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高中英语语法考点纵览第19章 否定Word文档格式.docx

1、如:Both of the two boys are not students. =Not both of the two boys are students.这个句子是个典型的部分否定,意为“并非这两个男孩都是学生”。不可译为“这两个男孩都不是学生”如果要表达此层含义,应说:Neither of the two boys is a student.All is not gold that glitters. =Not all is gold that glitters.发光的不都是金子。Everybody cant arrive on time. =Not everybody can arr

2、ive on time.并不是每个人都按时到达的。Everything doesnt go well with the man. =Not everything goes well with the man.这个男的并不是一切都顺利。The rich are not always happy.富人并非总是幸福的。Not every person is kind.并非所有的人都很善良。I dont altogether think it is a good plan.我并不完全认为这是好的计划。His answer isnt entirely wrong.他的答案并非完全是错的。对部分否定要注意

3、以下两点:当全称代词如上述的all、both、everybody、everyone、everything在部分否定句中作主语时,否定词not可放在全称代词前,也可放在谓语动词前,含义相同。Not all can pass the test.相当于All cant pass the test.均表示“并不是所有的人都能通过这次测试”。如果要把部分否定变为全部否定,要把上述代词或副词作相应变化,变为全部否定的代词或副词,相应地:bothneither、allnone、everybodynobody、everythingnothing、everyoneno one、everywherenowhere

4、、alwaysnever等。No all have attended the meeting.(部分否定:并非所有人都参加会议)None have attended the meeting.(全部否定:没有人参加会议)The boy doesnt always do as his parents say.(部分否定:这个男孩并不总是按他父母说的去做)The boy never does as his parents say.(全部否定:这男孩从不按他父母说的去做)2、全部否定英语中表示全部否定时常用no、not、none、nobody、nothing、nowhere、neither、never

5、等去表达。No people can go above the law.He didnt come to school in the afternoon.Nobody can enter without permission.Nowhere can you find such a beautiful park.He has never been to Beijing.正确理解和辨别部分否定和全部否定非常重要,有利于正确理解和翻译。试比较:I dont hear anything about the new plan.(相当于I hear nothing about the new plan.)

6、(全部否定:我没听说任何关于这个新计划的风声。)I dont hear everything about the new plan.(部分否定:我并没有全面听说关于这个新计划的一些风声。He doesnt like all of the flowers.(部分否定:他并非喜欢所有的花)He likes none of the flowers.(全部否定:这些花他都不喜欢)I cant work out both of the questions.(部分否定:我不能把这两个问题都解决了)I can work out neither of the questions.(全部否定:这两个问题我都不能

7、解决)3、双重否定汉语中双重否定便表示肯定,英语中同样如此,双重否定意义肯定,双重否定即同一个句子里出现两个否定词,即否定之否定。双重否定句表示的意思是肯定的,通常比肯定句的语气重要,翻译时可以译成肯定形式,也可以保持双重否定的形式。No one never makes a mistake.(人人都会犯错或没有人从来不犯错)It is not impossible to learn to drive within a month.(在一个月内学会开车不是不可能的)He doesnt give help to nobody in trouble.(有困难的人他都帮助)You cant make

8、something out of nothing.(巧妇难为无米之炊)Nothing is impossible to happen in the world.(世上任何事都能发生)用于表示双重否定的词,结构还有:nonot(不不)、no(not)without(不不)、nobut(没有不)、cannot but(不得不)、cannot help doing(情不自禁)、cant help but do(不得不)、nothing less than(正是)、none but(除外别无)、no choice/alternative but(除以外别无选择)、not seldom(常常)、not

9、unhappy(高兴)、theres no doubt/denying/question that(毫无疑问)等。4、半否定半否定表示几乎否定或近于否定,常用的这类表示几乎否定的词有little/few(很少,一点儿)、barely(仅仅,几乎不)、hardly(几乎不,简直不)、rarely(很少)、scarcely(几乎没有,简直不)、seldom(不常,很少)等。There is little milk left in the bottle.I can hardly understand what the professor said.He little knows that he ha

10、s made a big mistake.Scarcely ways can solve the problem.I seldom surf the internet.5、形式上否定而意义上肯定英语中有些结构看上去形式上好像是否定,但实质内容上表示肯定的含义,要特别关注此类结构的特殊含义。(1)cannot+比较级表示“不能再怎么样了”。The answer cant be better.这个答案好的不能再好了。The boy cant run faster.这个男孩跑得快地不能再快了。(2)cannottoo表示“越越,再也不为过”,cannot也可换为can hardly(scarcely

11、, never),too也可改为over、enough等。You cannot be too careful when walking across the road.The teacher cant praise him too highly.We can hardly love our parents too much.We can never have friends too many.I cant thank you enough.(3)no(nobody)but意为“都,没有不,只有才”。There is no rule but has its exception.Nobody en

12、ters the college but is strongly impressed.注意:这种用法中but作为关系代词引导定语从句,相当于that(which,who)not,如上述There is no rule but has its exception.相当于There is no rule that doesnt have its exception.在疑问词或否定词后面but均有否定意义,不论作为代词还是连词均表示双重否定,即表示肯定含义。No one thinks that his words are true.没有人认为他说的话是真的。(否定)No one thinks but

13、 his words are true.没有人认为他说的话不是真的或人人都相信他说的话是真的。(肯定)There is no one who knows the secret.没有人知道这个秘密。There is no one but knows the secret.没有人不知道这个秘密或人人都知道这个秘密。(4)never(not)but(that)意为“每当总会”,相当于not/neverwithout doing,but(that)可以引导名词性从句、定语从句、条件状语从句、结构状语从句。I never (dont) see the picture but I recall the o

14、ld days.相当于I never (dont) see the picture without recalling the old days.我每当看到这张照片,都会回忆起过去的时光。It never rains but it pours.祸不单行。You cant make progress but (that) you make great efforts.相当于You cant make progress unless you make great efforts.或You cant make progress if you dont make great efforts.你如果不付出努力,你将不会取得进步。The man is not such a fool but knows the way.这个男的还不至于蠢到不认识路。(结果状语从句)But (that) you helped me, I would have died.(条件状语从句,主句要用虚拟语气,这里的but that用法相当于but for)(5)more often than not意为“常常,通常”,相当于as often as not。

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