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1、( ) 7. Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening. to B. at; in C. by; of D. at;( ) 8. Children wake up very early_the morning of Christmas Day.A. in B. on C. for D. at( ) 9 _ a cold winter morning, I met her in the stfeet.A. In B. On C. At D. For( ) 10 It happened to be very cold_ the morning of

2、 our sports meeting.A. at B. on C. with D. of( ) 11. Why did you get up so early _ this morning.A. on B. / C. at D. in( ) 12. He went to Shanghai_ September 3, 1991 and came back_ a cold morning last year.A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; ia( ) 13. Lucy was born_ the night of May 12, 1984. . .A.

3、on B. in C. at D. to( ) 14. Mrs Brown came to China _ 1996.A.on B. of C. to, D. in( ) 15 _ the morning of November 20, 1915, the workers came to Chicago to show their mourning of Joe Hill.A. On B. In C. For D. At( ) 16. Ann moved_Hangzhou_September, 1992.A. /; in B. to; in C. to; on D, in; in( ) 17.

4、 They started off_an autumn afternoon.A. during B. at C. in D. on( ) 18. He often goes _ school _ six thirty _ the morning.A. for; to; at; for; at D, for; to( ) 19. He arrived _ Shanghai _ 9: 30 _ March 5. A. at; in; at B. to; on; at C. in; at D. in;( ) 20.The English teacher told me to get there_ h

5、alf past ten.A: in B. at C. on D. Of1.It is half _ two.表示三十分钟及三十分钟以内的时刻,用介词past,故选C。A.toB.tillC.pastD.at2.They have been friends _2000.A.forB.sinceC.inD.on【解析】:此句意为“自从2000年以来,他们一直是朋友。”“since+过去时间点” : 表示“自从.以来”,常用现在完成时,故选B。3.He finished the exam _an hour.A.withinB.atC.forat常后接时刻,而此处是时间段,所以不能用at;“for+

6、时间段”表示长达多长时间,常与持续性动词连用,而finish是短暂性动词,所以不能用for;on不接时间长度,所以此处不用on。within+时间段:在.之内;within用于此,此句意为“他在一小时之内完成考试。”故选A。4.It is almost two oclock. Look, its用于表示超过30分的时刻,表示“差”。此处意为“ 差不多两点了。看,一点五十七分了(两点差三分)。5.The show will begin _ten minutes.A.afterB.beforeD.in此句意为“表演将于十分钟后开始。”before在之前,for长达,这两

7、个介词用于此均不符合语意。 而“in+时间段”表示多久之后,用于将来时;“after+ 时间段”表示在.之后,常用于过去时,故选D。6.I have been learning English _ten years.A.duringB.forC.sinceDuring在期间,since自从起,in表示年月等。此句意为“我已经学英语十年了。”用“for+时间段”表示长达多长时间,故选B。7.They came back _two days.“before+时间点”表示在之前,before不能后接时间段,据此排除B(此处若要表示两天前,要用two days ago)。 “for+时间段”表示长达多

8、长时间,常与持续性动词连用,而come是短暂性动词,所以不能用for; “in+时间段”表示多久之后,用于将来时,而此处是过去时,所以不能用in;“after+ 时间段”表示在.之后,常用于过去时,可用于此,故选A。8.You must be home _ten oclock. A.onB.inC.byD.duringon/in/during不能后接时刻,by ten oclock表示在十点之前,故选C。9.She came to the library _6:30 and stayed _10:30. , atB.before , , untilD.durin

9、g, beforeduring不后接时刻,据此排除BD;若A选项用于此,句意不符合逻辑。用C选项,句意才符合逻辑: “她在六点半的时候来到图书馆,然后一直待到十点半。”故选C。10.She didnt go home _ten.A.untilB.during此句意为“她直到十点才回家。”“not.until/till” 表示“直到.才”,故选A1.I went shopping_ Sunday afternoon.正确答案:on【解析】:表示在某一天的上午、下午或晚上,用介词on。2.What happened_ June 13, 2008.表示在具体某一天,用介词on。3.We had a

10、maths test_ Thursday.4.Dont go out_【解析】:at night 在晚上,固定搭配。5.Ginas birthday【解析】:表示在某个月份,用介词in。6.The party will be held_the end of this month.固定搭配at the end of在的末尾,at the end of this month在这个月末。7.Dont be late. The class will begin_8:表示具体时刻,用at。8.Jhon was born_1980.表示具体年份,用in9.

11、She has slepta few hours.for【解析】:for+时间段,表示长达多长时间。10.They always go swimming_ summer.表示在某个季节,用介词in。11.John was very tired. He fell asleep_ the film.during【解析】:during在期间,原文表示他在看电影期间睡着了。12.We will come back_two +时间段,表示多久之后,常用于将来时态。13.We crossed the line_the same the same time同时。14.The work should be donesix oclock at the【解析】:by不迟于,原文表示工作最迟应当在6点之前(不迟于6点)完成。15.We havent spoken to each otherlast week.since【解析】:since自从起。原文意为“自从上星期到现在,我们都没有与彼此说话。”16.Dont go anywhere. Stay herenine oclock.until【解析】:until直到。原文意为“哪里都不要去。在这里待到9点钟。17.Will you c

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