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1、(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。5. hats wrng with Peter?A. He had a ld.B. He had an arguent with his best friend. He lst his ney.6. hy ant Peter g t his friends huse?A. Beause he desnt like writing.B. Beause he desnt want t talk abut it n the phne. Beause he desnt want t surprise hi.请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。7.

2、 Hw uh did Bill get in the English test?A. 45. B. 55. . 65.8. hat des Alie think is a helpful way fr Bill t learn English well?A. T talk with freigners. B. T ake flashards. . T listen t tapes.请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9. here are the faily ging fr their suer vaatin?A. Beiing. B. Taiwan. . Sihuan.10. h des k

3、ate want t see?A. Her teaher. B. Her lassate. . Her pen pal.请听一段独白,完成第11至第13小题。11. Hw any persns were there in the r when sene was knking at the dr?A. ne persn.B. Tw persns. Three persns.12. h was the yung an?A. He was a friend f the writers.B. He was a friend f the writers brthers. He was a strange

4、 an t the.13. hat was prbably the end f the stry?A. The yung an was taken away by the plie.B. The yung an beae their friend. The yung an ran away.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。14h reated Spideran?AStan Lee Barvel Peter Parker15hat happened t Peter Parker after he was bitten by the spider?AHe was sikBHe beae a

5、spiderHe develped aazing pwers16In what areas des Peter have prbles that are siilar t nral peple?Aney, tie and studying.Bney, wrk and tie.Sprts, ney and wrk三、听短,根据所听到的短内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。短读两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)A letter t parentsEvent: Shl Sprts eetTie: 27 _(17)_, 2012All need te t shl in their shl _(20)_unir

6、1 and 2 studentse by _(18)_ a.Disissed (解散) between 12:00 and 12:30 p.Ask yur hild t have _(19)&nt;&_Senir 1 and 2 studentse by 12:Disissed between 4:30 and 5:00 p.TransprtatinPrivate arsGet there yurselvesShl BusesDeparture: 101 ShlNeed t:_(21)_ the Shl Bus driversele all f yu t wath the Sprts eet

7、at Haidian Stadiu知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空。(共13分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22. He said: “ary, I will all yu later.” He tld ary he wuld all _ later.A. hi B. her . e D. yu23. I think there will be _trees in the future if we ften ut dwn the trees t ake huses.A. less B. re . fewer D. any24. He usua

8、lly has breakfast at he _ Sundays.A. in B. n . at D. f25. -hat were yu ding this tie yesterday?-I _ se leaning at he.A. a ding B. was ding . d D. did26. _ the students were talking and laughing, the teaher ae int the lassr.A. hile B. Until . Beause D. If27. T always gets _ when he sees his reprt ard

9、 fr shl beause he desnt d well in all the subets.A. surprised B. strange . interested D. nervus28. - here are yu ging n ay Day?-I dnt want t g _. any peple are here and there.A. sewhere B. anywhere . everywhere D. nwhere29. -I a ging t bring y new IPad t shl.-h, n, are yu ad? If the teaher knws, he

10、_let yu in.A. desnt B. didnt . havent D. wnt30. y friend had a fight with e, she didnt talk t e. hat _ I d?A. ight B. shuld . ust D. ay31. Teahing in the untain area is an unusual _ fr yang Lei.A. experieneB. exerise . exaple D. exuse32. The plane fr Beiing t Shanghai is suppsed t _at 6:30a. trrw.A.

11、 find ut B. take ff . all up D. keep ut33. -hat akes yu _ I a a prfessinal athlete?-I think yu lk strng and healthy.A.t think B. think . thinking D. will think34. D yu knw _ the Art useu? -Next Friday.A. when we will visit B. when we visited. when will we visit D. when did we visit五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)

12、阅读下面的短,掌握其大意,然后从短后各题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。hen yure a teenager, a huge prble ight be that yu ust have t have a new D, 35 yur parents wnt give yu the ney fr it. I thught life was sunfair when things like this happeneduntil Septeber 11, 2001.I was in P.E. when the planes hit the rld Trade enter and the

13、Pentagn. As sn as I gt he and fr weeks after, I saw the disaster shwn n TV. Seeing the innent peple running fr their 36 as the debris(瓦砾) started ing dwn the fire and ske rse ut f the buildings brught tears t y eyes. I uldnt help iagining what the peple n the 37 and in the buildings were thinking an

14、d ging thrugh, nt 38 what was ging n. I adired the urage f the firefighters wh rushed in and risked their wn lives t 39 thers. It tre y heart apart t wath the hpeless lks n the faes f s any peple wh didnt knw if their lved nes were dead r alive while 40 in all the debris.Then it 41 e: All y life I had thught ainly f ysel

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