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1、甲 方:_乙 方:签订时间:签订地点:温馨提示:本合同示范文本只是提供给当事人在签订合同时的一种参考,当事人须根据具体实际情况正确选择适用的条款并作相应的调整,切勿套用,订立重大合同或者内容复杂的合同最好咨询相关的法律专业人士,感谢您的阅读下载!scope of agreement (协定的范围) all transactions and all contracts entered into between snc ?and the customer, shall be governed by the terms of this customer agreement and the terms

2、 of any additional written statements of snc ?trading regulations or snc ?additional schedules which may from time to time be set forth or amended by snc ?and which shall thereupon constitute a portion of this customer agreement, e_cept to the e_tent (if any) that snc ?shall agree or notify the cust

3、omer in writing that other or additional terms apply. any proposals for, additions to, or modifications of this agreement, absent written agreement by an authorized person employed by snc ?to the contrary, are void and shall have no effect. snc 和客户之间所有交易和所有合同应受本项客户协议和任何关于snc 的交易规章,或snc 所有的附加条款约束。snc

4、 可能随时设定或更改这些条款而即时构成客户协议的一部分。如有必要(如果有的话),如须采用其他或附加的条款,snc 应以书面形式同意或通知客户。任何对此协议的补充或修改建议,如没有由snc 聘请的授权人的书面协议,均为无效。 this agreement refers and e_tends to a potential dealing relationship between the customer and snc in otc non-deliverable foreign e_change (currencies) on a spot settlement basis as is mon

5、ly dealt in the international interbank market, and all other provisions of this agreement notwithstanding, the customer agrees, understands and warrants that the dealing relationship between the customer and snc ?hereunder shall not e_tend at any time to the dealing, trading, brokering of or advice

6、 related to any e_change listed. 这项协议提及并延伸到客户和snc 之间潜在交易关系。此关系是指在国际银行间市场,按本协议规定的场外即时外汇交易关系。客户同意、理解和认同其与snc 的交易关系,在任何时候都不涉及任何交易所的做市,交易或代理活动。subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the full pletion of the account setup requirements and acceptance of customers application to open an acco

7、unt with snc , snc ?will open and maintain account(s) in customers name for the purpose of engaging in cash settled transactions with and for customer in currencies markets on a spot settlement basis, and provide such other services and products as snc ?may, in its sole discretion, determine to offe

8、r in the future. unless e_pressly stated otherwise in writing, all contracts and other transactions entered into between snc and customer shall be governed by the terms of this customer agreement, including the risk disclosure statement and snc ?trading policies, to the e_tent anne_ed hereto, as ame

9、nded from time to time. 根据符此项协议的条件,从接受客户的申请snc 开户到帐户的全面设置和完成,snc 须以客户的名义维护并为客户在帐户从事现金结算和在货币市场上现货结算;并在将来提供其他服务和产品。除非另有书面明文规定,所有合同及其他snc 与客户应受本客户协议,包括风险声明,snc外汇交易政策,需在必要时修订。risk acknowledgements (风险须知) customer acknowledges and understands that trading and investment in leveraged otc foreign currency

10、contracts is highly speculative, involves an e_treme degree of risk, and is generally appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss in e_cess of their margin deposit. customer understands that because of the low margin/high leverage normally available in foreign currency trading, price ch

11、anges in foreign currency contracts may result in significant losses. such losses may substantially e_ceed customers investment and margin deposit. by customer directing snc ?to enter into any foreign currency contract, any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the e_change rate aff

12、ecting such currency will be entirely for the customers account and risk. 客户确认并明白,交易和投资在场外杠杆式外汇合约是有高度投机性,涉及极端的风险程度,而且通常只适合可承担损失超过其保证金风险的人。客户理解,由于低保证金/高杠杆作用,进行外币交易时,外币汇率收缩引起的价格变动可能导致重大损失。这种损失可能大大超出客户的投资金额和保证金。客户通过snc 进入任何外汇合同,由于货币的汇率波动所造成的利润或亏损将完全属于账户承担的风险。customer warrants that the customer is willi

13、ng and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of foreign currency trading, and in consideration of snc ?carrying his/her account(s), customer agrees not to hold snc ?responsible for losses incurred through following its trading remendations or suggestions or those of its employees, agen

14、ts or representatives. customer recognizes that guarantees of profit or freedom from loss cannot be given and it is impossible to predict performance in foreign currency trading. customer acknowledges that customer has received no such guarantees from snc ?or from any of its representatives or any i

15、ntroducing broker or other entity with whom customer is conducting his/her snc ?account and has not entered into this agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations. all transactions effected for customers accounts and all fluctuations in the market

16、prices of the contracts carried in customers accounts are at customers risk, and customer shall be solely liable therefore under all circumstances. customer represents and warrants that customer is willing and financially able to sustain such losses, and that the trading of spot foreign e_change (currencies) is a suitable investment vehicle for the cust

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