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高一英语Unit 2 Language单元检测附答案牛津版必修三Word文件下载.docx

1、Athe;theBthe;/;the D/;2The ld hite bla TV has been _ the ne lr TV even in the rete areas in the last ten earsAreplaed ith Breplaed inreplaed t Dreplaed abut3The an h hit 9 peple in a r had drun s uh that his ind uld n lnger _ beteen fantas and realitAdistinguish Bdisuragedisturb Ddisappear4As is nn

2、t us all,suess usuall _ diligene hile laziness an _ failureAresults fr;lie in Bresults in;lead tresults in;lie in Dresults fr;(2013&苏州高一检测)As tie ent b,the plan e stu t prved fairl _Apratial Bsensitiveexperiened Dpuntual6Leaves are fund n all inds f trees,but the differ greatl_ size and shapeAn Bfrb

3、 Din7I d ever single bit f huser_ husband Bb ust des the dishes n and thenAsine Bhilehen Das8If u ant t see a dtr,u shuld ae an appintent ith hi in advaneThat is a n _ in the USAhabit Bpratietraditin Dust9(2013&浏阳一中高一调研)_ he ill e t the nert is nt et nnAIf BhetherThat Dhih10The ittee _ f fifteen ebe

4、rsAnsists Bis nsistedfred Dae up11The envirnentalists said ild gats_ n the vast grasslands as a gd indiatin f the better envirnentAesape Babseneattendane Dappearane12The teaher eant that _An student has passed the exaBn ne has passed the exaall the students have passed the exaDnt all the students ha

5、d passed the exa13There are se spelling istaes in ur psitin,but _ ur psitin is gdAas a hle Bn the hlen ne hand Dn the ther hand14The parents tr t d everthing fr their snThats _ the are istaenAhat Bhenhere Dh1(2011&上海高考)Its n use _ ithut taing atinAplain Bplainingbeing plained Dt be plained完形填空(共20小题

6、;每小题1分,满分20分)Lie st English hildren,I learned freign languages at _16_hen I ade first visit _17_ the United States,I as _18_ I uld have a nie eas hlida ithut an _19_ prbleBut h _20_ I as!At the Aerian airprt,I as ling fr a publi telephne t _21_ friend Dann I had _22_A rer ased if he uld _23_ e“es,”I

7、 said,“I ant t give friend a ring”“ell,thats nieAre u getting arried?”he ased“N,”I ansered,“I ust ant t tell her _24_ the phne I have arrived”“h,”he said,“there is a _2_ dnstairs n the first flr”“But ere n the first flr n”I said“ell,I dnt n hat u are _26_ abutabe u arent feeling t ell after ur _27_,

8、”he said,“u ust g and ash up,and u ill feel a lt better”And he ent _28_,_29_ e ndering here n earth I as:at he e ash up after a _30_ t get the ups and plates leanH an I ash up at an airprt?At last I did _31_She _32_ the isunderstanding(误会):Aerians sa“t give sene a _33_”,but e English sa“t give sene

9、a ring”hen e sa“t ash u hands”,the sa“t ash _34_”And Englishen start nubering fr the grund flr,s the _3_ flr is the send fr Aerians16Ar Bshlhe Dtable17At Bbfr Dn18Aafraid Brriedndering Dsure19Afd Blifelanguage Dtravel20Alate Brngright Dearl21Asa Btellean Dall22Agt Bredspen Darrived23Ahelp Bsta ithli

10、ft Ddrive24Ab Binith Dn2Apliean Bshpphne Dgate26Alistening Btalingsaing Ding27Aphning Barrivingurne Ddrive28Aff Bbainside Ddn29Aathing Bleaningbringing Dleaving30Aal Bsleeprest Deal31Aeet Bquarrelget ut Dphne32Ashed Balledexplained Dpardned33Avisit Bpresentall Deal34Adn Buput Dba3Ane Bfirstanther Dd

11、n阅读理解(共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ASe peple see t have a na fr learning languagesThe an pi up ne vabular,aster rules f graar,and learn t rite in a ne language re quil than thersThe d nt see t be re intelligent than thers,s hat aes language learning s uh easier fr the? Perhaps if e tae a lse l at these suessful

12、 language learners e a disver a fe f the tehniques hih ae language learning easier fr theFirst f all,suessful language learners are independent learnersThe d nt depend n the b r the teaher;the disver their n a t learn the languageInstead f aiting fr the teaher t explain,the tr t find the patterns an

13、d the rules fr theselvesThe are gd guessers h l fr lues and fr their n nlusinshen the guess rng,the guess againThe tr t learn fr their istaesSuessful language learning is ative learningTherefre,suessful learners d nt ait fr a hane t use the language and the as these peple t rret the hen the ae a istaeThe ill tr anthing t uniateThe are nt afraid t repeat hat the hear r t sa strange things; the are illing t ae istaes and tr againhen uniatin is diffiult,the an aept infratin that is inexat r inpleteIt is re iprtant fr the t learn t thin in the language than t n the eaning f ever rd

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