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1、Theyoffer us joy and excitement,encourage us to think critically. 它们不仅带给我们欢乐和兴奋,还鼓励我们批判性思考。(2014年浙江卷)For one thing,they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons.For another,they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun. 一方面,它们有助于提高我的写作技巧,拓宽我的视野。另一方面,它们可以丰富我的生活,给我带来很多乐趣。(2012

2、年江西卷)2.运用祈使句:Firstly,makesure to arrive on time, or a bit earlier. 首先,确保准时到达,或者早一点到达。(2018年全国卷)But if they insist that you start first, justgoahead. 但如果他们坚持要你先开始,那就开始吧。Well,relax and enjoyyour visit. 好吧,放轻松,好好享受你的拜访。Lets meetat two Tuesday afternoon at the coffee shop near my school again. 让我们星期二下午两

3、点在我学校附近的咖啡店见面。(2017年全国卷)Please findmy application letter and resume in the attachment.请在附件中找到我的求职信和简历。(2016年全国卷)Hope to hear from you soon.希望不久能收到你的消息。(2016年全国卷)If its convenient for you,lets meetat 8:30 outside the school gate. If not,letme knowwhat time suits you best. 如果方便的话,我们8:30在校门外见。如果不方便,告诉我

4、什么时候最适合你。(2016年全国卷)Hopeto meet you at the training camp this summer.希望今年夏天能在训练营见到你。(2015年北京卷)3.运用状语从句:Ifyou d like to bring a gift, fruit is usually a good choice. 如果你想带礼物,水果通常是个不错的选择。(条件状语从句)Ill help you read and understand the selected poemsbeforewe have a discussion of them. 在我们讨论所选诗歌之前,我会帮助你们阅读和

5、理解它们。(时间状语从句)youre able to come, Ill go and pick you up at your place.如果你能来,我去你家接你。(2017年11月浙江卷)We can set out earlyso thatwell have more time to read and select books. 我们可以早点出发,这样我们就有更多的时间阅读和选书。(目的状语从句)You can write anything relevantso long asits interesting and informative.你可以写任何相关的东西,只要是有趣的和有用的。(

6、2015年全国卷)We can contact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese,we can improve our oral speaking. 我们可以每天晚上通过视频聊天互相交流,用英语聊半个小时,用中文聊半个小时,这样我们就可以提高我们的口语水平。(2015年四川卷)Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends,asphysical exercise is an e

7、ffective way to get rid of anger. 第二,到户外和朋友一起玩团队游戏,因为体育锻炼是消除愤怒的有效方法。(原因状语从句)(2014年安徽卷)Usually,no matter howfar away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. 通常,无论我们有多远或有多忙,我们都会回家庆祝。(让步状语从句)(2013年辽宁卷)4.运用定语从句:(1)限制性定语从句:Any studentwhois interested is welcome to participate.任何

8、有兴趣的学生都可以参加。Even the studentsused to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. 即使是那些过去不喜欢英语的学生现在也对这门学科感兴趣了。(2012年辽宁卷)(2)由which引导的非限制性定语从句:I plan to help you study some poems of the Tang Dynasty,whichis an important part of Chinese civilization. 我打算帮你学习一些唐诗,唐诗是中华文明的重要组成部分。Well

9、also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games,we hope will make them happy. 我们还会一起唱歌,跳舞,玩游戏,希望这能让他们开心。(2015年全国卷)(3)as引导的非限制性定语从句:一般放句首:Asyou know, Chinese knots are very popular with Chinese people. 如你所知,中国人非常喜欢中国结。(2013年全国卷)is known to all, with the improvement of peoples liv

10、ing standards, cars have become a popular means of transport. 众所周知,随着人民生活水平的提高,汽车已成为一种流行的交通工具。(2011年江西卷)(4)“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句:Id like to express my thanks to you for your work hard,because of whichSulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life. 我想对你们的辛勤工作表示感谢,因为你们的辛勤工作,苏林和她的父母过着幸福健康的生

11、活。(2008年全国卷)(5)关系副词where, when, why引导的定语从句:Since sports are important for students health, our school has built a large playground and a gymwherethere are all kinds of sports equipment. 由于体育运动对学生的健康很重要,我们学校建了一个大操场和一个健身房,里面有各种各样的运动器材。(2018年全国卷) 注:since引导原因状语从句。Im writing to tell you that my uncle Li

12、Ming is going to the cityyou live to attend a meeting. 我写信是想告诉你,我叔叔李明要去你住的城市开会。(2013年全国卷)5.运用名词性从句:Im writing to askifI could work in your art gallery as a volunteer. 我写信是想问,我能不能在你的美术馆做志愿者。(宾语从句)(2019年全国卷)Im pleased to knowthat youre going to hold a Chinese painting exhibition. 我很高兴知道你要举办一个中国画展。I kn

13、ow you play the guitar and sing very well.我知道你弹吉他弹得很好。(2019年全国卷)Im sure youll have a lot of fun. 我相信你会玩得很开心的。But if they insistyou start first, just go ahead.但如果他们坚持要你先开始,那就开始吧。(2018年全国卷)Im glad to learnyoure interested in our schools sports activities. 我很高兴知道你对我们学校的体育活动感兴趣。(2018年全国卷)Im sorry to sayI cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. 很抱歉周五下午我不能和你一起去书店了。If I could interview him, I would ask himwhatmade him an astronaut and how he was trained. 如果我能采访他,我会问他是什么让他成为宇航员的,以及他是如何被训练的。I

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