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1、其他类型的文稿,可按其体裁和内容撰写结论(或小结)。1-2是最终的总体的概括,也可写建议、对策、设想,或提出研究中发现的尚待解决的问题1-3内容:本文主要内容的简括说明,重点显示创新成果及其理论意义与实用价值(小结)。或:扼要点明本研究工作与其他文献报道的异同之处,突出本研究的领先性。又或:就讨论的结论,提出解决问题的办法或建议。简述本研究存在的缺欠,需进一步研究的问题,下一步打算。1-4根据研究结果和讨论所作出的论断 主要指出:解决了什么问题,总结发现的规律,对前人的研究或见解作了那些修证、补充、发展、证实或否定 1-5论文的结论部分,应反映论文中通过实验、观察研究并经过理论分析后得到的学术


3、而结论必须与材料、结果、讨论相呼应,后者是前者的支持和保证,凡结果中没有的内容及讨论中未提及的问题或论据不足之点,都不得在结论中出现。结论是在理性认识的基础上,经过科学的抽象与概括,对事物本质及其规律的一种揭示,也是对论文全部内容的最后论断。结论必须对当初提出的假说做出回答,包括肯定的和否定的。结论的提出与形成必须十分审慎,切忌轻率。结论有如法律条文,表述的形式和使用的字眼必须明确、精炼、完整、准确,不得含糊其词或模棱两可。结论中可以包括必要的数据,但不宜过多;应该明确自己的见解和观点,不宜引证他人的理论或尚未明确的问题,也不必要叙述有关观点争论的细节。 2.要点2-1内容精炼,观点严谨(既不

4、模棱两可,又不说过头话);正面阐述观点,说明与他人不同之处,不反驳、不指责(指正)、更不攻击。2-2总结论文中的结论应是由一些简短的短语和句子组成。除非是为了特殊的强调,一般不要重复在结果部分已经有的结论。结论部分应该是像上面说的那样,而不仅仅只是一个总结。它应该增加新的,更高层次的分析,并且应该明确的指出这项工作的意义。3.写法3-1时态根据具体内容而定论述所做的研究工作通常用一般过去时论述普遍现象通常用一般现在时有时也用一般过去时Conclusions 简述研究内容强调实验结果以叙事为主的风格Through in situ observation during the polymeriza

5、tion reaction of a thermotropic main-chain LCPunder ac electric fields using a polarizing microscope, we studied the effects of external fields on thedynamic response of LC phases in detail. After the appearance of the LC phase, electric fields withdifferent voltages and different frequencies were a

6、pplied to the polymerization system. The frequencyand the strength of an external field determine the dynamic response and LC morphology. In thelow-frequency region, a low voltage tends to induce molecular orientation, while a high voltageresults in dynamic scattering. In the medium-frequency region

7、, electrohydrodynamic flow can beclearly observed. With further increasing frequency, no visible change is found in a relatively largevoltage range because the molecular director in LCP phase cannot response so fast. Because of thecontinuous changes in viscosity, elastic constants and conductivity d

8、uring the polycondensationreaction, the electric response of the LC phase changes with the reaction time accordingly. Under acertain voltage, the low and high bounds of electrohydrodynamic flow regime decrease withincreasing reaction time.强调自我的风格In this study, we designed small increments in the PEG

9、 concentration of copolymers to explorethe effect of PEG on the biological responsiveness of biomaterials. In a narrow PEG concentrationrange, we report that the PEG concentration had a strongly regulatory effect on key cellularresponses. We report that the specific bioactivity of adsorbed protein h

10、ad a biphasic dependenceon PEG concentration. Additionally, our studies highline the role of protein-PEG interfaceswith graded adhesion strength in controlling the rate of cell migration. Overall, our work offers anew paradigm whereby, the presence of low surface concentration of PEG on biomaterials

11、urfaces may regulate the onset and dynamics of cell adhesion phenomena. These observationscould have important implications in tissue engineering, particularly for design of substratesthat elicit a high degree of cell attachment while optimizing the rate of cell migration.Furthermore, since the conf

12、ormation of adsorbed cell adhesion protein can play a crucial role indetermining whether cells proliferate or differentiate 46, the presence of small amounts of PEGon biomaterial surfaces may also prove useful to switch the balance between cell growth anddifferentiation.以下句式经常可在此部分见到The results obta

13、ined in this work allow the conclusion thatIn conclusion ,In summary, from the results obtained up till now, the following can be stated:3-2Writing the Conclusion Warm-upThink about the following questions:Are there some rules of thumb that I should keep in mind when I write a conclusion?What are th

14、e common problems in the conclusion paragraphs?Why we need a conclusion?ElaborationA concluding paragraph serves as a summary of the writing preceding it (what was learned). In most cases, however, you will want to move beyond summation; you will want to expand on your thesis by including directions for future research (what remains to be learned), evaluation of the research (the benefits, advantages, applications, shortcomings, etc of what was done), and recommendations. Besides,

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