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Book VII Module3 Literature Reading Oliver Asks for More 说课稿Word下载.docx

1、能分析课文中的长难句、理解句子结构,并能运用所学词汇和句型概括课文内容。 情感目标:培养学生阅读英语文学作品的习惯通过分析使学生认识到主人公Oliver生活的是一个贫富悬殊,充满压迫的不公平的社会,教育学生应珍惜现在的生活,努力学习,奋发上进。III. Teaching important and difficult points (教学重点难点) 1、如何准确地概括课文内容。2、如何把所学的词汇,句型运用于实践中。比如说或写作 IV. Teaching methods(教学方法) 以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力培养为宗旨。用任务型教学法、情景教学法、问答法、小组合作法、自主探究法完成教学

2、任务。V. Preporation work (准备工作) 上课两周前布置两个任务:1、让学生上网或通过其它渠道搜索有关狄更斯及其作品的相关信息,上课前一天以组为单位上交,并评选出优秀小组。2、让学生阅读英汉对照的小说雾都孤儿,并以小组为单位表演故事中的一个片断,并让小组中组织能力强的同学在课下分配好角色准备好相关的道具进行排练。这个环节可以为教学过程中的学生表演奠定基础。VI. Teaching Procedures Step I Lead-in (导入),3m: 2 1、Watch part of a video of Oliver Twist , especially the part

3、Oliver Asks for more and ask the following questions. Q1. Just now we enjoyed part of a film, what is the film called?Q2. What is it called in chinese?Q3. This is a film adapted form the novel Oliver Twist .Then do you know who is the author?Q4.Can you name some other famoous novels by Charles Dicke

4、ns?通过这个环节可以激发学生的兴趣。与此同时同学们课下所搜索的信息得以展现充分调动了其积极性也极大地增强了同学们学英语的信心。2、Learn some new words such as warden,eager,appetite,nudge,desperate, workhouseby showing some relative pictures,paraphrasing or creating a situation.以“nudge”为例可借助从影片中截取的Oliver的伙伴用胳膊肘推他去“ask for more”的一张图片直观展示。再以appetite为例可以创设这样的情景“If y

5、ou didnt eat anything for only two days, you would be very hungry and would have an excellent appetite as if you could eat anything you could think of ”. Step II Fast reading (快速阅读),Skimming and scanning:(3m) Ask students to skim the whole text and choose the best summary of the passage on P30Activi

6、ty1 and divide the passage into three parts. Oliver Asks for More P1 The boys became quite wild with hunger P2-P3They chose Oliver to ask for more food and he did so. P4-P13The workhouse managers were angry and locked Oliver in a room. 这个活动旨在培养学生概括课文大意的能力有助于阅读理解能力的提高。StepIII Careful reading (仔细阅读),1

7、0m-15m1、Ask students to read again and get more details and answer the following questions in pairs. 1) What was the room like where the boys were fed?2) Why did the bowls never need washing?3) Why did the boys choose one boy to ask for more food?4) How did they choose the representative to ask for

8、more food?5) Why did they chooseOliver as the representative?6) What was the warden like? 3 7) When Oliver Twist went to ask for more food,what was the wardens reaction?8) What was Olivers final result for asking for more food? 对于这个练习,可以培养学生从文章中迅速获取细节信息的能力。教师只需处理学生出错较多的几个题目,可采取让学生小组讨论的方式解决问题,教师只需要点拨

9、即可。这个活动既培养了学生的合作精神,又体现了“先学后教”的教学理念,提高了课堂效率。2、Structure analysis (长难句分析) Show some difficult sentences and ask students to analyse or translate. 1)Oliver,who was desperate with hunger and misery,rose from the table and walked towards the master with his bowl and spoon in his hand. 2)No sooner had the

10、 boy spoken these words than the warden hit them on the head with the soup spoon. 3)It was Oliver Twist who was chosen 这几个句子既有定于从句,with的复合结构,又有部分倒装和强调句型。这个环节旨在帮助学生更好地理解文中长句难句,感受其语言的美妙,并通过适当的巩固练习使学生在实践中学以致用。与此同时,可激发学生更加热爱阅读英语优秀作品的热情。3、Vocabulary exercises(词汇练习) Ask students to do Activity 2 on P31 an

11、d Activity 3 on P32 so as to grasp the new words. StepIV Summary(摘要),5mStudents are given several minutes to retell the whole text according to the key words. Wild with hungerask for more foodOliver was chosenin complete astonishmentlock in a roomhang. 在这个环节中,旨在培养学生组织语言的能力。这个环节是教学中的一个难点,可以通过教师的启发或简单

12、示范及同学们的相互帮助完成。StepV Act out part of the story in front of the class in groups and choose the best one and give a prize.(表演) 按照两周前布置的任务,让同学们上台表演。教师可以给出这样的提示:以文中“Oliver asks for more 为例”小组成员中可以选用表演能力较好的同 4 学演warden和Oliver,选用一个口语较好的同学做解说员,另外可以根据同学们的个人特点充当两个“helpers”和几个Oliver的companions. 这个环节的设置既体现了小组合作

13、的精神,又充分尊重了学生间的个体差异,使小组中的每一个成员都能积极参与,充分调动了全班学生的积极性。与此同时,也培养了学生的表演能力和表达能力。奖品是狄更斯的远大前程双城记及大卫.科波菲尔的英汉对照读物。奖品的设置既是对同学们杰出表现的充分肯定,又激发了同学们今后参与类似活动的热情,并为培养学生课下阅读英语文学的习惯提供了条件。StepVI Discussion in groups (讨论),6 m1、What kind of society did Oliver live in ?2、If you were Oliver ,what would you do?3、What can we le

14、arn from the story?通过这个活动,教师可对学生以正确的导向:主人公Oliver生活的社会是充满压迫的社会,我们应珍惜现在的幸福生活,努力学习奋发图强。Step VII Homework (作业),1m-2m1、Continue the story with your own words, using as many new words,phrases and important sentence patterns we have just learnt as possible and check it next class and choose the best ones . 2、Rewrite the story with your own words. 能力稍强者可选一,挑战自己能力稍

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