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1、图表类作文,小作文类型,线形图:line graph柱状图:bar chart饼图:pie chart表格:table流程图:flow chart地图:map,line graph,line graph,bar chart,bar chart,pie chart,pie chart,table,table,flow chart,map,主流题型,线形图柱状图饼图表格,主流图形分类,把上述4种图形可以总的分为2种:1 动态趋势图2 静态数据图区分标准:1 动态趋势图:多时间,上升下降,做纵向比较2 静态数据图:单时间,多和少,做横向比较,动态图中的线形图,上升(v),increaserisego

2、 upgrowjumpclimb,下降(v),decreasedeclinego downfalldrop,修饰上升下降(v)的变化幅度词(adv),轻微地slowlyslightlymarginally,变化幅度词(adv),平缓地steadilysmoothlygraduallymoderately,变化幅度词(adv),剧烈地significantlysharplydramaticallydrasticallysteeplysurprisinglystrikinglyhugely,几个特殊动词,increase significantly=soarrocketsurge,上升(n),in

3、creaserisegrowth,下降(n),decreasedeclinefalldrop,修饰上升下降(n)的变化幅度词(adj),把刚才变化幅度词(adv)去掉ly,就成了形容词,除了下面三个词:dramatically-dramaticdrastically-drasticsteadily-steady,到达顶点,reach the peakpeak(v)注:达到底点 reach the bottom,波动性下降,sth have/show a downward trendsth decrease with(minor)fluctuations注:波动性上升sth have/show

4、an upward trendsth increase with(minor)fluctuations,保持不变,keep/remain+unchangedstablesteadyconstant,带数据的介词,带数据的介词,从到 fromtoeg:The sales of the computers increased slightly from 500 to 700.,带数据的介词,表示“了”by比如:电脑销量轻微地上升了200台。The sales of computers increased slightly by 200.,带数据的介词,表示某个时间点稳定的数据 at stand a

5、t比如:1990年的时候电脑的销量是500台。The sales of computers were/stood at 500 in 1990.比如:电脑的销量在2005年的时候以2100台的水平达到了顶点。The sales of the computers reached the peak at 2100 in 1990.,时间的表达,时间的表达,1 在某个时间点in+年或月 in 2010 in the year of 2010 in Auguston+日 on 1stat+小时 at 10pm,时间的表达,2 从一个时间到另一个时间如:从1990年到1997年from 1990 to

6、1997,时间的表达,3 在一个时间和另一个时间之间如:在1990年到1997年之间between 1990 and 1997,时间的表达,4在某段之间里如:在1990年到1997年的7年之间during/over/throughout 7-year period between 1990 and 1997during/over/throughout 7-year period from 1990 to 1997,时间的表达,5 自从since 直到until,动态图中必用的三大句型,1 主题+变化(v)+变化幅度(adv)+数据+时间2 There be+a+变化幅度(adj)+变化(n)+

7、in+主题+数据+时间3 时间+see/experience/witness/undergo+a+变化幅度(adj)+变化(n)+in+主题+数据 注:第三种句型也可以用主题做主语,第一部分,The sales of the computers increased slowly from about 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002.There was a marginal growth in the sales of the computers from 600 in 2001 to 900 in 2002.,第二部分,The sales of the com

8、puters rose steadily by 500 in the following year.The following year saw/witnessed/experienced a steady increase to 1400.,第三部分,The sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,reaching the peak at 4000 in 2005.The sales of computers increased steeply to the peak at 4000 in 2005.,第四部分,The sales

9、 of computers showed a downward trend,decreasing to 3000 in 2007.There was a downward trend in the sales of computers during the following two years,which decreased to 3000 in 2007.,第五部分,The sales of the computers remained steady at 3000 in 2008.,第六部分,The sales of computers declined dramatically to

10、1800 in 2009.,全段,There was a slight growth in the sales of computers from 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002,and they increased gradually to 1400 in the following year.Then they rose dramatically to the peak at 4000 in 2005.After that there was a downward trend in the sales,which decreased to 3000 in

11、2007.Before they decreased sharply to 1800 in 2009,they remained constant at 3000.,动态图中起点的写法,第一种:直接带过法There was a slight growth in the sales of computers from 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002,and they increased marginally to 1400 in the following year.,动态图中起点的写法,第二种:起点单独介绍如果起点单独介绍又可以用2种手段a:用介词at带数据法

12、b:用直接带数据法,a:用介词at带数据法写起点,The sales of computers stood/were at 600 in the year of 2001.Beef was most popular in the year of 1979,for its consumption was at 200 grams per person per week.,b:用直接带数据法,In 2001,600 computers were sold in that shop.About 7 million tonnes of CFC-11 were produced in the year

13、of 1980.注:2种单独写起点的手法,后面可以直接跟上which从句,写顶点的方法,第一种方法:用分词的方法The sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,reaching the peak at 4000 in 2005.第二种方法:用which从句形式The sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,which reached the peak at 4000 in 2005.第三种方法:直接法The sales of computers increased ste

14、eply to the peak at 4000 in 2005.,呈现出向上或向下趋势,用了show/have a downward trend这个句型后发现数据比较难带,可以采用以下的办法:The sales of the computers showed a downward trend,decreasing/which decreased from XX to XX.,带数据方法的总结,1 介词带数据法2 直接带数据法3 从句带数据法4 分词带数据法5 括号带数据法,动态小作文开头段,The line graph/bar chart shows/illustrates/demonstr

15、ates/reveals/describe the changes/trends in+数据表现形式+数据表达对象+地点+时间。,The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004,静态图形的写作,其实要写好静态图的一个关键步骤是如何加工数据。如果数据加工不好,会产生两个比较严重的问题,一是字数不够,二是感觉文章是数字的罗列。,加工数据的方法,数据加工一般可以有三种方法1 描写数据本身所传达给你的最直观

16、信息2 进行各个项目之间的横向比较,这个是最重要的3 对数据进行一个模糊化表达,横向比较的方法,所谓横向比较,就是两个或者多个不同事物在同一时间或者同一范围内的比较。在静态图的写作中极其重要。一般我们会有以下的8种方式进行横向比较。,第一种,the popularity of different car color,第一种,1 The most popular car color is white.在此基础上,我们可以用小括号带数据,定语从句,或者分词带入数据。The most popular color is white,1 which accounts for 56%2 accounting for 56%3(56%),第一种,2 在主系表结构中,还可以把主语和表语互换。White is the most popular car color.3 The highest percentage of the popularity of car color

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