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1、哈利波特与魔法石中英文台词哈利波特与魔法石I should ve known that you would be here. 我早该想到会在这里遇到你Professor McGo nagall. 麦格教授Good eve ning. Professor Dumbledore. 晚上好,邓布利多教授Are the rumors true, Albus? 传闻是真的吗?阿不思?I m afraid so, professor. 我想是真的,教授The good 有个好消息And the bad 也有坏消息And the boy? 那个孩子呢?Hagrid is brin gi ng him. 海格

2、会把他带到这儿来Is it wise 你觉得这么做明智吗?To trust Hagrid with somethi ng so importa nt? 把这种大事交给海格去办?Professor. I would trust Hagrid with my life. 教授,我可以把自己的命交到海格手中Professor Dumbledore, sir. 邓布利多教授Professor McGo nagall 麦格教授No problems, I trust, Hagrid? 没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?No, sir.没有,先生Little tyke fell asleep as we were

3、flying over Bristol. 小家伙一飞至 U布里斯托尔就睡了TRY n ot to wake him. 小心别吵醒他There you go. 你看Do you really think it s safe, leaving him with these people? 你觉得把他交 给这些人好吗?They re the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. 真是一群无可救药的麻瓜They really are 他们真的是The only family he has. 他在世上唯一的亲人He ll be famous. 这孩子将来会非常有名Every

4、 child in our world. 我们世界中的每个孩子Will know his name. 都会知道他的名字Exactly.完全正确He s far better off growing up away from all of that. 最好是让他成长时远离这一切Un til he s ready.等他能够接受的时候再告诉他There, there, Hagrid. 好了,好了,海格It s not really goodbye, after all. 又不是再也见不到面Good luck祝你好运Harry Potter. 哈利波特Up. Get up! 起床!快起床!Now!快点

5、!Wake up, cousin! We re going to the zoo! 快醒来,表弟!要去动物园啰!Here he comes, the birthday boy. 我们的小寿星来了Hap py birthday, son. 生日快乐,儿子Cook breakfast. And try not to burn an ythi ng. 快去煮早餐,不准烧焦东西Yes. Aunt Petu nia.是,佩妮姨妈I want everyth ing to be perfect 我希望今天一切顺心for my Dudley s special day! 这可是我们达力的大日子Hurry u

6、p!快点!Bring my coffee, boy. 给我咖啡,小子Yes. U ncle Verno n. 是,弗农姨父Aren t they wonderful, darling? 是不是很棒呀,亲爱的?How many are there? 一共有几个?36. cou nted them myself. 三十六个,我自己数的36?! But last year I had 37! 三十六个?但去年有三十七个But some are bigger than last year s.但有些礼物比去年的大一点呀I don t care!我管它有多大This is what we re goin

7、g to do. 好,好,待会儿我们一出去We re going to buy you two new presents. How s that, pumpkin? 就再去帮你买两个新礼物,好不好呀,小乖乖?It should be a lovely day at the zoo. 要去动物园了I m really looki ng forward to it. 一定可以玩得很开心,真期待I m warni ng you now, boy. 我警告你,小子Any funny bus in ess, and at all 要是有任何怪事发生,只要有一点点的怪事 and you won t hav

8、e any meals for a week. 你就一个礼拜不准吃饭Get in.上车Make it move. 叫它动嘛Move!动呀!- Move! - He s asleep!-快动呀!-它睡着了He s boring.真没劲!Sorry about him. He doesn t understand what it s like. 对不起,他不了解你的感受,像这样看人们硬把丑脸贴到你Lying there day after day 一天又一天地躺在这儿 watchi ng people press their ugly faces in on you.Can you hear me

9、? 你听得懂我的话?It s just.只是I ve never talked to a sn ake before. 我以前从没跟蛇讲过话Do you?你I mea ns. Do you talk to people often? 我是说,你常跟人说话吗?You re from Burma, aren t you? 你是从缅甸来的,对吧?Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? 那儿是不是很美?你想家吗?I see.我懂了That s me as well. I never knew my parents either. 我也一样,我没见过我的父

10、母你绝对想不到这只蛇在干嘛Movi ng. Mummy, Dad. 动了!妈妈!爸爸! You won t believe what this snake is doing! Thanks.谢谢An ytime. 别客气Snake!蛇!Mum! Mummy! Help me! 妈妈,妈咪,救救我,救命呀My darli ng boy! How did you get in there? 宝贝儿子,你是怎么进去的?Who did this? How did you get in there? 我的天哪,你是怎么进去的?Is there a sn ake? 那是一条蛇吗?It s all righ

11、t, sweetheart. 没事的,小甜心We ll get you out of these cold clothes. 我们会帮你把这湿冷的衣服脱掉What happe ned? 这是怎么回事?I swear. I don t know!我发誓我真的不知道玻璃忽然消失我认为是一星期中最棒的一天The glass was there and the n it was gone.Like magic.就像魔法一样 There s no such thing as magic.Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. Dad, look! Harry s got a l

12、etter!你的?谁会写信给你啊?这样就不能再往信箱里投信了 祝你上班愉快,亲爱的Give back. It s mine!还我,那是我的 Yours? Who d be writing to you? No more mail through this letterbox.Have a lovely day at the office, dear. Go on.快滚Fine day. Su nday.星期天真是个好日子 In my opinion, best day of the week.Why is that, Dudley? 这是什么原因,达力?Because there s no p

13、ost on Sun days? 因为星期天不送信?Right you are, Harry! 答对了,哈利No post o n Su nday. 星期天不送信No blasted letters today! No, sir. 今天没有讨厌的信!没有!Not o ne si ngle bloody letter. Not o ne! 没有一圭寸该死的信,完全没有No, sir, notone blasted, miserable 没有,没有一圭寸讨厌,可恶 Oh, no!喔,不!Make it stop, please! 叫它停下来,拜托,妈咪!Make it stop, please!

14、拜托,妈咪,叫它们停下来Stop! Stop it! 停!快停!Mummy, what s happening? 妈妈,告诉我,这是怎么一回事?What s this?这是什么?Give me that! 把它给我Give me that letter! 把信给我Get off!放手!They re my letters! Let go of me! 这是我的信,放开我!That s it! We re going away! 够了,我们走吧Far away, where they can t find us! 走得远远的,让他们找不到Daddy s gone mad, hasn t he?

15、爸爸发疯了,是不是?Make a wish, Harry. 许个愿吧,哈利Who s there?什么人?Sorry about that. 抱歉,不好意思I dema nd that you leave at on ce. 我要你立刻离开,先生You are break ing and en teri ng. 你这是非法侵入民宅Dry up, Dursley, you great pru ne. 少罗嗦,德思礼,你这大笨蛋I haven t seen you 上回我看到你的时候Si nee you was a baby, Harry. But 你还是个婴儿,哈利,可是You re a bit more along than I expected. 你块头比我想的大多了Particularly in the middle. 而且肚子还这么凸I m not Harry. 我又不是哈利I am.我才是Well, of cour

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