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1、FIRST ISSUE首次发放Edition/Rev. No. 版次/修改号Description说 明Prepared by编 制Approved by批 准Content目录 No. 序号Title章节名称Page页码1Scope范围32Levels and Responsibility of Qualification资格等级和责任Qualification Requirements for NDE Personnel无损检测人员资格鉴定要求4Responsibilities of Relevant Personnel相关人员的职责5Initial Qualification of Le

2、vel 级人员首次资格鉴定6Initial Qualification of Level I and II、级人员首次资格鉴定7Grading评分118Vision视力检查9Certification批准1210Termination终止15Appendix附录I: Training Courses培训大纲161 Scope适用范围1.1 This document is suitable to xxxxe for control and administration of training, examination, qualification and certification of ND

3、E personnel.本实施细则适用于本公司无损检测人员培训、考核、资格鉴定和证书发放的控制及管理。1.2 This Written Practice is prepared by the QA Engineer based upon SNT-TC-1A and satisfies the requirements of ASME Code applicable Sections, and meets particular needs of XXXXE.本实施细则由质保工程师根据SNTTC1A 和ASME规范相关卷的要求,并结合本公司具体情况制定。1.3 Only the NDE perso

4、nnel who have been qualified and certified by XXXXE in accordance with this Written Practice are allowed to perform the nondestructive examination of ASME Code items. 只有按本实施细则培训考核合格,并由本公司发给资格证书的无损检测人员,才允许担任ASME规范产品的无损检测工作。1.4 Each qualified personnel can only be engaged in the nondestructive examina

5、tion with relation to qualified examination method(s) and his level, and shall exercise responsibility of relevant level.不同种类的技术资格等级人员,只能从事与该类检查方法和等级相适应的无损检测工作,并负有与其等级相应的技术责任。1.5 Nondestructive Test Methods无损检测方法1.5.1 Qualification and certification of nondestructive testing personnel in accordance

6、with this Written Practice shall be applicable to each of the following methods: 本实施细则对无损检测人员的资格鉴定和批准适用于下述方法: Radiographic Testing (RT)射线照相检验方法; Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)液体渗透检验方法;(3)Magnetic Particles Testing (MT)磁粉检验方法1.5.2 According to SNT-TC-1A and the requirements of customers, qualification

7、 and certification of nondestructive test methods other than the methods in Par. 1.5.1 shall be established as an appendix of this document. 根据SNT-TC-1A和用户的要求,除了1.5.1规定的方法以外的无损检测方法,需另行制定考核鉴定的方法,作为本文件的一个附件。2 Levels and Responsibility of Qualification资格等级和责任2.1 In accordance with relevant requirement

8、of SNT-TC-1A, the levels of qualification are divided into three levels (Level I, II and III) for each NDE method as specified in Par. 1.5.1. While in the process of being qualified and certified to NDE Level requested by him, an individual shall be considered a trainee. The trainee shall not indepe

9、ndently conduct, interpret, evaluate or report of any NDE operation. 无损检测人员的资格等级,按SNT-TC-1A及1.5.1节规定的每一种无损检测方法分为三个等级,即、级。无损检测人员在考核、确认期间应看作学员,不能单独从事任何无损检测工作。2.2 NDE Level I Examiner无损检测级人员An NDE Level I Examiner shall be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations, specific tests, and specifi

10、c evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to written Instructions and to record results. The NDE Level I Examiner shall receive the necessary instruction or supervision from a certified NDE Level or Examiner. 级无损检测人员应能按照书面工艺卡正确执行指定的校准、试验和有关验收与拒收的工作,并能记录试验结果。无损检测级人员应得到已取得资格的无

11、损检测或级人员必要的指导或监督。2.3 NDE Level II Examiner无损检测级人员An NDE Level II Examiner shall be qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect to applicable code, standards, and specifications. The NDE Level II shall be thoroughly familiar with the scope and limitat

12、ions of the methods for which he is qualified and shall exercise assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and guidance of NDE Level I personnel. The NDE Level II shall be able to organize and report the results of examinations. 无损检测级人员应能按有关规范、标准和规程调整和校准设备;解释和评定试验结果。级人员应熟悉已被批准的试验方法的适用范围和局限性,并负

13、责级人员(学员)的在职培训和指导。级人员应能编制报告和评定检测结果。2.4 NDE Level III Examiner无损检测级人员An NDE Level III Examiner shall be capable of, establishing, verifying and approving procedures, interpreting codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; and designating the particular NDE methods, techniques, and procedures to

14、 be used. The NDE Level III shall be responsible for the NDE operations for which qualified and assigned and shall be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards, and specifications. The NDE Level III shall have sufficient practical background in applicable m

15、aterials, fabrication, and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none are otherwise available. The NDE Level shall have general familiarity with other appropriate NDE methods,as demonstrated by an ASNT Level III 不basic examination or other means. The NDE Level ,in the methods in which certified, and shall be capabl

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