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本文(七升八英语衔接暑期新八年级英语新初二英语第12讲 主题阅读与写作之社会热点讲义含练习答案Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

七升八英语衔接暑期新八年级英语新初二英语第12讲 主题阅读与写作之社会热点讲义含练习答案Word文档格式.docx

1、2.灵活迁移阅读信息到写作表达中去。教学内容1.上次课后巩固作业复习;2.以下是一则网络流行语的表达及来源,根据下图以及文章,在横线中填入相应的网络流行语。This is another joke in which unsightly things are intended to be good-looking. The buzzword comes from a sentence of Jolins song Prague Square, which was extended to describe weird things. For example, when you see a very

2、 shocking picture, you can use this sentence to express the visual or psychological impact: , meaning Its so beautiful that Im too scared to open my eyes.答案是“这画面太美我不敢看”你猜对了吗? ChineseInternetBuzzwords【知识梳理】1. 萌萌哒(mng mng da) “萌” (mng) literally means “cute” and “哒” (da) is a modal particle. The phras

3、e萌萌哒originated on a Chinese website called “douban”, and was used to refer to someone who was a bit strange and needed to take medicine as a result. However, it has gained in popularity because of a series of gifs released by the Palace Museum, where the ancient emperor Yongzheng looks very cute. In

4、 daily conversation, the phrase is now used to describe someone whois incredibly cute.EG: I did a make-up today and felt myself terribly cute. 今天化了个妆,感觉自己萌萌哒。2. 且行且珍惜 It is to be cherished. On March 31, 2014, Chinese actress Ma Yili responded to her husband Wen Zhangs cheating on Chinas twitter-like

5、 Sina Weibo. It reads as follows:恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜 meaning Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished. Soon many Internet users began to make sentences with this pattern.E.g: Eating is easy, losing weight is not. It is to be cherished. 吃饭虽易,减肥不易,且吃且珍惜。3. 逗比(du b) In daily life,

6、 there is always a group of people who are ridiculous or a little strange in terms of their normal behavior. We can refer to these people as “逗比(du b)” in Chinese. Initially, the word carried a derogatory meaning but it has slowly evolved into a positive term. It is often used to make fun of friends

7、 in a neutral way. Only a twit like him would do such stupid things.也就只有他这个逗比才能干出这种傻事。4. 拉仇恨(l chu hn) “拉” (l) means “pull” and “仇恨” (chn) means “hatred”. The three Chinese characters together mean “courting envy”. The word is often used when someone boasts about to his or her friends in order to ma

8、ke them jealous. For example, when you are very hungry at night and you see one of your friends posting pictures of delicious food that he has tasted abroad on social media, then you can say in jest, “你是在拉仇恨吗(Are you trying to make me envious?)”.E. g. Jane is showing off her newly bought LV handbag

9、on her WeChat, thats just courting envy.(Chinese netizens who love to share their stuff online actually have an official net language term to describe their behavior “shi” (晒/show). )简在她的朋友圈里晒她新买的LV包包,这简直是在拉仇恨嘛。5. 作死(zu s) “作死”(zu s)is a typical Chinese pet phrase, which literally means “to seek dea

10、th”. The popular phrase commonly used on the internet in China “不作死就不会死” (b zu s ji b hu s) is its variant. It is reported that this phrase received over 1,600 likes among western social media within just 3 months. It is so widespread that the Urban Dictionary, an online slang dictionary in America,

11、 has included it and defined it as “no zuo no die”. 6. 吐槽(t co) “吐” means to “spit,” and “槽” is a “trough” or “tank.” The phrase “吐槽” came from Fujian dialect, literally meaning to “spit into other peoples bowls”. Nowadays, more and more people use it in daily life, and it simply means to “complain,

12、 defile or abuse” others.E. g.My life abroad is too tough and I need get my problems off my chest.我在国外的生活太苦了,我要吐槽一下。【例题精讲】例1.有钱就是任性有钱 means having lots of money and 任性unrestrained and willful. It jokingly says people who are rich have the right to be willful. Many people claimed themselves rich and

13、unrestrained in friends circle on WeChat and Sina weibo. What a malicious world! The buzzword originates from a real event: In April, Mr. Liu spent 1760 yuan online buying a health care product. Soon after, he got calls from a stranger who persuade him to buy other matched medicines. In the followin

14、g four months, Mr. Liu remitted a total of 540,000 yuan to the swindler. He said that he had already found himself cheated when he was fooled out of 70,000 yuan. I just wanted to see how much could they take from me!注意以下生词:1.claim. v.声称,宣称2.willful.adj.有意的,任性的3.malicious.adj.恶意的,恶毒的4.buzzword. n.流行词

15、5.originate. v.引起,创作,发生6.persuade. v.说服,劝说7.remit. v.宽恕,减轻8.swindler. n.骗子例2.也是醉了!醉being drunk. The buzzword originates from Jin Yongs Swordsman. The hero in the novel Linghu Chong satirizes others flattering by saying The moment I see those who flatter me would I feel so uncomfortable as if I were drunk. Then a group of DOTA players often use this phrase. No matter ones skill is good or bad, they will say 我也是醉了, mea

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