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1、“Smile. ”pers on and always smile at every one I meet22.95The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and then write down their reaction.30.42l ama very friendlyand say “ hello. ”36.54So I thought that it would be a piece of cake for me. 00:41.52So on after we were assig ned the project,

2、 my husba nd, 00:45.47the youn gest son and I went out to the local McDon alds on a cold March morni ng.51.63Just when we were standing in line, waiting to be served,55.66I smelled a horrible “dirty body” smell, and there standing beh ind me were two poor homeless men.01:03.96As I looked dow n at th

3、e shorter gen tlema n close to me, he was smili ng.09.48His beautiful sky blue eyes were searchi ng for accepta nee.14.19He said, “Good day” as he counted the few coins he had. 01:19.73The sec ond man was men tally retarded.23.65The young lady at the coun ter asked the shorter man what they wan ted.

4、28.38He said, “ Just coffee for the two of us.32.48Obviously, it was all they could afford.35.94To sit in the restaura nt and warmup, they had to buy somethi ng they just wan ted to be warm.44.01The n I was sudde nly filled with sympathy.47.18All eyes in the restaura nt were set on me, judgi ng my e

5、very actio n.52.74I smiled and asked the young lady beh ind the coun ter to 01:56.79give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.02:00.93I the n walked to the table where the two men were sitti ng.05.09I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman s cold hand.12.07He

6、 looked up at me and said, “Thank you. ”15.98I lea ned over and said, “ Just help yourselves. ”20.22l started to cry when I walked away to join myhusband and son. 02:25.10As I sat dow n, my husba nd smiled at me and held my hand for a mome nt.32.03I returned to college, with this story in hand.35.74

7、I turned in “my project ” and the p rofessor was touched and read it to the whole class.43.20The whole class was touched.45.34l graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.Unit 2 Optimism and Positive Thinking 00:05.81Liste n and Resp ond 00:08.87Attitude Is

8、 Everything 00:12.53Michael was a natural optimist.15.46He was always in a good mood, always up and always had something positive to say.22.52lf an employee was hav ing a bad day,25.29Michael was there telli ng the employee how to look on the positive side of the situati on.31.51Seei ng his optimism

9、 really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael37.44and asked him, “ I don t get it.39.70You can t be positive all the time.42.52How do you do it? ”45.24Michael replied, “ Each morni ng I wake up and say to myself:Mike, you have two choices today.53.41You can choose to be in a good mood or

10、you can choose to be in a bad mood.58.89I choose to be in a good mood.01.46Each time somethi ng bad happe ns, I can choose to be a victim or choose to lear n from it.08.30I choose to lear n from it.10.88Every time some one comes to me complai nin g, I can choose to accept the compla ining16.56or I c

11、an point out the positive side of life, I always choose the positive side of life. ”23.05 “ Yeah, right.24.25But it isn t that easy. ”25.94I said.27.13 “Yes, it is easy, ” Michael said.30.30 “Life is all about choices.32.75Every situation in life is a choice.35.67You choose how you react to situatio

12、 ns; you choose how peoplewill affect your mood; you choose how you feel.43.93The bottom line is: It s your choice how you live your life. ” 01:49.18From Michael I have lear ned that every day we have a choice to live fully.54.09So I will choose to be an optimist.56.80If I am an optimist I may feel

13、better, enjoy life more, and maybe have more cha nces of success.Unit 3 The Road to Success05.83Listen and Resp ond08.68Follow Your Dream12.62One day in a high school, a senior namedMonty Roberts was asked to write18.50a paper about what he wan ted to be and do whe n he grew up.23.83M onty Roberts w

14、as the son of a horse trainer.27.54He loved horses.29.55That ni ght he wrote a seve n-page paper describ ing his goal ofsomeday owning a large horse ran ch.37.49He wrote about his dream in great detail and he eve n drew a picture of a 200-acre ran ch.45.22He put a great deal of his heart into the dream ranch48.88a nd the n ext

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