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1、每一章另起一页,各小节之间空1行,无需分页。内容及顺序:1 Title page (论文首页,具体要求见所附样稿,后同。)2 诚信申明3 Contents (目录)4 Acknowledgements(鸣谢)5 内容提要(中文摘要)6 Abstract(英文摘要)7 (正文包括以下内容)- Introduction(简介:长度不超过2页)- Chapter One(论文不少于3章,各章须分小节,多极标题格式见目录页;每章不少于3页) - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Conclusion(结论:长度为1 2页)8. Bibliography(参考书目,至少5本,不

2、包括网址。参考书可均为英文书,也可中英文均有,但不可均为中文书)样稿(论文首页)Dream Shattered- A Tentative Analysis of Martin Eden (论文题目,加粗,居中,实词首字母大写,小二号字,该页其余部分四号字。A Paper Presented toCollege of Continuing Education Shanghai International Studies UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy

3、WANG Meiyuan (自己姓名,姓大写,名首字母大写)Under the Supervision ofMr.(或)Ms. Xxx (导师姓名,姓大写,名首字母大写)(空1行)December, 2011 (论文定稿完成年月)Contents (所有一级标题居中, 加粗, 小三号字,与下文之间空1行 )(论文各标题以名词或分词短语构成,须提纲挈领。目录中标题及页码须与正文完全一致。本页长度1页,字体小四,章节符号及页码标识格式如下:Acknowledgements i内容提要 iiAbstract iiiIntroduction 1Chapter One Pursuit of Americ

4、an Ideals 21.1 Long Struggle for Success 21.2 Changing for Love 5Chapter Two The Inevitability of the Death of Martin Eden 82.1 The Bewilderment of Love 82.2 The Bewilderment of Writing 102.3 The Bewilderment of Secular People 122.4 The Failure of Going Back to Working Class 15Chapter Three Disillus

5、ionment of American Dream 173.1 The Conflict between Idealism and Realism 173.2 The Determining Factor of the Social Environment 20Conclusion 23Bibliography 25Acknowledgements (本页为标准页,除导师姓名外,其余部分请勿随意修改、添加)I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. / Ms. Xxx, my supervisor, without whose h

6、elp and guidance the completion of this present thesis would have been impossible.内容提要 (详细说明论文的主题思想、各章节结构、内容和结论,字数大于300字;英文与之相应,至少达到90%一致;长度为1页)(中文每段首行空2个中文字符)马丁伊登是杰克伦敦最有影响的作品,一则因为它具有明显的自传色彩,为我们认识、研究伦敦提供了宝贵材料,二则由于它具有很高的思想和艺术价值,标志着美国现实主义文学在本世纪初的重要发展。本文着重分析主人公马丁伊登死亡的原因,说明社会因素在其中所起的重要作用。第一章讲述马丁如何通过长期努力


8、然性,美国梦,梦想破灭Abstract(英文每段首行空4格英文字符)Martin Eden is Jack Londons semi-autobiographical novel, which gives a very vivid and detailed portrait of the hero, from an impoverished and uneducated sailor to a successful writer, who was inspired by the elegance and knowledge of the upper class girl Ruth and th

9、ereafter kept toiling himself in learning and writing and eventually got acclamation but meanwhile lost his hope in life and drowned himself in the sea.Martin Eden is considered to be the most remarkable work of Jack Londons representative works for two things. One is its autographic style that offe

10、rs precious materials to study London of that time,the other is its great value in both mental and artistic fields. By analyzing the characters and the theme, the paper mainly discusses the reasons for Martin Edens death, highlighting the role the social factors have playedChapter One explains Marti

11、ns long struggle for success. Chapter Two illustrates that Martin Edens death is inevitable. Because of his bewilderment in love and writing, the change in the attitudes of people around him and the failure of going back to the working class to which he belongs, he chooses to die. It is his only sol

12、ution to the conflicts. Chapter Three focuses on Martins disillusionment due to the huge gap between idealism and reality. The so-called American dreams are not based on reality, but on beliefs; not on reason, but on ideals. The idea that individuals can change the society is deceptive, which will m

13、ake people go astray and lead to ultimate destruction.The present paper concerns itself with a detailed study of Martin Edens inevitable death from a relatively new perspective. Quite different from previous researches, this paper aims to emphasize the importance of two main conflicts, highlighting

14、the gaps between individuals and the society, between idealism and reality.IntroductionMartin Eden was published in 1909, the first half of the novel with autobiography properties, on the authors early life experiences and later fame. Jack London pioneered in literature of social protest and the pattern of his life was reflected in many of his novels, especially in Martin E

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