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1、What dose this passage mainly concern?The main theme of this passage is_The main point of the passage is_Which of the following is the best title for the passage?The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is_The purpose of the writer writing this passage is_Which of the following best de

2、scribes the passage as a whole?文章主题常常可以通过文章的写作方法来体现,有以下几种情况:1。题句位于句首。主题句出现在文首,开门见山,提出主题,随之用细节来解释、支撑主题句所表达的主题思想。这是英语中最常见的演绎写作法。2。主题句位于段末。主题句出现在文章结尾是作者采用了先摆事实,后作结论的手法。这种段落称作归纳型段落。这是英语中最常见的归纳写作法。3. 主题句首尾呼应。为突出主题,作者先提出主题,结尾时再次点出主题,这种首尾呼应的写作方法也较为多见。通常,前后表述主题的句子不是简单的重复,后面的表述往往有进一步的引申或发展的意味。4。主题句位于段落的中间。主题

3、句出现在文章的中间,通常前面只提出问题,文章的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,而后又作进一步的解释、说明或发展。5。主题句隐含在段意之中。全文没有明确的主题句。其中心思想包含在各个句子中,在这种情况下,读者要把所有已知的细节综合起来,进行逻辑推理,概括归纳出主题句。【典例1】 The global energy crisis is approaching. What can we do? Here are some steps you can take。Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and

4、 the power grid(电网). Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Clean or replaces filters monthly or as needed。Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible if you own more than o

5、ne vehicle. If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percent of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than 65 per year。Carpool. The average U.S. commuter(乘车上班族) could save about 260 a year by sharing cars twice a week with two people in

6、a car that gets 20.1 mpgassuming the three passengers share the cost of gas.This passage is mainly about _。A. energy-saving tips B. fuel-saving tipsC. do-it-yourself tips D. environment-protecting tips【解析】 本文主要介绍了如何节约能源。本文是一篇科普文章,主题很明显,文章一开始就点明了主题,接下来整篇文章都是围绕如何save energy展开,而save fuel仅仅只是其中的一部分。故选A。

7、针对主旨大意类题目,应采用快速阅读法(Skimming)浏览全文。在阅读时,应特别注意文章的开头、结尾及段落的段首句和段尾句,因为他们往往名包含文章的中心议题。【典例2】 Domestic (驯养的) horses now pull ploughs, race in the Kentucky Derby, and carry police. But early horses werent tame (驯服的) enough to perform these kinds of tasks. Scientists think the first interactions humans had wi

8、th horses were far different from those today。Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time, people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication。The domestication of horses has had great effects on societies. F

9、or example, horse were important tools in the advancement of modern agriculture. Using them to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads allowed people to farm more efficiently. Before they were able to ride horses, humans had to cross land on foot. Riding horses allowed people to travel far greater distan

10、ce in much less time. That encouraged populations living in different areas to interact with one another. The new from of rapid transportation helped cultures spread around the world.The passage is mainly about _。A. why humans domesticated horsesB. how humans and horses needed each otherC. why horse

11、s came in different shapes and sizesD. how human societies and horses influenced each other【解析】 本文以时间为顺序,记叙了人类对马的驯化以及马对人类的生活所产生的重要影响。本题考查主旨大意。前四段说明,人类驯养了野马,使得马的种类繁多,这是人类社会对马的影响;最后一段说明,马作为交通工具加速了人类文化传播的进程。故文章的主题应是D所说的内容。此主题句出现在文章的最后一段。如果文章没有明确的主题句,文章的中心思想往往包含在各个段落中,考生可采取提纲挈领的方法,通过分析细节把文章的要点归纳出来,概括出全文

12、的中心思想。选择标题属主旨大意题,是阅读理解题常考的题型之一。那么怎么样选择文章的标题? 选择文章标题属深层次理解题,它要求考生在通读全文的基础上,认真分析主人公的特定心态、文章大意及作者写作意图,在此基础上,所选出的标题还应做到概括性、针对性、醒目性的有机结合。概括性原则 要求标题应在最大限度上覆盖全文,囊括文章的主要内容,体现文章的主旨。标题实际上是文章主题的一种确认方式。前面我们提到,通过寻找主题句,往往很容易确定短文的标题。但大多数文章的主题句并不明显,需要我们通过体会字里行间蕴含的意思从整体上把握文章的主旨,从全局的角度概括归纳出文章的标题。要防止本末倒置,主次不分,以点代面,以偏概

13、全。2。针对性原则 针对性原则是对标题外延的一种界定。概括性原则要求文章标题包括文章的主要内容。但如果标题过大,就违背了针对性原则、针对性原则要求标题不能太过于概括,而是要直接指向文章的主旨。即标题不能太大也不能太小。要量体裁衣,大小适度。3。醒目性原则 标题是文章的点睛之笔,是文章的灵魂。标题的好坏往往会影响文章的可读性。读者往往从标题上决定文章的阅读取舍。故标题往往比较醒目,甚至比较离奇,目的是为了吸引读者的注意力,唤起读者对文章阅读的兴趣。所以在标题选择的过程中,在满足概括性和针对性的条件下,还要考虑标题的醒目性。A.主题句呈现的形式1)文首开门见山, 提出主题, 随之用细节来解释, 支

14、撑或发展主题句所表达的主题思想. 最常见的演绎法写作方式.例1.The panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.例2.Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population is rising, so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting o

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