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1、C.On October the first; millions of people D. On October one; million people 3. He has been here for and a half months and the half and a half month and a half of month 4. The red shoes cost pound and a half of pound and a half pound and a hal

2、f pound and half a pound 5.Dont all speak at once!_,please.A. Each at one time B. One by one time C.One for each time D. One at a time6. There are _ in all to take part in the activity.A.we four foue C. four of us D. me of four7.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced

3、_ tractors in 1988 as the year before. twice many many twice C.twice as many D.twice many as8. This river is _ that three times long as B.the third time as C.three times the length of D.three times longer9. We arrived in London on _.A.June seventeen B.June the seventeen C.The seve

4、nteenth of June D.seventeenth of June 10. We are to take up (开始学习) _ to day.A.the Eleventh Lesson B.Eleventh Lesson C.The Lesson Eleven D.Lesson the Eleven 11. We are going to learn _ next week.A.Lesson Twelve B.Lesson Twelfth C.Twelfth Lesson D.The Lesson Twelfth12. _ were blown down in the storm.A

5、.Score of tree B.Scores of trees C.Score of trees D.Scores of tree13. He sold _ of the magazine this afternoon.A.three dozen copy B.three dozens copy C.three dozen copies D.three dozens copies14. The librarian asked him to return the book one day or two B.for one or two daysC.within one day o

6、r two days a day or two15. We heard that he could swim _ under the minute or two or two minutes C.two minutes or one D.two or one minute 16. Two _ died of cold last winter.A.hundreds old people B.hundred old people C.hundreds old peoples D.hundred old peoples17. -“How many cha

7、irs are there in the room?” -“_”A.Are four B.Are five chairs there C.Theres one D.Theres a chair19. He is a student of _. A.Class First B.the Class One C.Class One D.First Class20. About _ of the workers in the steel workers are young people.A.third fifths B.three fifths C.three fives D.three fifth2

8、1. “The _ Night” is a well known play by Shakespeare.A.Twelve B.Twelveth C.Twelfth D.Twelvth22.Oct.1,1989 is _ anniversary (周年纪念) of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.A.the forth B.the fourtieth C.the fortieth D.fourty23. One fourth of an hour is _.A.25. minutes B.15 minute C.30 minutes

9、D.a quarter24. Three fourths of the earths surface _ sea. A. is B. are C.were D. has been 25. About eleven percent of the population in the United States _ black.A. is B. are C. were D. will be26. The town has _.A.population of nine million B. nine hundred million populationC.a population of nine mi

10、llion D. nine million peoples 27. There were seven _ Negroes working on the farm.A.hundreds B.hundred of C.hundreds of D.hundred 28. A new _ building will be completed soon.A.twenty storeys B.twenty storeys C.twenty stories D.twenty storeyed29. -What did you get? I got a _bill.A.five dallars B. five

11、- dallar C.fifth dallars D. five dallar30. Are there seats for us _? A. the third B. three C. third D. the three31. I suppose youll have to do it a _ time. A. three B. the third C. third D. three32. Have you ever been to that _ book- store?A.a second hand B.two hand C.the second hand D.second hand33

12、. Beijing is _ largest city in China. A. the second B. a second C. second D. the two34. This is a _ factory.A.five hundred worker B.five hundred workers C.five hundreds workers D.five hundred workers35. My sons birthday is in _ time.A.three weeds B.three weeks C.three-week D.three weeks36. He made a

13、 _ table. A.four legs B.four leg C.four legged D.four leggs37. I dont know _ number of his house is.A. how much B. how many C. how D. what38. _ is five times four? A.How much B.How many C.What D.How 39. If you want to go to the post office, take _.A.Bus Number the Six B.Bus Number Six C.Number Six B

14、us D.Six Number Bus40. Ive seen it _.A.hundred times B.hundreds of time C.hundreds of times D.hundred of times41. 1/18 written in English is eighteens eighteenth C.eighteenths one eighteenths42. A _of cattle is on the hill. And two hundred _of cattle are on the farm. A. head, head B. heads, heads C. heads, head D. head, heads43. Choose the wrong one:A.a four hour

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