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1、 What do you think about the war on terrorism. 你对对抗恐怖分子的战争有什么看法 What do you think about women in politicals? 你对女性从政有什么看法?【同义词句】 What do you think violence in movies? How do you feel about violence in movies? Whats your opinion on violence in movies? Do you have any views on violences in movies?2.Per

2、sonally, Im not for it.我个人并不喜欢。 If you ask me, Im not for it. 如果你问我,我并不特别喜欢。 To be honest, Im not for it. 老实说,我并不特别喜欢。 rankly speaking, Im not for it. 坦白说,我并不特别喜欢。3.Im not for it. 我不特别喜欢 Im not in favour of it. 我不喜欢m not too hot about it. 我不喜欢m not fun. 我不喜欢 I dont care for it. 我不同意t agree with it.

3、我不同意4, I feel its bad for kids to watch. 我觉得小孩子看那种东西不好。 I feel English is an easy language to learn. 我觉得英文很容易学。 I feel smoking should be band here. 我觉得这里应该禁止吸烟。 I think it5 If you ask me, id have to disagree. 如果你问我的话,我会说我不同意。 (二)02 What do you think about her? 你对她有什么看法? How do you feel about it? 你的感

4、觉如何? Personally,Im not for it. 我个人并不特别喜欢。 To be honest,I dont like it. 老实说,我不喜欢。m not in favor of it. 我不喜欢。 I feel it bad. 我觉得不好。 Its just for fun. 只是好玩而已嘛。 If you asked me . 如果你问我的话。 I had to disagree. 我会说我不同意。(二)03section 2. offering views and comments提供看法和评语-The boss announces the pay raise today

5、,right?How much do you think well get? 老板今天不是要宣布加薪吗,你觉得我们会加多少?-No idea. Your guess is as good as mine. 完全没概念,我猜的又不会比你准.-It better be more than last year. 最好是比去年多。-Well, anything is better than nothing. Wait and see. 总比没有好 等着瞧吧详细解说 raise. 调高薪资补充例句.I am expecting the pay raise this mouth. 我期望这个月

6、能加薪2.Your guess is as good as mine. 我猜的又不会比你准同义词句.You tell me. 你告诉我。I dont have a clue. 我不知道Ive no idea. 我不知道。Beats me. 我被打败了。3. It better be more than last year. 最好是比去年多同义词句I hope it would be more than last year. 我希望会比去年多。Lets hope it would be more than last year. 我希望会比去年多d like to think it would b

7、e more than last year 我希望会比去年多进阶用语.Youd better be earlier. 你最好早一点Hed better work harder. 他最好努力工作4.Wait and see. 等着瞧吧Well see. 等着瞧吧s see. 等着瞧吧s see how it goes. 等着瞧吧 (二)04m expecting the pay rise this month. 我认为这个月会加薪。Your guess is as good as mine. 我猜的又不会比你准。d better be. 最好是这样。d better be early. 你最好早

8、一点。d better work hard. 他最好努力工作。Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。Will see. 看一看吧。s see. 看一看吧。 (二)05section 3 agree (表示同意)1.-So, are we all behind this new project? 这么说大家都支持这个新案子了? -Im in favor of Maggie. 我同意麦琪。 -Ditto, it doesnt look too expensive either.我也是,看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱。 -Thats right,Nigel. I think we can keep c

9、ost down .一点也没错,奈杰尔,我们认为花费可以降低。 -I cant see a problem. Lets give it a try. 我也不觉得有什么问题,就放手一搏吧。详细解说:1.Are we all behind this new project? 大家都支持这个新案子吗同义词句:We are all for it. 我们都支持I agree. 我同意m in favor. 我同意 Count me in. 我同意2.Ditto! 我也是同义词句: Me too!m in favor too. 我也同意这个主意3.It doesnt look too expensive.

10、 看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱补充例句:It looks good! 看起来很好The primate situation doesnt look very security right now. 行政院长的官位现在看起来不怎么稳。4.Give it a try. 放手一搏吧! Have a goal. 放手一搏吧 Tried out. 放手一搏吧 Give it a shot. 放手一搏吧 (二)06Are we all behind this? 大家都支持吗?We all for it. 我们都支持。m in favor. 同意。Count me in. 我同意。Ditto. 我也是。It

11、 looks good. 看起来很好。 Tried out! 就放手一搏吧!You look sad. 你看起来很悲伤。 Have a goal! 就放手一搏吧Give it a try! Give it a shot! (二)07section 4agree to. 表示同意 -I feel like going for a drink, its been a long day 我想去喝一杯,今天忙了一整天 -great idea! Peter, I could use the drink. 好主意,皮特,我也想要喝一杯 -How about the new bar across road?

12、 那我们去对面新开的酒吧怎么样 -Sounds good. The food there is fantastic too. 听起来不错,那里的东西也很好吃 -I agree, I had lunch there last week. 我同意,我上星期在那里吃过午餐 -excellent! That sounds like a plan. 好极了,听起来真是个好主意 详细解说 1. I feel like going for a drink 我想去喝一杯 补充例句 I feel like going to a movie. 我想去看电影t feel like eating. 我不想吃 2. Its been a long day. 我今天忙了一整天 3. great idea! 好主意 同义词句 sure, that sounds great! sounds good! good thinking. 好主意 4. sounds good! 听起来不错 why not? 有何不可 thats find with me. 我可以 It wont make any difference to me. 对我没什么差别 5, excellent! 好极了 great!

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