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delphi listview自绘图形显示进度条 分颜色显示.docx

1、delphi listview自绘图形显示进度条 分颜色显示delphi listview自绘图形显示进度条 分颜色显示 delphi listview自绘图形显示进度条 分颜色显示2011-05-30 10:31delphi listview自绘图形显示进度条 自画TlistView带进度条的Item TListView的Item条一般是由系统自画的,但电驴就实现了自画,使之看起来很漂亮,我们用DELPHI也可以实现! 首先要引用CommCtrl单元,这是TListView底层控制单元:uses CommCtrl; /画状态条procedure DrawSubItem(LV: TListVi

2、ew; Item: TListItem; SubItem: Integer; Prosition: Single; Max, Style: Integer; IsShowProgress: Boolean; DrawColor: TColor = $00005B00; FrameColor: TColor = $00002F00);/获取SubItem的区域 function GetItemRect(LV_Handle, iItem, iSubItem: Integer): TRect; var Rect: TRect; begin ListView_GetSubItemRect(LV_Han

3、dle, iItem, iSubItem, LVIR_LABEL, Rect); Result := Rect; end;var PaintRect, r: TRect; i, iWidth, x, y: integer; S: string;begin try with lv do begin /LockPaint := True; PaintRect := GetItemRect(LV.Handle, Item.Index, SubItem); r := PaintRect;/ if SubItem = DrawSubItem then Begin /这一段是算出百分比 if Prosit

4、ion >= Max then Prosition := 100 else if Prosition <= 0 then Prosition := 0 else Prosition := Round(Prosition / Max) * 100); if (Prosition = 0) and (not IsShowProgress) then begin /如果是百分比是0,就直接显示空白 Canvas.FillRect(r); end else begin /先直充背景色 Canvas.FillRect(r); Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;/ Can

5、vas.FillRect(r); /画一个外框 InflateRect(r, -2, -2); Canvas.Brush.Color := FrameColor; /$00002F00; Canvas.FrameRect(R); Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; InflateRect(r, -1, -1);/ Canvas.FillRect(r); InflateRect(r, -1, -1); /根据百分比算出要画的进度条内容宽度 iWidth := R.Right - Round(R.Right - r.Left) * (100 - Prosition) / 10

6、0); case Style of 0: /进度条类型,实心填充 begin Canvas.Brush.Color := DrawColor; r.Right := iWidth; Canvas.FillRect(r); end; 1: /进度条类型,竖线填充 begin i := r.Left; while i < iWidth do begin Canvas.Pen.Color := Color; Canvas.MoveTo(i, r.Top); Canvas.Pen.Color := DrawColor; canvas.LineTo(i, r.Bottom); Inc(i, 3);

7、 end; end; end;/画好了进度条后,现在要做的就是显示进度数字了 Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; if Prosition = Round(Prosition) then S := Format(%d%, Round(Prosition) else S := FormatFloat(#0.0, Prosition); with PaintRect do begin x := Left + (Right - Left + 1 - Canvas.TextWidth(S) div 2; y := Top + (Bottom - Top + 1 - Canva

8、s.TextHeight(S) div 2; end; SetBkMode(Canvas.handle, TRANSPARENT); Canvas.TextRect(PaintRect, x, y, S); end;/进度条全部画完,把颜色设置成默认色了 Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; end end; except end;end; 上面是画进度条的,现在要给TlistView处理Item重绘的消息,事件是OnCustomDrawItem,需要说明的是,如果想要随心所欲的自画Item,那么就要全部自己来完成,不再需要系统来处理:procedure TForm1.Li

9、stView1CustomDrawItem( Sender: TCustomListView; Item: TListItem; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean);var BoundRect, Rect: TRect; i: integer; TextFormat: Word; LV: TListView; /这个子过程是用来画CheckBox和ImageList的 procedure Draw_CheckBox_ImageList(r: TRect; aCanvas: TCanvas; Checked: Boolean);

10、var R1: TRect; i: integer; begin if Sender.Checkboxes then begin aCanvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; aCanvas.Pen.Width := 2; /画CheckBox外框 aCanvas.Rectangle(r.Left + 2, r.Top + 2, r.Left + 14, r.Bottom - 2); if Checked then begin /画CheckBox的勾 aCanvas.MoveTo(r.Left + 4, r.Top + 6); aCanvas.LineTo(r.Left + 6

11、, r.Top + 11); aCanvas.LineTo(r.Left + 11, r.Top + 5); end; aCanvas.Pen.Width := 1; end; /开始画图标 i := PDownLoadListItem(Item.Data).StatsImageIndex; if i > -1 then begin /获取图标的RECT if Boolean(ListView_GetSubItemRect(sender.Handle, item.Index, 0, LVIR_ICON, R1) then begin ImageList_Stats.Draw(LV.Can

12、vas, R1.Left, R1.Top, i); if item.ImageIndex > -1 then LV.SmallImages.Draw(LV.Canvas, R1.Right + 2, R1.Top, item.ImageIndex); end; end; end;begin LV := ListView1; BoundRect := Item.DisplayRect(drBounds); InflateRect(BoundRect, -1, 0); /这个地方你可以根据自己的要求设置成想要的颜色,实现突出显示 LV.Canvas.Font.Color := clBtnTe

13、xt; /查看是否是被选中 if Item.Selected then begin if cdsFocused in State then begin LV.Canvas.Brush.Color := $00ECCCB9; / /clHighlight; end else begin LV.Canvas.Brush.Color := $00F8ECE5; /clSilver; end; end else begin if (Item.Index mod 2) = 0 then LV.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite else LV.Canvas.Brush.Color

14、 := $00F2F2F2; end; LV.Canvas.FillRect(BoundRect); /初始化背景 for i := 0 to LV.Columns.Count - 1 do begin /获取SubItem的Rect ListView_GetSubItemRect(LV.Handle, Item.Index, i, LVIR_LABEL, Rect); case LV.Columnsi.Alignment of taLeftJustify: TextFormat := 0; taRightJustify: TextFormat := DT_RIGHT; taCenter: T

15、extFormat := DT_CENTER; end; case i of 0: /画Caption,0就是表示Caption,这不是Subitems0 begin/先画选择框与图标 Draw_CheckBox_ImageList(BoundRect, LV.Canvas, Item.Checked);/再画Caption的文字 InflateRect(Rect, -(5 + ImageList_Stats.Width), 0); /向后移3个像素,避免被后面画线框时覆盖 DrawText( LV.Canvas.Handle, PCHAR(Item.Caption), Length(Item

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