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1、 -Its green.2. What is your favourite colour? -Its pink.3. What colour is autumn? -Its yellow because leaves turn yellow and fall.(注:下划线处可替换)二、学习用品pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 ball pen圆珠笔crayon蜡笔 pencil-box铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书textbook课本 storybook故事书 workbook练习册 notebook笔记本 dictionary字典 bag包 school-bag书包 eraser橡皮stic

2、ker不干胶paint颜料 paintbox颜料盒 paintbrush 画笔1.Wheres my schoolbag? -It is on my desk. /It is over there.2. Whose notebook is it? -It is my notebook.3. Your story-book is red.三、人体 body身体 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose 鼻子 mouse嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵heart 心shoulder肩膀 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 knee膝盖 foot/feet脚 toe脚趾 tail 尾

3、巴1.指令性动作:Open your eyes. Close your mouth. Wash your hands. Wave your right arm. Raise your foot. 2. I have two ears, I can hear .I have two eyes, I can see.3.身体与健康:have a cold 感冒 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a backache 背痛 have a rest 休息一会儿 drink more water 多喝水 t

4、ake some medicine 吃药1) A: Whats wrong with you? B: I have a headache. 2)A: I have a backache. B: You should have a rest. / You shouldnt play football.四、动物animal动物pet 宠物cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭子duckling小鸭子 horse马 elephant大象 fish鱼 bird鸟 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 deer鹿 panda熊猫 bear熊Baby Bear熊宝宝Baby Lion狮宝宝 lion狮子 tig

5、er老虎 fox狐狸 goat 山羊kid小山羊/小孩sheep绵羊lamb小羊 chick小鸡cock公鸡hen母鸡wolf 狼 cow奶牛bee蜜蜂monkey 猴子rabbit兔子eagle老鹰 koala考拉 kangaroo袋鼠giraffe长颈鹿zebra斑马crab螃蟹ant蚂蚁butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓dragon龙ox公牛fly苍蝇insect昆虫turtle乌龟camel骆驼 spider 蜘蛛1. Whats this?s a snake. What are these? -Theyre pandas.2. Wheres the ant?s on the

6、 box.3. What is the horse doing?s running.4. What can birds do? -They can fly./climb /jump /sing /dance /read /swim /listen /walk .5. What animal do you like best? -I like panda best. (喜好)6. Why do you love them? -Because they are very clever and friendly. (喜好)五、人物(家庭与朋友)people人物 children孩子们family家庭

7、friend朋友man(复数men)男人 woman(复数women)女人 Mr/sir先生 Miss女老师 Mrs夫人Ms女士boy男孩 girl女孩baby婴儿 mother(mummy)妈妈 father(daddy)爸爸auntie阿姨;舅妈 uncle 叔叔;舅舅sister姐妹 brother兄弟daughter女儿son儿子parent父母亲 grandparent祖父(母) grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 (奶奶、外婆 )grandpa/grandfather/granddad(外)祖父 (爷爷、外公)1. Good morning mum. -Good mo

8、rning my girl ./Rose . (问候)2. Whats your father? -He is a doctor.3. Good bye grandma. -Bye-bye, Ting Ting. (道别)六、职业 teacher教师 head teacher校长 pupil学生 farmer农民 cook厨师 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver驾驶员 taxi driver出租车司机 dancer舞蹈演员singer歌唱家 fisherman渔夫policeman警察 policewoman 女警察 worker工人1. What is your aunt? -S

9、he is a dancer.2. Toms mother is a nurse. (介绍)七、食品,饮料food食物 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner 晚餐 、主餐rice米饭 milk牛奶egg蛋 fish鱼 cake蛋糕 hamburger汉堡包noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 ice-cream冰激凌bread面包sandwich三明治 hot dog热狗 coffee咖啡 coke可乐 juice果汁 candy糖果 soup汤 tea茶water水 butter黄油 cheese奶酪 chips炸薯条 fried chicken炸鸡块 junk

10、 food垃圾食品 ketchup番茄酱 salad色拉 dumplings 饺子 biscuit饼干 1. I am hungry /thirsty. -Have a/an/some (pear . apple . tea ) 2. What food do you like? -I like hamburgers./I dont like them, they are junk food. (喜好)3. Whats for supper? -Chicken, fish and vegetables.八、水果fruit水果apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙子pine

11、apple菠萝peach桃strawberry草莓九、蔬菜vegetable蔬菜 lettuce生菜 mushroom蘑菇 potato土豆 bean豆子carrot胡萝卜pea 豌豆tomato西红柿 cabbage卷心菜十、衣服clothes衣服shirt衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt短裙 dress连衣裙 jacket夹克 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat外套gloves手套 jeans牛仔裤 pants 裤子shorts 短裤 blouse (女式)衬衣 socks 袜子 cap软帽(有帽舌的)hat帽子1. My dress is wet. /My pants

12、are dry.2. How much is this cap? -Its seven dollars. /Its six JPY.3. What do you wear in spring? -We wear shirts and jeans.4. Summer is here. Its getting warm .We wear T-shirts and skirts.十一、交通工具bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 ship轮船 car小汽车 taxi出租车 plane飞机boat 小船dragon boat 龙船1. Do you have a toy car? -Yes,

13、 I do. / No, I dont. 2. There is a blue car under the plane. / There is a blue car .Where?.Under the plane.十二、课程subject学科Chinese语文(中文) maths数学 English英语 art美术(艺术) PE体育 music 音乐 science科学computer计算机1. We have English on Monday.2. Who is your English teacher? - Mr Wu. / Miss White.3. What subject do you like best? Why? -English. Because it is interesting. 十三、景物 river河流 lake湖泊 house房子 cloud云 sun太阳 moon月亮 sky天空 star星星sea大海 desert 沙漠grassland草原forest森林 mountain山1. Where do you live? -I live on the earth.2. Where do monkeys live? -They live in mountains.十四、植物

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