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1、Mr. X”sacademic credentials are truly exceptional. He not only knows how to reasonwith numbers and data, but how to render incisive and imaginative practices in mathematic.He performed perfectly in all his tasks. Whether rendering a spread sheetanalysis, making a model or writing a report, XXX alway

2、s demonstrated uncannymastery combined with critical wit. Whilemany of the staff members I have metperformed very well in the company, X alone has completed work that meetswith tastes of senior managers. Even more importantly he offered new ideaswhich we could comprehend and even assimilate.Unlike m

3、ost ofhis colleagues I have talked in the XXXXX, Mr. X immersedhimself in American culture. He composed a joke as part of his firstpresentation analyzing a current plan. It worked. His colleagues laughed and Iwas witness to masterful culture spanning. X came to us a confidentinpX has a deepreservoir

4、 of talent and ambition. He has already accomplished a great deal inthe face of considerable challenge. He has worked hard making use of eachopportunity for improvement, and produced an impressive record for one who hasenjoyed no special privilege. Tan possesses and uses an easygoing manner andspiri

5、ted conviviality to put people at ease. He can easily make people tobelieve him. In addition, X has special self-study and is experienced inprogramming, especially in C/C+, as well as his intelligent judgment. He learnedearly on the painful lessons of C language, and has learned how to write thepoin

6、ter and algorithm to make “accepting”. I have every confidence that he willuse this considerable knowledge to tackle completed problems and study on alarger scale.While as an internshipmember in our company, X took a lot of tasks under the help of the directorof the Financial Analyst. Financial Anal

7、ysis, a cumbersome and stressful jobcorrelated with technical analysis and XXXX in stock market. Tanshowed wonderful digital sensitivity for graphic grasp and analysis.X is smart.But more important he has acquired wisdom in the statistic and programming. Hewants to expand his considerable fund of wi

8、sdom and use it to provide statisticimprovement from the U.S. to China. XXX”s ambitions and abilities are in sync.He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey. Notonly will managers and staff thank you for admitting such a fine candidate, butso too will those employees, cu

9、stomers and citizens who will benefit from hisfuture employ.Sincerely,Name:Position:Company:Del:E-mail:尊敬的哈佛招生办:我是 XXX 实习工作推荐人和顾问(2010 年 5 月2010 年8 月初,X 在我公司实习)。我写这封信的目的是推荐 XXX就读哈佛大学统计学博士。XXX 的学历和能力是真凭实据。他不仅知道如何理性地对待数字和数据,并如何在尖锐的现实生活中,表现出富有想象力的数学思维。他做事勤勤恳恳,认认真真。不管是在分析财务报表,还是做一个模型或者写一份报告,谭总是能很好的完成任务。

10、X 在公司一直表现得很好,能够独立完成各项工作。更重要的是他可以提出我们可以理解和吸收的新思想。XXX 向往美国文化。他在生活中是一个充满幽默气息的人,这也融入到他的工作理念中。我见证了他的能力和知识的提升。XXX 来到了 XXX,变得更自信,更有个人英雄主义气息,最适于美国的文化。XXX 有强大的潜力和雄心壮志。他敢于面对工作中和生活中的各种挑战。给人最印象深刻的事是他努力工作,利用每一个机会去学习。X 拥有一种平易近人的精神面貌, 他是欢乐的代名词,使人感到自在。他给人信任感。此外,X 自学了程序设计课程,特别是在 C/C+语言程序设计方面,以及他的综合判断分析数据。他磨练意志,善于总结经

11、验教训。通过 C 语言学习,他学会了怎样写指针和算法,使程序做到完美。我非常有信心,他将来能解决更多问题和参与研究完成更高端的课题。财务分析,是一种复杂的和高度紧张的工作,包括了技术分析和基本面分析。而作为一个实习生成员,谭在我们公司张建分析师的指导下完成了许多财务分析工作,并且表现出惊人的数字敏感性,图形的把握和分析能力。X 很聪明,他已获得在统计和编程方面的知识,但更重要的是他想要通过努力来扩充自己的智慧和用它来帮助中国统计的进步。他准备申请在美国攻读博士学位并圆满完成这一令人兴奋的旅程。我个人认为,XXXX 的追求和能力是同步的。我们所有的经理和员工不仅会谢谢你接纳这样一个优秀的候选人,

12、同时我相信我们的员工、顾客和公民将会受益于他未来的倾情奉献。我首先上了哈佛的官网去调查这个专业的要求,然后按照专业要求细节,比如需要计算机知识,需要能运用统计学软件等等,一步扣一环的写了推荐信,当然为了保持一种舒适和自然感我写的比较散一点。其实我也就是抛砖引玉,如果有更好的想法可以大家一起交流。第二篇其实是官方的实习单位证明,大家都知道我们实习的时候公司会开出自己的证明,你可以把那种中文格式的写成英文格式的,然后再让公司给你开出来,其实就是盖个章。基本格式:Internship Certificate1,基本的个人介绍2,Contents of the internship:3,Comment

13、s:最后可以加一个总结,也可以不加。这就是我的一个思路。一个证明+一篇业界牛人推荐信, 让你能展翅飞的更远一点,更高一点。篇二:在英国大学申请中申请文书的写作是很关键的一个步骤, 其中推荐信是必备材料之一。一般,英国大学申请都需要 两封推荐信。推荐信中至少有一封由自己学校的老师撰写,以推荐学 术能力为主;也可让班主任写一封,以推荐人品性格为主。如有工作经验,由工作单位提供推荐信更佳,因为英国人 很注重工作经历。两封推荐信也可以一封公司,一封学校。在校生可两封学校推荐信,毕业多年的申请人也可两封公司推荐信。信中必须包含学校或公司抬头、推荐人签名、并有推荐人的所有联系细节。推荐信应当与申请人的其他

14、材料(如成绩单)相符,要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞。Dear Sir or Madam,I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for xxx.From July 2011,XXX had been an intern student of mine in YunNao Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Observatory for 2 months. He majored in Engineering and Automation when he is in college, so he has a strong Engineering background.He gave me a very profound impression while he was practicing in the observatory. The first thing I want to point out is that he has the determination which bears hardships and stands hard work

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