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1、folk music 民乐classical music 古典乐after school 放学后in the evening 在傍晚in the afternoon 在下午on weekends 在周末make model planes 做飞机模型go fishing 去钓鱼go roller-skating 玩轮滑watch TV 看电视keep a pet 养宠物play football 踢足球classical music 古典音乐play basketball 打篮球all kinds of 各种各样 after work 下班后play the piano 弹钢琴play the

2、drums 打鼓play the guitar 弹吉他句子:1. Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?2. Yes. I listen to all kinds of music. But I like pop songs best.喜欢。我听各种各样的音乐。但我最喜欢流行歌曲。(可以替换各种音乐类型)3. Do you keep a cat?你养猫吗?4. No. I dont keep a cat. I like dogs.(表示一类要用复数,dog后加了S,一句话中,名词前的a 和名词后的s不能同时用) 我不养猫。我喜欢狗。(可以替换其他动物单词)5. What do yo

3、u like to do after school? 你喜欢放学后做什么?(换线部分替换after school, in the evening, in the afternoon, on weekends)6. I like to make model planes.我喜欢做飞机模型。(替换watch TV,go roller-skating, go fishing, go swimming, play football等活动类单词)注意:to 后用动词原形。7. I like cats. Because they are cute and quiet. I like to play wit

4、h my cat after school.8. I like to listen to music. I like pop music best. I like to 后面用动词原形 I like to swim. 我想游泳I like 后面用动词ing,如 I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳Unit 2has 有(have的第三人称单数现在式)flu 流感cough 咳嗽leg 腿foot 脚finger 手指arm 胳膊neck脖子knee 膝盖right 右left左afraid 恐怕feel 感觉bad 糟糕,坏wrong 错误matter 问题hurt 受伤,疼痛pill

5、 药丸need 需要temperature 温度dentist 牙医physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生near 在附近walk 行走man (pl. men) 男子,男人pill 药丸,药片soon 立刻,不久have a headache 头疼have a high fever 发高烧have the flu? 患流感have a toothache 牙疼sore throat咽喉痛have a stomachache 胃疼see a doctor看医生go swimming游泳take it easy .放松get well 恢复take X-ray 照X光(大写X)in

6、 the hospital 在医院runny nose流鼻涕go to school 上学take your temperature 为你量体温open mouth 张嘴blood test 验血1. Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?2. I have a headache.我头疼。(可以替换其他fever, toothache等)3.He/She has a fever.他/她发烧。4. Does he have the flu?他得流感了吗?5. I m afraid so.我恐怕这样。(可以替换其他三单人称和病情)6.Whats the matter with you

7、? You dont look very well.你看起来不太好。7. My right leg hurts badly.我右腿疼的厉害。(hurt加s,因为前面的leg是单数呈现,如果是legs,就是hurt.)8.Whats the matter with him? He doesnt look well.他怎么了?他看起来不太好。9. His legs hurt.他的双腿疼。10. Whats the matter with her?她怎么了?11. Her left knee hurts.她的左膝盖受伤了。12. I am not well. My left foot hurts.

8、I go to the hospital with mum. The doctor gives me some pills. I will get well soon.我不舒服。我左脚受伤了。我和妈妈去了医院。医生给了我一些药,我将很快恢复。13. He is not well. He has a toothache. He goes to see the doctor with dad. The doctor gives him some pills. He will get well soon.他不舒服。他牙疼。他和爸爸一起去看医生。医生给他开了一些药片。他会很快好起来。Unit thre

9、e excuse 原谅library 图书馆 floor 层;地面,地板 building 建筑物 playground 运动场,操场 stair 楼梯 clinic 诊所nearby 在附近,不远 grey 灰色的,灰白的 beside 在.旁边 please 请behind 在的后面 cinema 电影院 supermarket 超市 bookstore 书店restaurant餐馆subway 地铁hospital 医院 museum 博物馆station 站 far 远方的;久远的 far from 离.很远 way 路,路线 then 然后 miss 未见到,错过 find 找到,发

10、现plane 飞机welcome 欢迎Excuse me 请问;打扰;劳驾;抱歉tall building高楼 drugstrore 药店 police station 警察局 car park 停车场bus stop 公交车站 post office 邮局gas station 加油站 gift shop 礼品店shoe shop 鞋店toy shop 玩具店teachers office 教师办公室classroom building 教学楼Computer lab 计算机室Art classroom 艺术教室Building No.5. 5号楼in front of 在.的前面 look

11、 for 寻找turn right 右转drive on 继续开车1、Excuse me, Where is the new library?请问,新图书馆在哪里?2、Its in that building over there.它在那边的那栋楼里。3、Which floor?它在哪一层?4、Its on the second floor 在第二层。5、Is the art classroom on the left of the stairs?艺术教室是在楼梯左边吗?6、No, it is the fifth room on the right of the stairs.不,它是右边的第

12、五个房间。7、Youre so kind. Thank you so much.你真是太好了。非常感谢。8、Not at all./ 8、You are welcome.不客气9、Excuse me, Im looking for a gas station, where can I find it?打扰一下,我在找一个加油站,请问我在哪里能找到它?10、Its nearby, its right beside that grey building.它就在附近,就在那栋灰色大楼的旁边。(in front of, behind)11、Excuse me. Can you tell me the

13、way to the bookstore?请问你能告诉我去书店怎么走吗?12、Sure. Please drive on first, and then turn left at the first corner. Then drive on for about five minutes. It is on your right. You cant miss it.当然,请先往前开,然后在第一个路口左转。再继续开大约5分钟。书店就在你的右边。你不会错过它的。13、Walk on, and then turn right at the second corner. 往前走,在第二个路口右转。14、 Playground is on the left of the clinic. 操场在诊所的左边15、The zoo is far from the hotel. 动物园离旅馆很远*Unit fourget help 得到帮助habit 习惯friend 朋友coat 外套beautiful 美丽polite 礼貌speak 说话should 应该also 也public 公共场合,公开的remember 记得wonder teacher 老师Never 从不,绝不Winter 冬天Born 出生Morning 早上Forty 40Short 短的,矮的Gr

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