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1、to eat the leek 忍辱吞声to out-Herod 穷凶恶极to cudgel ones brains 绞脑汁more dead than alive 精疲力尽with might and main 尽全力out of bteath:上气不接下气hale and heart 矍铄hot and heavy 猛烈change 变化chop and change 变化无常fret and fume 焦急;发怒hum and ha(w) 支吾;吞吞吐吐make merry:作乐hardships;toil 辛苦toil and moil 劳碌busy 忙碌as busy as a be

2、e:忙忙碌碌blockhead 木头a rain of bullets:弹雨an outsider 门外汉a gleam of hope 一线希望the womans reason 女人道理castle in the air 空中楼阁antique flavour 古色古香saying and doing 言行to wash ones hands 解手It serves you right! 活该by and by 不久Walls have ears 隔墙有耳God knows 天晓得gammon;fudge 瞎话hand and foot 手脚mop and mow:装鬼脸poke and

3、pry 好管闲事low;at the botton 低下face to face 封面upside down 倒置a quail;a soiled dove野鸡a sodden sheep 落汤鸡a black sheep 害群之马the apple of ones eye掌上明珠under the sod 黄泉之下clean-handed 两袖清风No money,no honey 无钱无甜Up corn,down horn:榖贵肉贱hanky-panky;hocus-pocus 把戏hurdy-gurdy 绞弦琴humpty-dumpty:矮胖子kicky-wicky 河东狮linsey-

4、woolsey 棉毛(交织物)lovey-dovey 亲爱的popsy-wopsy 小妹妹kith and kin 亲友humour 幽默model 模特兄modern 摩登romantic 浪漫honey-moon 蜜月black list 黑名单eternal triangle 三角恋爱ivory tower 象牙塔life line 生命线virgin soil处女地curve of beauty:曲线美Bushido 武士道bourgeois 中产阶级proletariat 无产阶级Bolshevik 过激派Menshevik 稳健派Avyanadhana 无障碍tit for tat

5、:一报还一报cash and carry 现购自运wear and tear 消耗mess of pottage 导致将来吃大亏的暂时享受Benjamins mess 大股;殊恩a Jobs comforter不善安慰者sheep and goats 善人与恶人the good Samaritan 乐善好施者the prodigal son 浪荡子an Adonais 美男子Homeric laughter 大笑Platonic love 精神恋爱El Dorado 黄金国a wise man of Gotham笨伯to be promiscunds 泾渭不分pell-mell 乱七八糟top

6、sy-turvy 七颠八倒tumultuous 乱糟(糟)hurly-burly 吵闹;吵吵闹闹helter-skelter;hurry-scurry 仓皇;慌忙be ruined;go to ruin:零落go to rack and ruin:七零八落stroke and strife:狼籍slip-slop 龌龊;亢脏fair and square 磊落clear 清楚intimate; cordial 亲密near and dear 亲亲密密splendid 体面plain,obvious 明白stable;steady 常稳steady as rock 四平八稳slow and st

7、eady:稳妥slow and sure 稳健:沉着a great many 许许多多for ever 永远for ever and ever:永永远远with airs and graces 娇滴滴look coy 羞答答boiling hot 热腾腾grievous 悲切切an obscene picture 春宫a love potion;a philtre 春药to sell ones favours:卖春biting irony:冷嘲热讽shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠as mad as a hatter 大发雷霆as dry as sawdust 味同嚼蜡run

8、against;dash against;collide with 横闯直撞burn ones boat 有进无退through and through;out and out 撤头撤尾practice jobbery;graft 假公济私rob Peter to pay Paul 挖东补西hail the rising sun 趋炎附势a hair-splitter 钻牛角尖a sea of faces人山人海rise above the herd 出类拔萃catch at shadows捕风捉影vanish into thin air 烟消去散muddle胡思乱想half in doubt

9、 半信半疑soldiers and soldiers:陆海军人miles and miles:不可以道里计so-and-so 某某;某事such and such 如此如此hot and hot 滚熟out-and-out:完完全全;绝对的many and many a time屡次thus and thus 如此如此effete 精疲力尽的ephemeral 朝生暮死的far-fetched 牵强附会的inveterate 根深蒂固的lackadaisical 没精打采的ramshackle 东倒西歪的versatile 多才多艺的rare 半生半熟的ajar 半开半掩smatter 一知半

10、解mince 半吞半吐bandy 打来打去shuffle 推来推去in all its splender or glory 体体面面out and out;as perfect as perfect can be 完完全全certainly;to be sure的确as sure as mud;as sure as eggs is eggs的的确确chop and change;kaleidoscopic,protean,everchanging;versatile:千变万化bamboozle everybody:东骗西拐go like a rocket and come down like

11、a stick:虎头蛇尾put a fifth wheel to the coach:画蛇添足much(or great)cry and little wool:劳而无功neither more nor less:不多不少cut blocks with a razor:大才小用make a mountain of a molehill;make a might fuss about nothing:小题大做take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断just as one would throw away an old hat 弃如敝屣spi

12、dery writing蝇头小利to be pinned (or tied) to a womans apron-strings 拜倒石榴裙下lowly;humble;hedge-born低三下四talk rot;talk nonsense;Hear him talk! 瞎三话四in succession;continually;consecutively接连in quick(or rapid) succession;in an unbroken line:接二连三 in the face of the world;in the presence of a large company:三封六面

13、be disunited;split;break up:分裂be disrupted;be torn asunder:四分五裂topsy-turvy;heels over head:七颠八倒hurry-scurry:七手八脚higgledy-piggledy;pell-mell;in a muddle;a pretty kettle of fish乱七八糟to keep ones head above water:奋力图存;混过去to nail ones colours to the mast破釜沉舟to put in ones oar管闲事;干涉to be taken aback惊惶失措to turn adrift 任其漂流;置之不理to go with the stream随波逐流to go through fire and water赴汤蹈火to pour oil on the flame火上加油to cast out Satan by Satan以暴制暴ungrateful;heartless没心肝的to have a thrill of horror;to be in

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