmates,teachers,or my parents,who can give me help or advice,which can lead to my steady progress in my studies.词汇与派生1.occasion n.时刻,时机

4、_ occasion 偶尔,有时_ adj.偶尔的2.traditional adj.传统的It is traditional _ 做是传统3.celebration n.庆祝,庆典_ celebration _ 为了庆祝4.power n.控制力;权力do _ in ones power to do 尽最大努力做5.decorate vt.装饰,布置be decorated _ 装饰有 6.congratulation n.祝贺congratulations _ sb. _ sth.因某事祝贺某人7.invitation n.邀请;请柬;诱惑_ the invitation of 受之邀be

5、 an invitation _ 是的诱因 vt.连接link up _ 和连接在一起9.mess n.混乱,脏乱_ a mess 杂乱,陷入困境10._ n.成年人grownup 成年人_ (pl.)1._ n.奖学金scholar n.学者2._ n.黑暗,漆黑dark n.黄昏,暗处;adj.深色的;黑暗的3._ vt.破坏,毁坏destruction n.破坏,毁灭(的原因)4._ vt.&vi.煮沸,沸腾boiling adj.沸腾的5._ n.接待;招待会;接收效果receive v.接受;体验;接纳;收听6._ vi.申请;vt.应用application n.申请(

6、书);应用_ application一经申请7._ n.入口enter v.进入enter _ 报名参加8._ n.新娘_ n.新郎9._ adj.高兴的,愉快的merrily adv.愉快地10._ n.生产,制造;产量product n.产品,产物;结果_ v.生产,制造We held a celebration for his winning the scholarship.At the invitation,some teenagers attended the ceremony.We all offered our congratulations on his contributio

7、ns to science.学情自测A.语境填词1.Further information is available on _ to the manager.2.We gathered for the _ of her birthday.3.This must be an _ to such phenomenon.4.I offer you my hearty _.5.There are various kinds of farm _ in the supermarket.6.The TV _ is poor in this area.B.用所学词汇替换以下划线部分7.We meet for

8、a drink after work sometimes_but_not_often._8.This is a bit different from conventional business._9.This kind of book is only for grownups._10.The room was in_a_dirty_and_untidy_state._.短语与拓展1.take _ in参加,参与join/participate _参加,参与2.apply _申请,请求apply._应用于3._ time准时_ time及时4.put _搭起;建造,竖起put _攒钱,积蓄5.p

9、ut _扑灭go _熄灭6.burn _烧毁burn _烧光;越烧越旺7.carry _继续,坚持carry _执行,做8.depend _依靠depend on _ that 相信9._ if/though 即使_ if好像10._ well 也,还,同样地as well _和一样好;和选词填空1.Im _ part of my wages every week to buy a bike.2.He _ peeling the potatoes.3.The train arrived _.4.I dont want to _ too much _ my parents.5.What I am

10、 saying _ only _ some of you.6.The house _ last night.经典课文原句1.We had a party at our house _ (庆祝奶奶的七十岁生日).2.On this day,the moon _ (据说是最大最亮的).3.It is called zongzi,_ (是用鲜竹叶包着的粘米).4.The theatre _ (正在被建造) in the centre of the city.5.They were decorating the house _ (突然事故发生了).6.Dont worry _ (如果你并非每样东西都能

11、理解).7.My sister,Alison,and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas _ (告诉他我们想要的全部礼物).8.At the bottom of the bed was the stocking,_ (现在装满了各种各样的小礼物和糖果).9.Thats _ (我妈妈来自的地方).10._ (人们相信) that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.教材与高考The tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival started more_than 2,000 years ago.(教材原句P36)1.Theres a _

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