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1、1.What WilI Jane PrObabIy do next?A.Go Play tennis.B.GO for a WalkC.Read a book.2.What ClOeS the WOman think of Ihe vacation?A.ItTl be a IOng VaCation.B.It,s OnIV a dream.C.Ttll be great3.HOW Inight the WOman get to Tokyo?A.By car.B By traiiLC. By bus.4.Wliat is the relationship between the speakers

2、?A.InIerVieWer and inLervieweewB.TeaCber and student.C.DOetOr and patient.5.Where does this COnVerSatiOlI probably take place?A At a gas StationB.At a restaurant.C.At A IhPatr.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给A、B、C三 彳、迭项中选岀最佳选项。听每段对话或独片前,你将有时间阅读各个小题.每小题5秒 钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段

3、对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料回答第6、7題。6 What Will the WOman take?. SOnIe beautiful postcards.B.Hand-made SiIk hats.C.SOIne IoCal food.7. HOW InIICh ShOllld the WOrnan pay?A.50 yuan.B.80 yuan.C.100 yuan.听笫7段材料,回答第8、9題。& Why does Che man Want to See Dr. Carter?A.He Ml a ladder.B HO broke his leg.C. He hu t his foot.

4、9 What (IOeS Ihe WOTnarI advise Lhe ITlan to do?A.Come to the OniCe immediately.B.Wait for Dr. Carter at home.C.ake On the PaiEt tin hunsell.听第8段材料.回答第10至12题。10.What do all the rooms in the hotel have?A.BalCUIiieSB.King-SiZe bedsC.The access to PoOIs.11.Why do PeOPle ChoOSe the hotel?A.TO relax.R TO

5、 0 ShOPPing.C TO ViSit a PaIaCee12.What may Change the WOITian,s mind?A.The food.E The price.C. The SllrroUndingSe听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Who are IiVing in the Old house now?A.Beth and her parents.B.Amy and her parents.C.Beth and Amy.14.What does AnIy Want to do?A.GO to college.B.WOrk as a teacher.C.OPe

6、n a store.15.WlIat did Amy COnIPIain about?A.Her ParentS ran her IiIe,B Her ParentS OPPOSed her PIalXC. Her ParentS COntrOIled her money.16.What Will Beth do IOr IIer family?Ae Make a PIaLLB.Find a SPOLC.Carry Inany things.听第10段材料回答第17至20 .题。17.WhiCh COUntry is the PreSent worlds most-visited countr

7、y?A.FranCB.China.C.JaPan.18.WIlat does WOuter think CaUSed an increase in tourism in Asia?A.BCaUtilUI tourist attractions.B.CuIIerLt PasSPOrt rules.C.Better CranSPOrtatiOn19.WIleiI is the best time IoT ViSitOrS to travel to ChiEa?A.FrOm MarCh to MayeB.FrOrrl APril to June.C.FrDm SePtemher to OCtOber

8、20.What is the text mainly about?A.The development Of tourism in Asia.B.The reasons for PeOPle ViSiting Asia.C.The growth in tourism in ChirIaL高三英语试題第3页(共1 2页)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读F面短文从每题所给的A、Ik C和D四个选坝中,选出最佳选项。AThCre is always SomCthing going on at the National MUSeUm Of AmCTiCai History! ThiS P

9、age is divided into Ihe following parts.TIlingS to DuLearn the StOry behind the Americai: Dational anthem (国) ConSiclthe IoIeS ol the PreSident, discover 200 years Of Ialrlily history in a NeW EngIand house and more in Our exhibitions.VieW OUr introductory film. We Lhe People, in the Warner BrotherS

10、 Theater.Create in OlIr SPark Lab hands on activity SPaCe (NoteJ SPark Lab is designed Ior ChiIdren aged 6-12 and does not require reservations but you CalI find details On guidelinevisiiing-sparklab-groups. COrn SPark Lab is CIOSed On Tuesdays).SOme Iips for ViSitingTO enter tle building quickly. P

11、IeaSe ask your StUClentS to Carry as Iittle as POSSil)Ie (backpacks, bags. etc.) SeCUrity CheCk8 are now required of MUSen visitors, and all bags are SGarChCeLSOInC SimPIe RUICSTO ensure the enjoyment And Safety of all MuSelIm VTiSitors, PleaSe share these rules With your StUdentStWalking and talkin

12、g are appropriate, While running and ShoUling are not.Food, drink, and gun are not allowed in he MUSemn except he SPeCiliC eating areasOr exhibits are delicate: PIeaSe do not touch exhibits Or Iean On exhibit cases.II StUdentS USe CelI phones, PleaSC be SUre LlIat their USe does not CiiStUrb Other V

13、riSitos.21 WlIat Can VFiSitoTS Iearn in the MUSem9A.The family history in a NeW EngIand house.B.Tl)e film about Warner Brothers.C.The StOrieS Qf all the PreSidentS.L The art ol a 200year-old house.高三英语试题第4页(共1 2页)22. WhNt are the ViSitOrS required to do in the museum?A.WaIk quietly.B.AVOid eating an

14、d drinking.C KeeP Iheir hands On the GXhibiIgD.TUrn On IheiT CelI phones.23 WhO is the text aimed at?Craig BIaCkbrn a father and Car fan. built a BatmObile for his sons hope for using Ihe VehiCIe to brighten the IiVeS Of SiCk children. AnCl now he hopes to USe it for Inore than just his SOnl hope alter Seeing the ChiIdren reaction to the Batmobile.BaSed On the number OJ failures he bad Seen in Car grups estimated that OnIy about One in 50 attempted COnStrUCtiOnS WaS actually finished and he realized What an i

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