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大学英语4 期末复习资料(1)文档格式.docx

1、整个自然与力学定律是协调一致的。in accordance with意为与致;依照。”3) A(n) vacancy exists for a sales manager at our Paris office. If youre interested in it ,please send us an application letter and your resume at once.在我们巴黎办事处有一个销售经理的职位空缺。如果你有兴趣请即刻给我们一份求职信和简历。4) If you are over 18 and in good condition, its completely saf

2、e to do the job.如果你超过了 18岁而且身体状况很好,那么做这份工作就很安全。5) Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel, transparent as glass, and light as wood.塑料能够被制造得像石头那样坚硬,像钢铁那样坚固,像玻璃那样透明,像木头那样轻。6) Coat the shoes with polish(擦亮剂),then rub hard with a soft cloth to give a shine.把鞋油涂到鞋上,然后用软布用力摩擦使鞋发亮。7) It was pro

3、bably just a spicy joke to them, but it wasnt funny to me at all.对他们而言,那可能只是一个粗俗的笑话,但对我而言,那笑话一点儿也不好玩。spicy在此意为“下流的,粗俗的”。8) Michael5s praise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism(英 雄主义),which I had hitherto taken for granted.迈克尔对我妻子的赞扬使我注意到并教会我对她的日常勇敢行为

4、必存感激,迄今为止我对她这种行 为习以为常了。hitherto意为“迄今,到目前为止”。9) The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, but with (a) bad grace.那个女侍者最后的确给我们拿来了干净的盘子,但是很不情愿。with (a) bad grace意为勉强地,不情愿地”10) Some scientists believe that human beings are bom with a(n) instinct for using their arms and legs to stay afloat(漂浮着)

5、,which, however, disappears within a few months after birth.一些科学家认为,人类天生就有具有一种本能,能够用他们的胳膊和腿让自己漂浮起来,然而,这 一本能在出生后几个月后就消失了。11) In order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfathers gold watch in secret.为了付账,琳达偷偷当掉了祖父的金表。pawn用作名词,意为“(国际象棋中的)卒”,在此处用作动词,意为“典当,抵押”12) Fish instinctively fight their way u

6、pstream against the current, and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances.鱼本能地逆流而上,而且许多水禽和水上动物都有远距离的迁徙能力。current此处为名词,意为“水流”2.1) Allan and his girlfriend arranged to meet at the park at 1:30, but somehow he never turned up.(turn) 译文:艾伦和他女朋友计划好一点半在公园见面,但不知怎么的,他始终没露面 注释:t

7、urn up意为“出现,来临,露面2) Unless something urgent demands her attention, Mary will stick to her study schedule that includes breaks every two hours. She thinks that trying to study when you are overtired isnt smart.(stick)除非有紧急的事情需要关注,玛丽坚持每隔两小时休息一次的学习计划。她认为过于疲劳时还努力 学习是不明智的3) 1 happened to see him in Bosto

8、n and we talked about our time together in school and it really brought back some fond memories.(bring)我碰巧在波士顿遇到他,于是我们谈论着我们一起在学校的时光,这的确带来了一些甜蜜的回忆4) In the present financial crisis,many college graduates feel unsure how to go about looking for a job.(go)处在金融危机之际,许多大学毕业生不能确定怎样着手找到一份工作go about doing st

9、h.意为“着手做某事5) The speaker kept on talking for about an hour, but I just didnt understand what he was driving at. (drive)这位发言者连续讲了约一个小时,但是我就是不能理解他讲的是什么drive at意为意指,用意所在6) Granny folded up the towels and put them away in the cupboard, (put)奶奶把毛巾叠起来放进衣柜里put away意为“放好,储备备用7) Even when she didnt say anyth

10、ing you could see her turning things over in her mind.(turn)即使她什么都没说,你也能注意到她正在反复思考这些事情turnover意为“反复思考,考虑”8) The statement took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.(take)这番话让他大吃一惊,以至于有一阵子他不知该说什么好take sb. Aback意为使某人大吃一惊”Unit61) To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy househ

11、old appliances with government subsidy.为了刺激消费,农民可以通过政府补贴来购买家用电器。2) Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness,and until recent years the role of preventive() medicine has suffered comparative neglect.传统医学一直主要致力于慢性病和急性病的治疗,而且直到近几年,预防医学的作用还一直相对地 遭到冷遇。3)

12、 Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is ,it doesnt kill bacteria (); it only shows down the rate at which they multiply.除去费用,你应该记住,不管电冰箱有多别致,它也不能够杀灭细菌,它只能降低细菌的繁殖速度。4) The economic planner are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society, but its easie

13、r said than done, I think.经济规划师正设法在全社会实现更为公平的财富分配,但我认为这说起来容易做起来难。seek to do意为“设法做”,相当于try to do-; distribution意为“分配”5) The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.自13世纪以来,这个城镇一直生产羊毛、布匹和地毯,它今天的许多繁荣兴

14、旺任然建立在那些工业 的基础上。6) Ive heard of a company that provides guidance and help so that you can decorate your house to your own taste.我听说过一家公司,他能够提供指导和帮助,以便你能按照自己的喜好来装饰房屋。decorate意为“装饰,装修。此句中第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词a companyo So that引 导目的状语从句7) To prevent widespread famine, the UN report calls for a joint effort to develop new high-yielding crops adapted to hotter climates and drier soils.为了避免大范围的饥荒,联合国报告要求联合开发与较热气候及较干燥土壤相适应的新的高产作物。8) Carrying large quantities of

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